Calling Upon Angels By Lilly  It helps if you take into account the broader perspective here of why you are here on Earth in the first place. Among other things we are here to learn life lessons, achieve goals we ourselves have set for us, to practice these ideals and lessons to have them well learned, and to be at peace with others and ourselves. All this is for the highest and best good of a person, and sometimes when the person calls upon God to have the Angels come for each and everything in their day, it can become what is called a common occurrence, and thereby the person might notice in a situation such as this sense that the energy has dwindled down some from when they first started calling upon the Angels. IF that is the case, and I am not saying that it happens all the time of course, but if a person has noticed this then the reason for that is that the energy is going now into a separate category from what it primarily was used for. You see, the person's Life Chart is examined and the Inner Strength Category is explored by their Spirit Guide along with the Angelic Beings and then with the person's Life Chart evaluated and decided how and where the Earth person can benefit from, as each individual's needs are assessed. So you can see that if a person is in "receivership mode" throughout the day with an excessive request list just about themselves, you can see that this may interfere with their Life Chart that they themselves created prior to incarnating, which might be thwarting their own initiative and self-reliance. So in the end with the scenario of the Angels helping way too much, we ultimately cannot achieve as much as we could have. Compare it to being a parent and doing too much for your child, not allowing them to at least do some things for themselves when they truly are capable of and depriving them of the joy of completing a task. The Angels don't want to deprive us of that satisfaction of a job well done. Angels do want to help us, you see but want what is best for us, so if a person becomes what the Angels consider too dependent upon them throughout their day, then that person might not be relying on their own intuition and inner strength, especially if that is an area where the person was weak to begin with and chose challenges for themselves as a Life Goal. There is a category of achievement called the "Ways and Means Category" that we as Spiritual Beings Incased In Physical Bodies here on Earth have as an essential part of our "Earth schooling" to understand and master. What that category is is that the more a person can do of their own accord and solve their problems through their own efforts as much as possible, the better. It is not to say that they can't call upon God's Angels for help, they most assuredly can whenever there is a need. It is just that the person themselves before they incarnated here have their Life Plan all arranged, the Angels will help and aid as much as they can, yet they will not interfere with our Life Plan's success. What I am suggesting here is using prudence with what you request from your Angels. This is important to understand that from the standpoint of the Angels, as they love us and want us all to grow here on Earth plus learn the Life Lessons we came down here to learn, the Angels will always come when sent by God, but there are times when they do what we need rather than solely what we want. Click here to view Archived Guest Book Comments      © Copyright 2005 - All Rights Reserved 