Any month is the cruelest month
if alchemist combines
proper measure of memory and desire.
The mind becomes barren
future obscura with brown fog
Unreal City
waiting at the bar for the final call.
Final call.
Platitudes puddle on the bar�?BR>drip down the frosted glass
He takes a towel
begins to wipe them up
He waits�?BR> at least the puddle is something.
Is it right to envy
a cigarette?
Unapologetically she touches your lips
Publicly seduces you
Taken in�?BR> You crave
…just one more�?/FONT>
The cigarette sees me
Reading my mind,
She smiles�?BR> For she’s cradled in your fingertips
Encircled in your mouth
While I sit alone�?BR> …untouched�?/FONT>