Why do I feel like something is missing? I mean, it's just an MSN group right? It's not like it's real life is it?
Wrong. I feel I have made some friends at WSAM, knowing I will never actually meet you.
Still, it's a place to go to escape from reality for a while. A place to have a little fun, flirt with each other, make each other laugh, make each other think. That may be what is most important. That even when some of us are down, there is still somebody who can make us laugh. That when somebody gets on their high horse, there is always somebody there to bring them back to earth.
We can carry on here, or even in Facebook, but it's not the same. It feels like we have to start over. Does anybody know if the buttheads at MSN have ever reinstated a group that has been "Disabled for administrative purposes"? Another group I was a member of has the same message, but it doesn't feel the same. I didn't have any "friends" there. It was just another place to go. I can actually feel a loss for WSAM. I really hope it gets brought back.
Oh well, 'nuff maudlin wordiness. Time to take a shower and get me beauty sleep. Hey Jen, ya wanna wash me back?