The After Life By Lilly  With so much attention these days of interest in the Afterlife, I felt it would be helpful to write about how people live up in Heaven, the "Other Side". It really is "the Other Side" of our existence down here on Earth, too, as we literally live out real lives, busy with all the various activities that people enjoy down here in terms of growth. We live in similar living conditions, that is to say homes, apartments, condominiums, etc. We also have places to go people that we visit, schools where we learn, and much the same type of feelings that we share as we do down here. Heaven is our real home, where we came from, where we return to after our brief time down here. We often return quickly due to various types of passing, so it is important to realize that while we are in the tunnel of light going back Home, we do have the feeling of inner peace coming into us.
Once we get there, we realize instantly that we are back, and even though some passings are quick, there are Guides who come rapidly to help with the newly returned Spirits plus family members also to make the transition as peaceful as possible. These Guides are called "Adjusters". They help with the reacquainting of ourselves back to our former Home. What might be going through your mind right now is "what happens next?" The Lord comes frequently depending upon the relationship the Spirit has with the Lord, plus if there is a variation of beliefs there, Lord Buddha or Mohamed would also appear. They often appear together as in a joint appearance just for a moment, to show the Spirit that there are all who are in the Spirit World acquainted with these Individuals who are a part of the system of government in Heaven. You see, they are all on the "same team" with regards to aiding God.
Next is the review of the Spirit's Akashic Record and that is done at the Hall of Records. Often the person reviews it privately if they so desire, or alongside of someone close to them, either their family member or an Adjuster Guide. Along with that the Lord Jesus comes to aid with this. Getting through that can either be difficult or wonderful, depending upon the type of existence the person had on Earth.
After the past-life review, the person is shown their new home for the time being, usually a wonderful place where many are gathered, much like a group therapy home where about 4-8 people live. It is often quite busy in these places, as they are temporary housing facilities for those newly returned. Most people are not willing to just go to a home or apartment of the type of dwelling that they prefer, and then have the door close on them with their living all by themselves. Many need companionship and this is a good way to handle it. Remember the Spirit is grieving, too, and there is the funeral planning going on usually, with the person wanting to be a part of it also. Often the Spirit stands alongside of the bereaved, just to be supportive of them while the Funeral Director gives the pertinent information about the funeral plans etc. so the Spirit does try to be of comfort to the bereaved at that point, but often it just has to be done without their hearing about it. But the option is the Spirit's to either be present or not. You see, Free Will does apply often to these circumstances with the Spirit.
Our Dimension and the Spirit Realm are so very close to each other that travel is instantaneous, however, the Earth Plane is much lower in vibrations, so that the Spirit has to keep that in mind, as they have now become a part of a high Dimension and thus can get terribly tired if they are staying down here too long a time, especially right at first. Along with that usually their emotions have also drained them, too, so exhaustion is something that they need to be watching out for. You see, if they don't, then the Lord needs to come and bring them back to Heaven, which also makes it apparent that prudence isn't being followed. If that is the case, then the Spirit will have his/her visits regulated so that they don't tire themselves out extensively. It is all a part of a good system of responsible behavior.
They stay in these temporary housing facilities for a while, usually a few weeks in order to get back together with their Soul Family Group and discuss where and how they would like to dwell. Usually on the whole, there are no complications to deal with so the person will move out and into another location, usually a place of living where one or more of his family is also dwelling. Remember that all in the Spirit world are adults, unless a child Spirit returns and thus chooses to either return instantly to their Higher Self which is adult age, or another way is to come to the Lord and ask to be brought up by another person in the family as a child still. Either way it is the Lord's final decision with this, and all is good either way with the child, as he or she can do whatever feels right to them. If the maturity issue is still something to consider, then the child will stay a child for years until such time as the Eternal Body of theirs is adjusted to the emotional level their Spirit is at. Either way, it does work.
