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The Four "Clairs" - Part II  Clairaudience is a wonderful ability to contact Spirit directly as you can hear “voices�?inside your own mind. It is much like hearing your own thoughts, but that these words are from someone else, thought telepathy. Clairaudience gives with it direct contact plus the sensing ability to distinguish the person, so if you are hearing your deceased Mother for example, you would actually hear her tonal quality of her voice, although it would be heard in a much different way, but the same way of speaking, plus the very same “feeling�?would come over you with the personal familiarity. Also the vibration of Mother would emanate from her. When this is occurring, the combination of the two abilities clairsentience and clairaudience is happening. Giving a stranger a reading with clairaudience working properly, as you would be able to fine-tune this gift to sense the vibration radiating from that Spirit person as far as “relationship to the readee�? You would sense the vibration of the person being above, at, or below the person generation-wise first, followed by the feeling of the relationship to that person. For example, for a grandfather or father you would feel the generation level of the Spirit, as in above, followed by a paternal feeling for the person being read. As you can imagine, this ability is a kind of level reached that when the two “clairs�?are added together, (clairsentience and clairaudience) they both work in conjunction with each other to influence the sensing ability, hence the deeper level to sense relationship. So when you join together both gifts, then the ability increases and you are capable of giving pertinent information concerning relationship to the readee. With the relationship of grandfather present, it does have a little more distant feeling of the paternal feeling, as in softer or lesser feeling, and again that is subtle, so it does help to pay attention to the little nuances there with sensing with the two abilities combined.
Claircognizance translates to "clear knowingness" and I want to mention this first as it strongly represents that feeling of 'you just KNOW it, no one tells you this, you just KNOW it!" That is how it makes you feel, as there are no words spoken, your whole body confirms this with the meaningful message of the information just there. This directly comes from God through the Holy Spirit Energy and transfers down through your Crown of Life Chakra (7th Chakra) and it is instantly given you so that it is there right inside your mind instantly. You can use this wonderful gift and it truly is a gift for another's benefit which will aid them depending upon the importance of the information. Sometimes it is a kind of warning, other times it is a future prophecy of things that develop and show up on the person's Akashic Record and then is transmitted into the mind of the claircognizant person about the situation. It is allowed to happen, this claircognizance, when a person is willing to aid other people, and the Lord gives His blessing and approval so that the claircognizance will be used for the aid of others. Often it is such, and the other people gain much by having a friend or relative who is claircognizant, and it does much good to listen to those gifted people. As it truthfully doesn't seem to work all that much for one's own benefit, you need to recognize this and try to deal with that aspect of it.
When claircognizance is combined with the other three "clairs" then it does work in conjunction with all the seven chakras inside the body and it all develops into Divine Guidance, which is the upper level vibration. In both of the claircognizance and the clairvoyance degrees, it is in the upper level, but with the whole aspect of it being detailed out here, you can sense that the need for structured guidance with ethics a major aspect in all this ability generally speaking. You see, when there is the accuracy level strong, and the prophet-like capabilities given, then if the person isn't ethically motivated and is perhaps influenced by those who could gain from this wonderful gift and profit as well, then trouble often ensues. So often prophets of old warned of dire forthcoming events, only to have their messages sarcastically discounted or altogether rejected by those who also consider themselves "advisors" then the competition issue ensued and ego-generated motives were brought into it.
If you have ever watched Sylvia Browne at work giving readings on Montel Williams' program, you will see how quickly she knows all this information. She instantly has the knowledge of the situation or condition, plus she can give out ready information. All that is claircognizance at work at it's highest and best good. It is just known, plus other things as well, so the person can be told exactly what they Need to Know. You see, with this gift comes the information, plus the "how to fix" information as well. The claircognizant person is given the information solely for the purpose of warning, aiding, and correcting the current situation so that prevention or correction as needed occurs.
Having these four "clairs" working in conjunction with each other is what is desired and should be considered when applying psychic mediumship into practice. Even if you have not had all four working simultaneously yet, don't dismiss the possibility! These are wonderful abilities and having a common-sense approach in using these gifts can do so much for others.   | | Click here to view Archived Guest Book Comments © Copyright 2003, 2005 - All Rights Reserved
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