Guidelines for Analyzing Predictions Part II By Lilly
Speaking from a standpoint here of over 30 years of reading about predictions, watching television documentaries about predictions and such, I can truthfully say that the flurry of dire predictions just didn't happen that were foretold. I went out back in the 70's and bought the books that were starting to come out, believe me, and read with great interest books like "The Late Great Planet Earth, " by Hal Lindsay, copyright 1970, and his second book called "There's a New World Coming, a Prophetic Odyssey", copyright 1973. I got all worried for a while there, thinking that my young children weren't going to have any future and that time was running out. Notice that I am going to put out here the copyright dates just so that you will know when the book first came out. There were others writing books, too, and along came even Rev. Billy Graham with his book "Storm Warning", pub. 1992. It's tone was a little different, but still of the same theme, although this book did have merit with the message overall. Along that same time frame came Kryon with his Earth changes predictions, and others. Books like "Mary's Message To the World" by Annie Kirkwood, copyright 1991 went a step further with giving dates, and that is where many of the predictions falter. With the passage of time, a prophecy is either proved correct or not. In it she says and I quote from page 13: "in 1994, the state and city of New York will begin to be flooded with swollen seashores. The waters along this coast will rise and much of New York City will have to be evacuated. The evacuation will be permanent, but at the beginning may will think it is temporary." Of course that never happened, but it did sell books for a while. All of them were doing what they felt was right at the time, with the theme being that if we don't change, there was going to be dire consequences. All those "Left Behind" books, (can you believe it, there are actually nine of them now in the series) have indeed made the two authors rich, but is it truly God's will they are describing or rather the authors feeding on the fear of others to make a profit? Others seeing the profit in this whole idea have in the same vein tried to also commercially benefit from it by writing and selling doomsday type newsletters, books, etc. to cash in on it as well. Popular well-known psychics are jumping on the bandwagon and also selling their predictions, so overall, try to sense the motive here with why the authors have written their prophetic books. Is it their first book, or second? Or even maybe their 9th, etc.? Sometimes with ideas going through their heads trying to find a new subject to write about, they use subjects that perhaps would be more sensational and would draw fascination and that might be the motive?
It was good to keep in mind that we needed to change, do more for the planet, more for our neighbors, to make things better and many indeed have. That and the fact that there has been Angelic support here for us, too, has contributed to improvement of the planet's stability. God will not allow His beloved planet Earth to be harmed to the point of it not continuing in a normal, natural way.
"Fear of the unknown" has always been and probably always will be the greatest of all fears. That is why people have many times caved in to this particular type of fear and it shouldn't happen. God doesn't want us to be fearful, but to trust in Him for all things.
God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7 NKJV
So to sum up here:
1. When you read a prediction or prophesy either from someone you know, some book you read by either an author who has numerous books out there or just their first book, or even what you receive yourself in an automatic writing experience, try to use your own discernment and utilize what God has given you which is to be open-minded but skeptical. This is especially true when you sense something amiss with your own heart chakra. Activate that first, your own psychic abilities and link to your heart chakra and you will find more information coming into your own thoughts about it all.
2. It doesn't pay to get riled up, upset, or worried about any psychic author's prediction, as you just can sense much better with your own heart how it is going.
3. If you yourself receive something of importance, as in a major catastrophe, or something of that magnitude with a type of prophesy, then write it down and just wait and see. If there are indications of something happening, you will know. It will happen if it is supposed to happen, nonetheless if you realize that you don't know anyone else who could read what you have received, and thus wonder what to do with it, then just let it go.
4. Often when you are working with Guides, they do test you in terms of gullibility, to see if you blatantly ignore your own intuition and rely totally on whatever they say. They then will notice how you react when you are told something like a major prediction, and if you are wise about it. That will thwart your growth with their involvement aiding you if you are acting that gullible. So remember to choose wisely whatever avenue of reaction you take with any type of prophecies. Nowadays they don't execute folks giving a false prediction like they did in Biblical times fortunately, but it could cause you strife in your personal life if you are unwise.<o:p></o:p> If you have questions or comments about anything given here, please write me at [email protected] © Copyright 2004, 2005 - All Rights Reserved  BACK     |