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  SPIRIT WRITING AUTOMATIC WRITING Part II  By Lilly    |   5. Keyboard Automatic Writing:
This is how I do Automatic Writing and it is much more proficient. What you do is sit comfortably at the keyboard after you have done the first steps of meditating and praying. Allow your fingers to lightly rest on the placement keys of the keyboard, just like you always do when you are just about to start typing. You might sense a presence right away, like you do when you do Automatic Writing with pen and paper, but this time you will sense that he or she is standing right behind you or just to the left. You will also sense that the energy is going down through your hands into your fingers plus you are also hearing the words quietly said inside your mind just as soon as you are about to type the first word. Like for example you are going to type the word "heart". You will hear the word "heart" when you start to type the "h" in the word heart. So it will be like that when you are typing all the words and then the words will "flow" quickly depending upon how fast a typist you are. You might even find yourself so capable of typing their words quickly enough that you can keep up with their speaking in a general way, much like a stenographer does with the typing in taking dictation. It can be quite proficient, as I said before. Much more can be given in these sessions, and you will find it helpful for others when you give readings either on the Internet, or in your home if you wish to have a reading session with someone there in your presence, and have the two of you at the computer, and they asking questions of your Guide and you typing the Guide's responses. This way you would have a written record of the whole contact for that person you are giving the reading for. If they ask a question, you could type the question they ask, then have it followed by the channeled information by the Spirit Guide. I would first try it with a pen and paper but after you've established a link and can receive written words, then I suggest trying it on the computer, since it is so much easier to receive more information. I want to mention that I know you are reading this and saying something like, "yes, but I'm just not that good at it, or I am not having anything happen there yet. I just sit there and nothing happens." This is common at first, and for anyone else reading this, too, I want to say that it really is just that most people don't know quite what to expect when they attempt it on the computer. You have an idea of it "working" yet as to just what to do after you get your fingers poised over the keyboard,...well that's kind of vague there. So I am going to describe exactly how to transfer over to the computer here: When you are doing Automatic Writing with the pen and paper, notice that you are also hearing the words said inside your mind as you are writing the words? Say for example you start to write the word "transfer" down on the paper. Your hand starts to make the loop for the "t" and than you just afterwards hear the word said inside your mind telepathically "trans-fer" (I hyphenated it so you can sense the two syllables said"). There is a time when someone doing Automatic Writing starts to notice this fact that they are now softly hearing the words inside their mind while they are writing the word down. Then when that happens they are now taking dictation so to speak. They are hearing the words one at a time, writing it down, but if they speed up their writing they will be able to write the words faster. Of course your hands after a while will get tired quicker the faster you write. That is why I am mentioning that if you would try noticing when you are doing the Automatic Writing, and you are hearing his words INSIDE YOUR MIND while you are writing them out on that paper, try stopping for the moment and walk over to your computer and then continue on with your taking dictation. You might even want to set up your Automatic Writing time right near the computer, and then when you are noticing that you are hearing the words said inside your mind, pause and then start up with the computer. Even say for example, that you are having him tell you about something, and your writing it down, try this: Begin the sentence you are writing with the pen and paper, and then just go and put your fingers on the computer keyboard to finish the sentence your Guide or Loved One was giving you. I'm sure that your Guide will be very happy to work with you on this, too. It's much easier for them as well to write through the computer. You see, it is just that easy. You hear their words said inside your mind, and you are like taking dictation, hearing their words and writing the words down as soon as you hear the words. Then after a while it all seems to flow together with their speaking and your typing the words down. That is the Holy Spirit Link there with the two blending. You can of course hear them speak inside your mind, and it feels like a kind of weird/odd speaker they are speaking from. It's kind of hollow sounding, much like a kind of poor-quality sound tube, (compared to todays standards),but you still can hear.
I want to stress that it is important to pray first, and ask God to be directly involved in this, and ask for His divine protection. That way you have asked for the divine Energy of the Holy Spirit to envelope and keep you in God's loving white light. When you ask for your Guide to come, you may also put it in terms of asking God to send you "those Most Highest and Most on Purpose to assist you". Clearly state your intentions. Know that you will receive Highest and Best Good for your whole event. I know it is tempting to do this Spirit Writing for longer periods, and you can later on if you become more proficient with the contact, but it does take time to get skilled at this, and to be always in that frame of mind that this is a serious contact with the Spirit Realm. It is not to be misused solely for the purpose of your own ideas about how the Spirit Realm is, and as such should only be done for the highest of reasons. All Spirits visibly see intention, as our Auric Field radiates our various colors and we have layers in our Auric Field, which represent and display our emotions, plus they can hear telepathically all of our thoughts. Even if you don't speak out loud your questions but ask them inside your mind, they will respond just like you said it out loud.
Please realize that by having such contact like this with doing Spirit Writing will lead to further energy contact with the Spirit Realm, and be prepared to notice that you have the clairaudience ability strengthened, plus the clairvoyance ability. All goes into the energy of the Holy Spirit always for the best intentions, and to keep this in the back of your mind. It does have rules and regulations much like any type of Inter-Dimensional contact does. Learn about it first, attempt it only if you are well prepared, and well rested. Always sense with your Heart chakra when you are noticing a drain, and to not continue past 20 minutes till you are at a stronger level with this.
When you have concluded the contact, always be considerate and thank your Guides as well as God for the contact.  © Copyright 2005 - All Rights Reserved     
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