About Lilly I reside in the Pacific NW of the US, and was born in 1951 and married in '72. (now I don't have to update this page every year!) I was a legal secretary for years till I "retired" to be a stay-at-home mother of four. I was actively psychic by the age of 14, although I noticed things of the psychic nature earlier, and later when I was in my 30's, I started giving readings in my home for people outside my family for years, working with the Lord and His Angels. Then in April, 1999, I was told by the Lord Jesus to begin His work on the Internet. At that time we didn't even own a computer, let alone have the Internet, so you can sense this was new territory for me, as well as a leap of faith. Being a novice with all of the Internet, I first started giving readings daily in a few psychic Chat Rooms on mIRC., then it evolved into having my own HopeFromBeyond Chat Room giving readings, and teaching about psychic abilities every day. People kept asking me if I had a Web Site, and had any articles written, so I realized that this was my next step. Many of my topics of my articles were directly from those questions I got asked frequently about. Along with writing articles and learning how to create a web site, I also gave private e-mail readings, plus for a while gave weekly readings on PalTalk where I had a second HopeFromBeyond Chat Room. After 3 and 1/2 years it got so busy and took so much of my evenings away from my family that I needed to "practice what I preached" and balance it all with my overall life. It worked better for me long term to have a Forum Board instead where I could work on Forum readings and answering questions during the day when the kids were at school, along with giving private e-mail readings if the situation warrants privacy. We still have two of our four children living at home, one in Jr. High and the other in college, so access to the Internet is sometimes restricted for me with their homework taking precedence after school. (No DSL in our area). So in September, 2003, I moved the HopeFromBeyond Chat Room to the MSN "HopeFromBeyond Forum Group". It was a great move, too, as we can have so many options here within the MSN Community posting our messages, photos, documents and articles, making viewing of Spirit photos much easier. It was the Lord's idea to have me develop what He called "an Internet Enrichment Center", where it would be totally free for anyone who already has the Internet, offering aid and information about all things of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. He said the phrase to me from the movie "Field of Dreams", "if you build it, we will come." He has done what He said He would with involving His Angels and Ascended Masters, and Guides to help with the challenge of providing information and support here at HopeFromBeyond, so this group truly is the Lord's Group for information on Gifts of the Holy Spirit. He is directly involved with this "Enrichment Center", HopeFromBeyond. I am not a commercial psychic nor have I ever charged or received remuneration for my psychic services. Blessings to you, Lilly |