The Facts About The Ouija Board  BY LILLY The Ouija Board has been manufactured now for over 100 years, billed as "the Wonderful Talking Board" in 1901 when a businessman named William Fuld stole the idea from his boss Charles Kennard, and an associate named Elijah Bond who’d created something similar in 1890. The name "Ouija" simply was a blend of the two words "Yes" in French, "Oui", and in German, "Ja". Sold in toy sections of stores it sends a mistaken message that it is a benign whimsical board game. It truly isn't. It contains no electronically moving parts, no battery-operated gizmos, yet it is has a pointer to move around the board and a letter/number board with "yes" and "no" listed. What moves the pointer? You obviously notice that the pointer is moving without your own hands pushing it around. You know this for a fact, as you can "feel something else there---someone else doing it". What you are doing is linking to the Spirit Realm. But who in the Spirit Realm? There is no guarantee that you are going to contact the one person that you wish to, even though you asked. It is not like dialing up a friend knowing their telephone number,--it is more like dialing up a huge house with many people accessing the single telephone, and chances are that the one person whom you wish to speak to isn't there. But others will gladly talk to just anyone who is able to ring up that phone. Plus the people there might not be anyone whom you would even consider speaking to if you knew their personalities. It can obviously be an open invitation to spirit or demonic possession. The movie "The Exorcist" was based on a reportedly real demonic possession occurring in 1949 which arose out of the use of a "talking board".
All in the Spirit World is governed by the Lord, and if there is someone playing with the Ouija board, thinking that it is a "game" and is fascinated with a subject that might also provide some entertainment, even some kind of excitement or element of danger, then it is an open invitation to the dark elements, and the Lord will not block it. Why? Because the Lord is also our Father and as a parent he will allow us to learn a huge lesson. Many times people learn the "hard way" and if that is the way that we ourselves have chosen by our own will, then trouble will not be blocked. Therefore, I strongly suggest that there should not be the usage of the Ouija Board.
With the Ouija Board it will contact the lower realm energy spirits who also are a part of this huge universe. There are those beings who will come and become involved directly with your Auric Field and that is the trouble. You see, with the contact they also establish a direct touch with your energy and use your energy to establish a link so that they can tap your energy, so the contact usually is not worthwhile at all.
The Ouija board needs at least two people to touch the pointer. With two or more people touching the Ouija pointer, you are all giving your attention to it, plus you are opening up your Auric Field to contact. That is a very strong energy with two or more people touching it giving over their energy for the contact. In this way it allows lower energy and much darker Spirits to be able to come through, as they wouldn't have that strength of energy to do such a thing otherwise. Their energy is such that it will not transfer through unless more than one person is sharing their Auric Field Energy with them. That's why the pointer needs more than just one person before it will be moved by a Spirit. It is the Spirit's hand that is moving the pointer around the board, not some kind of vague cosmic energy, but a real Spirit's hand pushing the pointer, in addition to also attaching to the two or more people's Auric Field while they are moving the pointer and waiting for those people present to ask their questions. They are usually not just standing there politely waiting while you ask your questions and chat with each other. They are also trying to force their energy into your back Chakras which are the Will Centers. They can and frequently reach inside your bodies and force their minds to link with yours while the contact is established. So it is not a good thing to be doing the Ouija Board, especially if there was no prayers, no idea of bringing Christ into the situation,--doing it solely for an evening's entertainment. Even if you pray, if you are doing it out of idle curiosity and here is the issue,--it is intent that is the important factor. All is viewed in Spirit with the issue of what the persons' intentions are when they contact Spirits with an Ouija Board. So you can see that there could be the opening of a door that would invite in negativity. Once they have established a link, it often isn't able to break or separate the link all that easily. Why would a Spirit do this? If it isn't someone you know and you can also feel/sense a feeling of negativity there, then you have reached a darker-energy Spirit who has time on his or her hands and feels that you deserve a kind of trick played on you for accessing something that you know little about. Spirits who have earned a degree of benefits (accolades) and receive permission to travel can and do that willingly, even though those Spirit people are not very good characters. So it is highly important to have high intentions and the highest energy level you contact when you are doing anything with the Spirit Realm. With the Ouija Board sold at toy stores like it is just another board game, then the youth are easily swayed into thinking that this, too, is just another "game", linking the Spirit contact effort to a form of entertainment which is foolish.
Often when several people get involved with using the Ouija Board, they don't just "play" with it once. They have the board at their home and then they are fascinated by using it that first time, and start to plan to have more "visits" with the Ouija Board. They find themselves trying it out over and over, and often the times of the visits are "different feeling" with the strange and odd energies and feelings also coming through them or at them. They sense the trouble starting with the Ouija Board's comments becoming more and more negative or beguiling, so they then put a halt to the contact by getting scared or angry, but that feeling of negativity lingers, and that's why sometimes there has been the negative Spirit following around those persons later on, days, weeks, and even months. God will allow this to happen often to just teach those people a lesson in treating with respect the contacting of the Spirit Realm.