Astral Projection  By Lilly Try to have enough sleep during the night-time period, as the more rested you are when you are having the lucid dream, the more you will be able to interact with those in the dream, and have the memory later on. It is those who are not all that awake when the lucid part starts that have some problems interacting within the dream. They will perhaps have the memory of the dream somewhat afterwards, but won’t have the interaction as much. Most people who stay up too late, then start this lucid dream sequence say, “I am tired�?..and then drift off again while they are up there in the etheric level, and then the point is lost. That happens quite often, as it takes some doing to get the person awakened during the sleep/dream event. With these definitions there comes a clarification that helps understand the whole basis of coming down here to the Earth in the first place--GROWTH. We need to use the sleep state, too, so that we can experience personal growth on several levels so our over-all gain down here is achieved to the maximum benefit. Makes sense doesn’t it when you look at it in terms of efficiency? Once you are able to Astral Travel, you should always ask for permission from the Lord to take excursions in the Spirit Realm. Once a person is taken to any location in the Spirit Realm, it seems to leave a kind of energy imprint or "trail back" inside their Astral Body, so they can easily return back to that very same location afterwards at a later date, just by remembering the location and then Thought Projecting yourself there. You would have to ask permission as I said to do that though, but it was something that I accidentally found out years ago. I was taken early on in my psychic experiences to what is called "The Park" up in the Spirit Realm a long time ago. A few days later I on my own decided in meditation to just travel back there by myself. I wasn't really thinking that I would run into anyone or that it wouldn't be incorrect to do it, since it was just a park. I also was kind of thinking at the time that I couldn't actually do it and would just see the insides of my eyelids during the meditation, and that without having some Guide take me there, it wouldn't work.. So with that thought I went and meditated and surprisingly whoshed back up to The Park. I was back walking around for about a minute seeing all the various trees and lovely plants, birds, park benches, etc. when a lady Guide, called an "Adjuster" (as they help newly-returned Spirits adjust back into the Heavenly society) suddenly appeared. She started talking with me, introducing herself as "Alice, one of the Adjusters" assuming I was someone who had just died, and then after about a minute she suddenly noticed that I had my Silver Cord still attached behind me at the nape of my neck connecting my Spirit Body to my physical body. She exclaimed, "Why you're not dead!!! What are you doing here??? I smiled and just said, "I was taken here a few days ago, and decided to come back for a second visit". Just then the Lord appeared and was chuckling, as it was He who brought me there the first time. He and she talked for a moment as He explained about me, but it was interesting to know from that point on that I could literally return to all of the various locations I had been taken before. It does help though to have permission, as if you do this on your own, chances are that you will see the location for about 30 seconds or so and then someone will appear from the Guidance Guild and ask you what are you doing, etc. You may or may not be allowed to remain, and then if the latter's the case, you will just suddenly see everything turn a very light grayish white and then are instantly brought back to your physical body. The Guides may even tell you that you are not allowed to travel more in the Spirit Realm if you don't seek permission first, which is why I bring this story up. We spend one-third of our lives in the sleep state. Understanding that God wants us using that time period as well to become better human beings as our existance here is much like a school. What better way to use time during the night than at “Night School�?too?    Click here to view Archived Guest Book Comments © Copyright 2003 - All Rights Reserved 