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 Psychic or Schizophrenic Part I By Lilly  This is indeed a difficult subject, but one of the most important articles I feel I could write. When people first have psychic experiences with verbal audio contact, often they first think that they are schizophrenic. Why? Because of the attitudes of how other people are when it comes to "hearing voices". Television programs have used it often as plots just so that a disparagingly negative appearance is cast upon psychic experiences. Religious groups have made it appear a negative event, and much negative publicity has resulted. Automatically they think they are losing their minds and worry. Worry causes further problems and it all results in the blocking of anything psychic.
First and foremost, if you are hearing voices, listen to what is said. Is it a negative comment or a positive comment? Always is the Spirit realm full of wonderful people, but sometimes there are those who are negative and they do try to contact those whom they notice as Lightworkers down here on the Earth. They are allowed to travel sometimes and it is explained later in this article how to deal with such a contact. Lightworkers are highly gifted psychic individuals, and even if you are not aware that you are of Lightworker origin, you still have these abilities. If you are not willing to use them, then that's up to you, just that you are psychic whether or not you are willing to use Gifts of the Spirit for another's benefit. That is the first reason why people use psychic abilities--to help others.
When a person starts at first to hear spoken words inside their minds, they are right away sensing that the sentences they are hearing said to them are not coming from their own thoughts. They think "uh oh, I wasn't thinking that, where did that thought come from?" Instead of getting upset over it, the best thing is to try to sense just who is there, not go by the thought itself alone, but to sense whether or not there is a Spirit nearby. So that is the first thing to mention about "hearing voices". Next is the part where if you sense the voices are saying negative things to you, criticizing you over your own personality, try to right away pray for God's intervention. Ask God to give you total protection from this Spirit. Do not think that the voices will continue, as even if you are worried, those worries will extend into your thoughts and you might be asking yourself way too many questions about it while you are pausing, and that's another area of concern. You see, if you are not at peace with the whole issue, then the lack of peace causes a chain-like reaction. First you get worried, next you start wondering if your next thoughts were your own or someone else's, then you get into a pattern of thinking with this. I could cause you to become anxious over all of your thoughts which would in turn cause you to become anxious more and more of your day. Try to become One with God in all of this, then try to focus with your heart and allow God to lead with the correction.
With general Spirit contact, the loving thought is expressed with a congenial greeting or such a message. It is on the basis of love and friendship that this contact is made. With another type of Spirit contact, that of Spirit Guides, their efforts to contact you are also of the Light and are helpful and positive. They are intelligent comments, usually a quick statement by a Guide, as the Guide doesn't want to overwhelm a person. They don't ramble and they don't state complicated sentences with contradictions within the framework of the sentence. So you see, you would be contacted by either your own deceased family member, close friend, or a Guide of yours that you suddenly sense being there, along with hearing a few words from them. These are for the most part the main body of Spirit contact. The lesser or rarer type is a Spirit wandering through and notices that you are psychically able to hear them. It will show in your Auric Field if you are able to receive telepathic thoughts. It is called being Clair-audient, which means "clear hearing". You can also sense the energy from these people, sensing if they are male or female, and perhaps also the recognition energy, as in sensing the relationship to you with these Spirit people. Along with that there are several sensing abilities simultaneously being activated all to see, sense, and hear these Spirits. These are real Spirit people who are in a higher dimension. They are not of the person's own imagination. They are not negative in any way. It is allowed by God and it is mentioned in the Bible. The psychic ability is termed "Discernment of Spirits" and it is only one of many wonderful abilities that God has granted us. In 1 Corinthians, Chapter 12 it is explained wonderfully by Paul. They are termed "Gifts of the Spirit", and Paul describes them all and says "to each is given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good." Always it is for the Highest and Best Good, and that is important to remember with any type of inner voice heard. The Catholic church describes it as Inner Locution and many of the Saints have had this ability. Another point to mention here is that God chose to bless all who wish to have it. In 1st Cor. 12:6 it says "And there are varieties of working, but it the same God who inspires them all in everyone". I mention this, as people tend to think that only a few have this ability. It clearly says in the Bible that God inspires them all in everyone.
There is of course those of the Spirit world that do like to just chatter and they do cross paths with some psychic people and there is sometimes trouble ensuing with that. Trouble meaning that you hear what they said, you are not pleased, you ask the Spirit to leave politely, and also ask God to intervene and help you, and instantly the Lord does send Angelic Beings to remove the harassing Spirit. That does not mean that the Spirit is evil or anything like that, it just means that the Lord does take care of such events. But do try to realize that with this type of contact, the Lord does take care of it. It won't be occurring over and over again. Usually there is a reason for this contact, too. For example, a haunted house that the Spirit feels ownership feelings concerning the home and doesn't like your personality and/or auric energy so they try to speak to you to have you be the one who leaves. There again you ask God to intervene.
You can see the difference in the various types of contact. Along with the Spirit contact there is also the other senses involved, as you can often sense the feeling of the person nearby, (as their Auric Field is touching your Auric Field when this happens), which in itself is still another verification of Spirit. There is also your ability to sense odors, as in perfume or a tobacco odor, which is a possibility. So you can see that the Spirit Realm can do many things in their way of contact, even your feeling a Spirit hand touching yours. When Guides contact us they use their ability to project a thought image. They can show you something that they first manifest inside their own Auric Field and then thought project it into your mind. With the usage of telepathy they can show you objects that will show symbolism or show a message visually, too, so remember that when you are starting to sense something happening like this, don't panic. It isn't you yourself manifesting it, it is a Guide or someone else showing you something. So when you know it wasn't you a second ago thinking about a subject and you just suddenly hear or see something inside your mind and wonder where did this come from, realize that's how Spirits and our Guides contact us. Remember that this will all be a pleasant experience, and one that is a teaching aid to you. That is the purpose.
When you have schizophrenia that entails disturbance of the Auric Field and blocks the energy of the Hope Chakra, which indeed is where the Love Light God Trinity is located. This is your Fourth Chakra (Heart Chakra), and it makes clear the vibrations of the Holy Spirit. You can access it directly by focusing on your Heart Chakra and it will make you realize that the issues of the Hope Chakra are indeed an important energy.
It is important to mention the Id here. That is where the schizophrenia comes in. The Id is where the body of the Spirit is "housed". That is another thing, as most people don't seem to realize that the "housing" or "Temple" of the Spirit is indeed a thought form that contains just one element, the Id. It is that which is termed a "container" so that the Spirit is willing to remain there intact during the whole interim of being down here on Earth. It is so that the housing will stay contained and not travel out. It is also a part of the usage idea of being down here on Earth. It is always a complicated issue explaining something that is totally not of the Earth Plane and makes for difficult terminology to explain it. You see, with terms such as Id, the whole issue of understanding something that isn't of this realm a difficult situation. With understanding that difficulty, the explanation will be given in the best terms possible. You can sense that with the Id being another part of the whole Temple of the Spirit down here on Earth, the issue of being "self-contained" a huge necessity.
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