Psychic Attack - Psychic Draining Part IV By Lilly  Whenever there is the visitation of unknown Spirits, those whom you do not recognize from your current lifetime and are not friends or family to you, then there is always an underlying reason(s) why they present themselves. When these Spirits came to you after you have been living in your home for a time without any Spirit activity prior, then you need to assess why. Honing in here on this issue there is: 1. The fact that you are residing in a home that you are now seeming to share with Spirits that were not included in the house. 2. They are allowed to stay there as there is no removal of them directly by the Holy Father, through the benefit of His Holy Angelic Beings. 3. The Spirits themselves are taking their own issues to heart and have them in top priority which is to say that they are doing what they want, and not what is entirely to the Lord's Will here. God wants each and every Soul to keep progressing, so by coming as Travelers to people's homes and involving them in Earth people's lives is obviously not the Will of God. 4. If they are bothering you and others in your home, and you have prayed about their interference to God then these Spirits are knowing now that the Lord's Eye is upon their whereabout. If they are doing this overtly to say they are assisting you, and yet covertly wanting more Force Energy to drain from you directly through draining of your Auric Energy, then it will cause them to be dealt with through the Holy Spirit. Eventually it gets noticed if someone in the Spirit Realm is doing something to control someone on the Earth Plane, but sometimes it takes also the effort of the Earth Person to wish this to stop, too, and mean it. If the Earth person is willing to have this occur, and through either their own ignorance or otherwise haphazard way of getting involved with lower methods of Spirit contact, then there again it may continue on, even though it is known about by the Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit. Why? All life here is meant to be improved upon for Spiritual growth through life lessons, and if there is the easy way not taken and the hard way chosen through someone's leaving themselves vulnerable or otherwise carelessness involvement in the Spirit Realm without the higher understanding about the rules and regulations, then those of the Brotherhood of the Holy Spirit chose to watch and allow, so that the lesson is learned. They are very strict about how they regulate the Spirit Realm, with regards to psychics making contact. This is why Intention is closely monitored for each and every type of contact with the psychic linkage. Visitations of Spirits in the form of "children": Spirits in the Spirit Realm all are of the appearance of about 33 years old to honor the Lord Jesus number of years He was on the Earth. You see, all those in the Spirit Realm truly are about the maturity of someone around 30. When a Spirit wishes to remain in a child's body even though they truly are of the maturity of an adult, it causes their mind to feel less than what it should be, hence the issue of maturity problems, emotional levels and basic intelligence problems. So when you see a young child in Spirit, know that in essence there is something wrong, as they come back as a full grown Spirit when they are a child that has passed away on the Earth, and then are asked by the Lord right then and there if they want to stay as a child or grow up instantly. If the Spirit chooses to remain a child, it will be done that they have a body of a child for about two to three weeks, and then they will have their bodies grow up rapidly, yet at a steady growth, so that their emotional level will understand that the Lord is doing this so that they will become Who They Truly Are. Yet when a disturbed child comes back and refuses to stay as an adult, even though their Thought Form Body has grown steadily up to an adult over this 2-3 week period, then there is a recourse (action) taken that will show the Spirit that they can't just have their own way whenever they want, and it makes them rebellious against the system up in Spirit, so the Lord makes them back into a child's body once again, ---yet there is this difference: Their attitude reflects their true intent, and they tend to have Karmic indebtedness added to their record, plus they have this ignorant vibration showing which makes them think they are "special" yet they are not. They then tend to show others that they are "still a child" yet in essence they are making themselves into a kind of "thwarted growth person", so that they are now displaying bossiness, and playful-yet-ornery behavior, getting more into the dark rather than anything else. Just so much is allowed for them to come to their senses over this, --but when they are interfering with those down on the Earth, THEN they attract attention, and this Spirit girl child has done this now. As a new psychic as a regular part of the training program routine the Guides do is to test for discerning between good and negative Spirits, and many times there is the allowance of darker Spirits to come into a person's life for a time, as in "not stopping them from doing so", --just so that the new psychic learns how to deal with this stage of basic psychic abilities. If the new psychic understands that they are not to be controlled or otherwise dominated by Spirits, and that level of fascination of an unseen and also understandably amazing part of our Universe does not alter or influence the psychics common sense, and make them do things that are clearly changing the course of their psychic development should they fall victim to these types of Spirits---then the psychic passes the tests and challenges. If not, then the psychic remains at that current level and even can gradually have their abilities fade ultimately away, depending upon the circumstances. "Attachments" are actually a dark Spirit or Spirits coming into ones Auric Field and directly influencing the Earth Person and much of that is of a negative nature. They can instantly trigger a headache or shivers to occur. They also can affect the emotions of the human being causing them to feel oppressed and then subsequently depressed, as the human being doesn't understand usually right off what is actually happening and thus attributes this sudden and often unexplainable change in emotions and feelings to something they themselves are creating within them. In other words they think that this now downturn in their feelings is caused solely by themselves, not realizing that it is that they are being victimized by a dark Spirit. So when the person thinks that it is their own feelings being upset and depressed, they feel even worse. Education and knowledge as to the source does help initially, which makes for the person to have more control over the situation. Sometimes it becomes like a private inner war, battling to have control over your own thoughts and feelings with someone you barely can see, yet can sense them and their negative words telepathically influencing you, upsetting you, and trying to control you. It is in essence an attack of attempting to possess the human being, making them feel more and more pushed out of their own physical body, and and even standing offside of themselves if it continues. That is why it is so very important to block these attacks and to be stalwart in your own rights to your own body and not to invite or otherwise draw into yourself these negative Spirits. They might flatter you or tell you something like "you are special" or something to that effect. The ego can be ones own worst enemy in this respect. Meditation is not going to alter this type of attack. Prayer to God our Father to intervene is the only way you can summon the aid you need. We ourselves can try our best to fight these attackers off, yet we get tired and drained from the fight and then when we are at our wits end and exhausted, that is when these negative Spirits can keep at it with having more than one Spirit doing the attacking, taking turns fighting with the human. That is often why there are "attachments" (Plural), which is much like a group or a gang that does these types of attacks. © Copyright 2005 - All Rights Reserved        | | |