Yeah I like things to rhyme, it's more of a challenge. I guess I'm a frustrated lyricyst at heart
The virtual love one *should have been.....
Just words on the screen, the owner unseen, do they they really portray the whole feeling?
OK, one more sad one, then something a bit more cheerful
Summer of discontent
The sun is bright, but it's dark in my heart
Each lonely night, seems to tear me apart
Another day without you, another day like the last
A love once so true, just a feeling that passed ?
The sky, perfect blue, but I only see rain
The plants, green and new, as for me? not again!
The summer will end, the pain will live on
No need to pretend, admit that she's gone
The winter is nigh, and alone in my bed
The years will pass by, but the summer I'll dread
© MJH 2001
Here's a little seasonal one I wrote for my daughters xmas card last year
When Santa got stuck up the chimney, he didn't know what to do
He huffed and puffed and swore a bit, his language got quite blue
I'd never have thought such naughty words could come from Mr Claus
Why doesn't he do what others do, and learn to use the doors
And a reworking of 'my favourite things' from the sound of music...... altogether now
Iced buns and doughnuts and slabs of fresh cheesecake
Strawberry trifle and ice cream with one flake
Stewed apple pudding just dripping with cream
Trips to the dentist are only a dream
Small garlic mushrooms and big chunks of rump steak
Sweet new potatoes and carrots for her sake
Green beans that glisten with butter I need
Bread must be crusty, on that we're agreed
When the eggs spits, when the milks off, when the toast burns black
I take off my apron and stamp both my feet, but my hunger will still come baaaaaaaaaaaaack
Sick of the lies, tired of the scheming
My fault I know, again I was dreaming
I gave all my trust, too stupid I guess
My hopes dashed again, my life in a mess
When will I learn, is it really worth trying?
Why should I care, got used to the crying
A stab in the back, a knife through my heart
A vicious attack, I really must start
To stand back and see, and not jump right in
But maybe that's me, and one day, I'll win !
© MJH 2002
What to do
What to do, now love has gone
Forget it all, and carry on?
Sit and mope, regret the past?
Wonder why it didn't last?
Drink to excess to forget the pain?
Blame myself, till I go insane?
Curse my luck, cry my eyes red?
Stop those thoughts inside my head!
Was it my fault, did we have to part?
What is the cure for a broken heart?
Why do I feel so bad inside?
It can't be just my injured pride
Shall I throw her letters away, like litter?
Will I read and re-read until I get bitter?
Do I forget the good times and remember the bad?
Or dream of the happiness, we so nearly had?
What to do, now love has gone?
No longer two, just a lonely one.
© MJH 1990 (something)
And a happier one
Must be love
I'm happy but cry, feel like I will die
and all in the name of love
I want you so much, adore your soft touch
It's all in the game of love
I think of your face, and need your embrace
It must be this thing called love
Your warm soft kiss, is something I miss
I trust you will bring me your love
Without you I'm lost, so whatever the cost
I'll do it, to earn your love
You must realise, and see in my eyes
That for you, they burn with love
© MJH 2003
A blind date
She wanted friendship, and he knew the score
But once he had met her, he wanted much more
He looked in her eyes for some kind of sign
And knew that his thoughts were way out of line
They chatted, she smiles, the love bug had bitten
In three short hours, he was totally smitten
He dreamed of pleasing her, of doing every bidding
Then cursed himself, what a fool - who you kidding
The time came to part and he knew he would miss her
He wanted so much to hold her and kiss her
But they met as friends and left the same
And her leaving had doused his emotional flame
He walked slowy home, all thoughts now on slumber
Then a spark of hope, she did leave her number...
© MJH May 1994
Virtual Love
In a virtual world, it might seem absurd
To fall in love with the written world
You can share a joke, but never a kiss
You can be a bloke or even a Miss
You can shout and yell, with making a sound
You can play merry hell, with the friend you have found
You can be crude or coy, be anyone you want
You can display a mood with a subtle change of font
You can flirt or tease and really go to town
You can irk or pleas, depending on the noun
But when your virtual friendship turns to virtual love
It's time to give the off button a bloody good shove!
© MJH July 1998
Most of my real early stuff was little amusing ditties I used to put in birthday cards etc for my friends/family
This is my first attempt at a 'serious' poem
They're starving down in Africa, and other places too
While the rich are getting richer - so tell us something new
They're fighting for religion, and innocent blood is spilling
What the hell is going on, do they enjoy the killing?
The IRA, The PLO, initials of the butchers
Not caring if they maim or kill, or who their madness touches
They're fighting for a cause (they say) and carry on the slaughter
The 'enemy' are slain by thugs, be they mother son or daughter
When will it all finish, will it ever end in peace?
If I were god, I'd say that's enough and terminate the lease !
© MJH 1989 ?