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 The After Life III By Lilly  I once gave a reading where a description was given about "singing candles". When I channel the information, it is also a learning experience for me as well to learn about Spirit life and on one such occasion I learned about these amazing candles. On the 18th Plane where when the person lights these candles, the effervescence from the aroma plus the energy transmitted by the convoluted impact between the forces of Living Oneness with God with the candle wax causes the sound of an evangelical force of energy that sounds much like a willow tree's leaves blowing in the wind. This along with a high tonal quality that fluctuates with it's evangelical hymn-like vibration, thus giving off a hymn-sounding "music". I hope I have explained it fairly well enough, as it is of the Angelic Realm and there isn't anything like it here on Earth to compare it to.
Often as a reward to those who achieved an exceptional ability or gift to another, there is the giving of a trip up in Spirit to the Etheric Level which is of the 19th Plane, and that is truly amazing. It is a "one-time trip" and it is sought after among those who are willing to grow. They, too, can ascend eventually, but it takes many lifetimes of suffrage and learning for them to achieve such a high level to dwell. It is difficult sometimes to understand the suffrage part, as that, too, seems archaic to some, but with time and dedication, that also does make for a better level. It is just that it is the "tried and true way" and many Saints and Ascended Masters have achieved it thusly, so that makes it difficult to let others come into the same sphere without similar achievement.
There is a term here on Earth called "bench-marks" and that is where those basic level tests are given to many all at the same time and thus if there is success, then the level of all is given much credence with regards to bringing forth higher forms of achievement. Overall it means little with any other type of growth, but with the Angelic Realm, once you have achieved that "benchmark" then there is the gift of the Holy Spirit to share. It is in the sharing that others, too, gain. So the role of the Angel nowadays is to keep those of the Angelic Realm focused with thoughts of growth and overall to aid those on the Earth Plane in the hopes of more people ascending into the higher regions and thus make it even harder for those of the dark to dampen the Spirits and drain the energy of those of the Light. It has been an ongoing effort all throughout the eons and it makes sense when you realize that those of the Light prefer to have a separation from those of the dark and make those of the dark regard those of the light with respect. It takes effort to make that happen and it is always those of the light causing those of the dark to grow in the Living Oneness of God. As you might be wondering here, if Earth is the Third Dimension, what and where are the Second and the First Dimensions? Those two remaining dimensions are of the lower realm, with Purgatory being the Second, and the First Dimension being below that level, and of course the worst. Thwarting is the effort of those of the dark and they, too, have a regime down there in the lower vibrations and the lack of respect and reverence of life is the difficulty. It is the intent of God and His Angels to gradually cause them to have this reverence.
With all things there is the highest, the lowest and the in-between. You see, with those of the dark, they, too, have vibrations and they, too, need to be welcomed into the Living Oneness of the Christ. You can see that those of the Most High Creator's Energy Beings are doing their utmost to create an atmosphere of learning and growing so that those of the dark can welcome more energy of Christ Consciousness into themselves. Leadership with regards to reverence of Spirit important. You see, with reverence comes with it human regard, compassion, love and commitment. Much has been written about this topic, and although I am not going to go into anything about the dark and their way of being, I am willing to express the feeling of choice here as it is now and always has been God's Will Be Done. His is always of the Highest and Best Good and when you put God first in your life, everything afterwards always falls naturally into place. That is the overall theme of Eternity, too. It is reflected in the growth motivation of the heavenly realm, and much is given in terms of rewards in Heaven for achieving spiritual growth. There are no "freebies" in Heaven I have been told, as it is always better to have it earned rather than just given out all of those wonderful gifts of the Spirit Realm. If everything was to be freely given out right down to the very last holy gift of God without the earning of this gift, then responsibility and accountability would fade, commitment to growth would dissipate, and a lackadaisical society would be the end result.
The Heavenly Realm is a long-standing and well-planned society but it is not without it's ups and downs, as people are "just people" and there are issues to face in our Real Home, as trips to Earth are for lessen learning and having a new environment to keep variety a part of our existence. Variety is indeed the "spice of life" and thus is one reason why Earth was developed by our Creator.
