Commonly Asked Questions and Answers Page 6  Q: How are psychics able to tap into another dimension of consciousness wherein time does not exist and they are able to predict the future and remember the distant past? A: Time does exist in the Spirit Realm, yet the fact that time does not influence a person's Eternal Thought Form Body, (they don't age unless they themselves wish to present themselves as older). They feel the days pass one by one in the Spirit Realm. They have daylight and they can have night time also, depending upon the level they are at. There are some levels in the much higher dimensions that actually do not have nighttime. They do go to a lower dimension in their upper region just to have the nighttime sensed and seen. As far as accessing information about the future or the past, a psychic can only access that which is granted them via the Lord and His Angels, so if the psychic is doing some kind of reading for someone else and this subject is mentioned about the Readee's future or past, then it is only stated for the Readee's highest and best good. Nothing is granted a psychic out of just blue sky, you see. They must have a valid reason for accessing this, otherwise hog-wash is going to be told them. Why is that? Because the Lord doesn't want psychics having any type of forehand accurate knowledge based upon the Ego Wavelength of the psychic influencing either himself/herself or others whom the psychic shares this with. That is why false information is given to the psychic. Therefore, self-assessment of the psychic is important so as to not have their Ego/Id being the reason for doing anything in the Spirit Realm. Q: I have heard and read a little bit about astral projection. How exactly does one's soul leave their body to travel on another plane? How is this most often used to help others and why does it seem so hard to achieve? A: There is no quick answer for that one, but in a nutshell, it is something that is allowed for us to do via our Spirit Guides who accompany us. We ourselves are not just able to project ourselves fully outside our own bodies and then travel about the universe. You might be able to send forth a feeling that you are drifting outwards, yet if you are not allowed, then it will become like a sheet of blank whiteness, and then you're right back inside your body. First, I would recommend reading/studying this separately. There is an article on the side-bar column going into detail about this subject called "Astral Projection". Next, I would recommend reading the book "Out Of Body Travel" by Robert Monroe. (He founded the Monroe Institute. http://www.monroeinstitute.com/ focused on astral projection and remote viewing. It is hard to achieve, as there MUST be a good solid core reason for one accessing the Spirit Realm via out-of-body travel or astral projection. Intention is the key ingredient. A psychic must have a good intention, otherwise they will be blocked or otherwise tested with an evaluation effort so as to thwart their progress if they are intending to do self-motivating purposes (again that Ego glitch). Q: How is this most often used to help others and why does it seem so hard to achieve? A: It is only used to help others in such a way as to aid them with finding out either information that would gain either a country, (in the line of service), to sense where there is trouble or problems inside another human being's physical anatomy in an assessment effort, and to aid someone who is needing to send Reiki Energy, as in Bi-location Reiki work for the physical aid of another. Q: What is the difference from seeing a spirit out of the corner of your eye, seeing them head on, and seeing them as a flashing mental picture? A: The Veil is right in front of those would-be psychics making sure that they are not allowed to fully see those of the Spirit Realm, yet this Veil does not cover the entire viewing area of the would-be psychic. This Veil is in place solely to keep those people who do not wish to become further widened with their Third Eye. Once that piece of veiling is removed or a few of the layers of the Veil is thinned, as in removing a few of the fabric sheetings, then the psychic will be able to frontally view Spirits. Q: Are there different strengths of manifestation by the spirits themselves? A: Different strengths? As in wavelengths? Depending upon how strong the Spirit is, there could be various strengths of the wavelengths, yet if the Spirit is of the dark and is willing to use whatever means they have to harm someone in the physical Earth Plane, then they could try or attempt to do harm, but instantly it sends forth a wavelength of information that is shown to the Arch Angels that trouble is happening, and the Arch Angels can instantly travel to find out what is transpiring, thus doing their job to protect those who are wanting and needing protection. If the Spirit is trying to manifest an object for example to show an Earth person, then the object will be visible in the Spirit realm for about 7-10 seconds, and then it will gradually fade away. Same goes with themselves if they are trying to make themselves appear as solid as they can in front of a psychic. They will be showing themselves as a more solid person, but it will tire them quickly to do that, and then they, too, will fade and float away back to their own vibratory level. It tires them to do that. Q: How is it possible to not be a little scared about what you might see, hear or feel around you. Is the best thing I can do to call upon God and his loving presence?
Using caution is always wise, and to access the Spirit Realm solely for the aid and benefit of another, or to gain knowledge to be used for the eventual aid and benefit of others (as in training), YET expect in this latter case to be experiencing lessons and testing as would any student on the Earth in any type of classroom atmosphere. If you are accessing in a training effort, then that clearly states to the Spirit Guides that you are wanting to learn, thus they become your teachers and they do much in the way of testing and evaluating. If you pass their tests, then you will be having more abilities granted you eventually. A: Calling upon God is always a great idea. Placing God FIRST in all matters of delving into the Spirit Dimension is the wisest way. Its your insurance against having any type of permanent harm done you. Fear is in itself the greatest harm though to anyone. "There is nothing to fear, except fear itself". Also to remember is that our Spirits are Eternal Thought Form Bodies, and cannot be destroyed. Knowing and understanding that fully will make you reflect this understanding in your Auric Field, and it will soften anyone's attempt to do any type of negative harm to you also. Once you master the first level which is indeed the Fear Level, then you can transcend into the upper levels much more easily. Fear of the unknown is one of the more difficult fears to master, yet it can and must be done in order to progress. Beware of anything to do with the Ego and watch out for that. Otherwise, there isn't any kind of permanent harm to be done you if you are involved in the Spirit Realm. |