By this time the returned Spirit has been up in Spirit for about 3-5 months, and that has given them time to adjust. They can then go back to the Hall of Records and review their Akashic Record once again if they so desire. It is always for the Highest and Best Good that it is allowed, and once the Spirit has had time to read and re-read some of the written text about their life, then they can also go and review it visually at the Hall of Records Viewing Room. There are dome-shaped glass tables that display a visual account of three dimensional quality just so that the person can view the 3-D effect of their past lives in sequences so that the whole viewpoint can be witnessed. Many times there is the ability to just see it from all standpoints in this, and that is wonderful, but it usually is displayed just from the Spirit's own perspective right at first. You can ask the Holy Spirit to change the viewpoint from another person's perspective of the situation, so you can sense their feelings and what they remarked, as well. So it is an amazing gift of God to have this Divinely created instrument.
During this period also there are Guidance Counselors who are working towards independence for the Spirit and they, too, warrant mentioning. Counselors share choices and options available for the Spirits. They list the available jobs that are needed done and many a time it is viewed as a type of commitment service for the Lord work. You see there are two types of work done in Heaven, one is the public service work, and the second is the work that you are willing and capable of doing and you also have an affinity to. The public-service jobs that are done by all are that which aids the whole of Heaven. They are rotated so that no one gets stuck in a job that they really abhor, but the point of it is to keep in mind that "there are no freebies in Heaven" and that having a nice place to live and work is how people whether they are in the flesh or in Spirit grow and learn.
It is really important to have a good attitude about this public-service work and to be willing to aid, as all attitudes are noticed. The hours worked are not long and the schedule is arranged so that the Spirit does have free time. Usually the work day variates with approximately 4-7 hours of work done, depending upon the type of work. The work week isn't a full week either, so the public-service work could be something like 4 hours a day for the 5-day work week, or 7 hours for 3 days a week. Then the work is also designated with the attitude that there are those who benefit from just a kind word, so the newly returned Spirit might also be assigned a "welcome person" who greets those newly returned Spirits who arrived several months after them. So the inter-relationship is there with the 6-month's returned Spirits greeting the 3-week returned Spirits, for example.
Many types of vocations that they have here on Earth do not apply up in Spirit, so you can sense that some vocations cannot be continued by the newly-returned Spirit, and that is why there are Counselors who are there to help plan out a future for the person. They do welcome ideas as to how a person can cope better with returning to Spirit and offer a service of aid. There are those vocations that can be helpful and are what the Spirit themselves choose to do and a work plan for the future is planned out.
I know I would like to just write about how perfect heaven is and keep this whole article totally positive, but in the perspective of having an investigative and impartial viewpoint here, I have inquired of my Guides how it really is in Heaven. You might be wondering right now why people have to work up in Spirit, but you can sense a need to have a good perspective in this, with "aiding another" the theme. Plus there is the issue of keeping all in good planning and organizing so that people are not lackadaisical, lazy, feeling sorry for themselves, dwelling on the past, moping around for years and years, and living in a repetitive existence. When you have Eternity facing you, you need to have a good perspective on it all, otherwise you would get into a rut and have complications.
What happens to someone who absolutely refuses to help in Heaven? Even though so much is given to them freely, i.e. their housing, gifts of the Spirit, beautiful grounds, amusement park for each Plane, outdoor recreation, public libraries, lecture halls, and other amenities of a well-thought-out society, there might be some who would balk at helping along these lines with a public-service job, even if it is part-time. With those people I am told that they are given the regular reminders to please help with the work load, and if all else in the way of reminders fail, the Lord steps in and problems result with the physical symptoms of reversal of their status in heaven. They have to deal with the issue of not wanting to aid with the group's whole improvement, and that causes trouble to their Auric Field, and that way it makes it noticed to all that they have to have their refusal shown above their heads for a period of time. Then they have to deal with the issues of their complaining to another higher up about this, and that also is noted. If all else fails, then they leave Heaven in a state of disgrace and it causes them to dwell in the lower region of upper Purgatory till such time as they attitude of dissent is altered.
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