Up on the 7th Plane are the Hall of Records, which is the place where the Akashic Records, the Books of Life on everyone in existence. There is also the Hall of Justice up there, too, as they are both in close proximity of each other. The Hall of Justice has one of the most beautiful gardens displaying all types of plants and exotic flowers and even has crystals that are made into fountains with glowing lights coming out of it at night. It is beautiful and often is given in tours up there for the newbie returning Spirits to view, just to captivate their attention and help ease their grief of separation. Often that is the case with such tours, just to make a beautiful day happen to those newly-returned Spirits. Huge angelic statues are often the subject of displays up in Spirit.
When a person has been in Spirit for about 50-75 years there comes a time when the Counselor goes to the Spirit person and asks if they wish to have another lifetime on Earth or on Urantia. Either choice shows that the person is a high soul, as the choice is not given to just anyone to have a lifetime on Urantia., being that this plane is up in Spirit and is a part of the 7th Dimension. So if the Spirit chooses to go to Earth, then the planning stage begins. Usually it takes about two to three months to coordinate the whole plan so that others, too, can be a part of the whole experience. Lifetimes do take some time to arrange with other people's feelings and their life goals also to consider. There is plenty of time to figure out your own life goals as you also create a Goals List with your own aspirations you wish to achieve in this next incarnation. You also have choices to consider as to what locale you wish to be born in and what type of culture and religion you wish to be experiencing. All this requires time and consideration of other people's wishes and feelings, too, as there might be complications if the choice is of a different family to whom you are to be born to if you are a stranger to them, too.
All in all the Afterlife in Heaven is another location where you continue to exist. We live forever and being born down here lifetime after lifetime suggests the fact that growth is the key reason why this experience happens. We all need to consider this when we evaluate our lives here, pondering the "whys" of how things occur in our daily lives. All events that are major and many of the minor ones are a "planned event", deliberately giving us chances to experience what we know up in Spirit in concept. Just knowing about something is one thing, but to actually experience it is another. That is the true test of understanding, if we can experience it and do what we know in our hearts is the right thing, even if hardship is also a part of that experience. Going back home to Heaven and having this "after-time" to assess where we did right and where we went wrong is a major event in our lives. We evaluate ourselves, we try to understand ourselves better, forgiving others and importantly --forgiving ourselves. All the "what if's", and "could haves" and "should haves" won't change the past but will affect our futures and that is clearly an important issue.
The Aftertime might also be called an "In-Between Time", meaning "in-between lifetimes" either here on Earth or on Urantia, but it is important to realize we are still living out a life existence. It is not an interim period or a half-way existence. We were created in Spirit, of Spirit and exist as Spirit, only that on the Earth we are lowered in vibrations so that our bodies exist inside or "housed" in a flesh body. We exist as a being down here to learn, grow, ascend in vibrations so that one day we won't need to come back here, unless we do a mission-type work for God. Heaven is not a "vacation land" where you just relax for hundreds of years and not feel obligated to do anything. You are still clearly responsible for your actions no matter what plane or existence you are living. If you incur negative Karma up in Spirit, then you need to deal with that also. Clearly God wants us to not feel contained and limited in our existences and chose to give us a variety of places to live, so that boredom and monotony doesn't occur. Variety truly is the "spice of life"! In Sylvia Browne's book about the afterlife she commissioned an artist to draw sketches based upon her descriptions of what she was able to see when she takes Astral trips up to some of the locations. In the back of her book are these drawings and they are quite accurate.
Many such wonderful accounts are shared by those who are capable of Astral travel. If you are interested in learning more about how to do Astral travel, I have another article written about it on this website. Making it an event in your life does take prayer, meditation, dedication and above all permission by the Lord for it to come about. If you desire to travel to the Heavenly Realm during your sleep state, simply ask God for permission. He will assess your particular needs and growth level and with your good intentions showing, He will then decide if it is to be allowed for you. Guides will be the ones who will take you on such a heavenly tour and you will truly gain in a better understanding of how vast this universe and it's various dimensions are! In the Bible Jesus stated that "in my Father's house there are many mansions" Indeed you will realize the reference here with the many mansions being the many dimensions within God's house or universe.
With such a huge topic as the Afterlife, it could easily become an on-line book here, so what I would like to suggest is if you have any questions about the afterlife, please write me at [email protected] and I will be happy to answer your question by adding it to this article. Back © Copyright 2005 - All Rights Reserved   | | | | | |