The fire in His eyes came forth, I heard His command, step forth My child come through to My promised land. The thunderous trumpet He draws to His sovereign lips, and love begins to swell in my heart, towards Him it flips. Let My merciful rain fall upon you,caressing you like a lovers hand, for I've so longed to comfort you right where you stand.
Let the pains of yesterday lay dead and buried within your heart, come meet Me in Zion, for that's where My healing will start. I've said, forever I have loved you, but some have made you doubt, they've always walked around you teasing and forever in glout.
They've called you a liar and oppressed what you have done in My name, for My child, you've tried only tried to help those who are in need, but forever recieved the blame. Of trying your best just to love them like you know I would do, when I come again to walk beside you in a world so full and new.
Child trust in your feelings, for I'm living within your heart, and do not fear for as One we'll defeat the enemies evil darts. So come recieve the blessing in My name, I will give, to all who fear My awesome power, for in Me they will live. So come forth My child, I'll forever give you My strength, to stand against lies that are told and proclaim My loving grace to such a great length.