Psychic Attack - Psychic Draining Part III By Lilly  Protection against a psychic attack:
Now in the Bible in Psalm 9l:4 it states he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge, his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. And in Ps. 91: 11 it states "For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways, on their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. Strengthening your own Auric Field with affirmations does help, but remember that the Lord is the final One who says what goes and what doesn't go. So if there is an issue there with you in your life with what you might suspect as a negative Spirit bothering you, try to sense why? Try to sense if there is someone else also there, (as in a Guide perhaps watching), and try to locate where the Guide is in the room also. If you can't, then ask why is this occurring, and if you should sense a negative answer, then sense, too, if there is also someone else there during the contact. I say this because there are times when there are Guides doing the trouble in order to make or force the Earth person to try to become more close to God. I know that sounds rather pushy, but there are times when the person themselves have asked to be forced so that they could advance into a higher energy wave length up in Spirit. That request is at the time when a person plans out their future incarnation and when they plan out their Life Chart which is a blueprint of their goals. Another reason is that when you arrive at a certain location, or a home you have moved into, there is already a negative Spirit dwelling and perhaps the vibes they get from you make them angry, so they attack defending "their residence", even though you are legally living there renting or purchasing the property. That doesn't matter to a problematic Spirit. Why Spirits like to haunt people's homes: The Spirits who are strangers to you coming into your home, those whom you are just now having appear to you, each reason is a clear indication that something else is going on there rather than just a random visit. Those who are not guides, who are not anyone you have known can be what are termed "Travelers". They are not guides. They are those in the Spirit Realm who have traveling passes to come visit those on the Earth, provided they don't assume too much in terms of wanting the Earth life back again--only to visit those whom they are close to or otherwise investigate and check into things that interest them. They like to play out roles, and to influence in order to maintain a level of cotrol. It's like they are gradually grooming you for something that is serving only to them. Now with this leniency established to a point with how much a "Traveler" can get away with, some Spirits do take advantage of the system and allow themselves a kind of separate existence whereby they try to have "the best of both worlds" for their own liking, and the more energy they gain from another person here on Earth, the longer they can remain down here on the Earth plane, and suck or vacuum out the Earth person's own Auric Energy rather than using their own energy to stay. Discerning the truth versus fallacy from these individuals in the Spirit Realm is something that is important, and is even discussed in the Bible, in First Corinthians, Chapter 12, Verse 4: "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit, and there are varieties of service, but the same Lord; and there are varieties of working, but it is of the same God who inspires them all in every one. In Verse 10 of the same Chapter it speaks of the various gifts: "to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits,....
What to do about it? If you yourself are being attacked, then you need to first stay calm, pray to God for help, asking God to send Angels to protect you, and to keep up your faith in what happens afterwards. You see, God is the "All That Is", and this is something very important to realize. It is not a concept or theory, it is fact. In the Bible in the Book of John, he starts out his Gospel with Chapter 1, Verse 1-4: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not. We all dwell in God's "Isness", each Plane or Dimension in the Universe is also Chakra of God. So we are all dwelling inside of God's "Isness" or "Beingness".
If you fully understand and comprehend this magnificence of existing in everything made of God, then you realize that all of us are truly divinely interlinked. That is why when the Lord Jesus said, "do unto others as you would have done unto you", this the true way of dealing with everyday life. If you are having a sensing of someone else sending you a negative vibration or energy and want knowledge of how to handle it in the way God would want you to, the best thing to do is to pray to Him for help, and ask Him to send His Angels to protect you, as you do not want to send anything negative back to the negative person as that truly isn't God's way. Then bless the person or persons whether they are here on Earth or in the Spirit Realm and send them love and forgiveness and release or place all of this whole event up to the Lord. Love thine enemies is what Lord Jesus asked us, so if you send Love to these people and forgive them whether they are in Spirit or here on Earth, that is NEUTRALIZING EVERYTHING to do with the WHOLE SITUATION, including what they ALSO are sending to you, see? It encompasses the whole entire event with Love Energy, and Love is the Highest and Strongest Energy in existence. Light Energy is second. So you can see that you are doing an even greater and more powerful act by being loving and forgiving of this negative attack. God does protect, and He works the best with those who are willing to see the situation from its greatest, highest and most profound vantage point. When someone can assimilate the whole ramifications of the psychic event of spiritual attack and realize that God is truly the One in charge, then you have placed the correction in God's Hands, and He will do what He feels is necessary. You do not need to do anything other than this.
Therefore, trying to imagine a mirror to reflect back the negativity isn't needed or necessary or trying to visualize neutralizing the energy yourself in any self-technique would still be placing the effort IN YOUR HANDS and not Gods, you see? It is not allowing God to do the effort. When God fixes the situation it stays fixed, so you won't need to do anything else except BELIEVE that God is now correcting the situation. That is where Faith comes in. Faith in God that He is now handling the issue, and you are well, safe, and wishing the highest and best good for that negative person, not harboring ill will towards him or her. Your Auric Field is automatically shielded with this whole attitude and thought process you believe. I know when I do this, I can actually feel my own Auric Field develop a shielding around it in front of my heart chakra, and I FEEL totally protected. It is permanent, and does not need to be repeated.
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