The deep, dark place
Within my soul--
My heart is black.
No window to see
In or out.
There have been tunnels
So dark, so bare--
So full of despair.
Expecting light,
but seeing none.
I gather my wrap
Around me tight...
and breathe---
And the ledge, the shelf
That gives me safety
Is far above, out of reach
of my outstretched hand.
I feel myself slipping, falling,
Tumbling down,thrown
hither and yon.
This by far
is the deepest
I have gone.
At other levels
I have reached out
And found the
Temporary Solution--
The Drink-that lifted me up,
Then dropped me further down.
the drug--that made me
Not feel at all.
Which is the better-
To feel the heavy blackness,
Or not feel at all
And pretend it's not there
When really, it's still like a brick
In my chest, a disconnected
Wire in my brain
That cuts off from my eyes,
Anthing of good report.
To be fake is not to heal.
To heal is to climb back up
to the shelf, and hope a rope
is there to help lift me up.
If I can make it to my shelf,
I will be safe....the first part
Of the journey I must make alone.
Only on my shelf can others
Find me, and help me on my way.
Now, do I trust them enough
To make that much of the journey
Fairy dust Flung far and wide Take my dreams Up to the sky... The stars, they smile As they capture Each stray Speck of glitter. Fairy dust Flung far and wide Now take me up To the sky... To be among The stars that shine That all Eternity Will be mine. ©2006SueFeltus |