Ghosts Versus Spirits  By Lilly       The best attitude is to be calm, confident in God's protection, and to be showing inner peace no matter what. You see, if the Ghost is a negative person, it's just what they want to do --to upset you. They can draw from your worry, your fear energy much like siphoning off a force energy from you if you radiate fear, so fear is the worst thing to be showing and feeling. All that is important. Try also to just stay calm. Help will arrive and it will make it much better with your showing confidence. Most experienced psychics do not have any problems dealing with a negative person. Remember that Ghosts do have mental problems in the first place, otherwise they would have gone to the light immediately upon passing into Spirit. So if you treat the Ghost much like a mental patient who is having a contact with you, you can see the importance of just staying calm and peaceful. Remember the Ghost is a Spirit not wanting to go and stay in Heaven, but to remain living out their past in the present here on Earth.
I watched on television a well-known psychic who was asked what to do about their house being haunted. She advised the person to move. Now I thought that was odd, since the person has invested a great deal of money, as we all do when we purchase a home, and to allow the Ghost to just dominate the situation taking over their life like that was not right. Usually the home was the Ghost's before it was the purchasers, and if the Ghost doesn't particularly like the purchaser, then that's where the majority of the problem stems from. Some Ghosts "permit" a family to dwell there, if they like the personalities of the people, and they acknowledge that the purchaser is doing a good job taking care of their former home. But if there is a personality conflict there and prayers and work done to make the Ghost move on doesn't work, then really there isn't much else to do, if the Ghost remains. I've seen it happen several times that the Earth family has to move out. I've done work in this area with removal of negative Spirits at homes, and I've seen it work in some cases that the negative Spirits left and never came back, and at other times, they returned later on. The Lord and his angels can remove a Spirit and take him/her into Purgatory for a time to have them restricted. At that time they are not allowed to "travel", as that is a gift. Earning a type of ability to have a release is incentive to get better, so the Lord grants privileges and such if they achieve good behavior. But if the negative Spirit is behaving well just to have traveling ability granted them again, then they will act well while they are Purgatory, but then as soon as they are released, they will return to their old haunt and old behavior just to get another chance to bother someone. Then they get into further trouble with that attitude, as you can't fool the supervisory angels with tricks, so it gets into a pattern that makes for further and further trouble with the negative Spirit. That old adage though "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make them drink" is still the case. If they are not willing to be a good person whether they are in the flesh or in the Spirit Realm, the person will just not try and that is where systematic infringements are happening. This makes it harder and harder for the Spirit as they descend down to lower and lower vibrational planes thus making it even harder for them to get out of trouble. Much is being done thought to keep them up higher, and that is where the Lord is working with much of the Yang Force Energy. He is keeping their vibrations up much higher than they would be had they taken care of it themselves, and the issue of it bothering them when they do evil causes them even further pain if they attempt to do harm to another in Spirit. This is the area of work that the Lord is involved in now, as the raising of vibrations is affecting all of us creations of God. CHILDREN IN SPIRIT: It is entirely up to the individual Spirit how they wish to handle their return. They usually receive about two to three weeks rest up time before the Lord asks them if they now wish to return to their Soul's Thought Form Body and then become an 30-ish looking adult. Usually they say they will and then the Lord blesses them with a ritual and then removes the illusion that they are still a little child, and then instantly their Thought Form Body returns to the former way they used to be, which is an adult or close to an adult. They have chosen to appear about the age of 30 just so that it makes them feel like an adult, and also to be showing themselves that they are honoring the Lord Jesus by appearing much like his age when he died on Earth, which was 33. That's how much of the Spirits appear. Now they can alter that somewhat and appear just under 30, as no one cares all that much about a change of a few years here or there. If the Spirit doesn't want to grow up in appearance, the Lord talks with them and decides their emotional state, and does several steps in order to enhance their feelings about self worth, and gives them opportunities in order to give them incentives to change back. Incentives such as: 1. College courses that are free and help them grow scholastically. 2. Housing that is much nicer than what a child would have. 3. Responsibilities such as a job that they could work at for part-time work and receive a salary. 4. Independence, which is a biggie for them, as acting like a child still makes them have to dwell like they are little when they are feeling higher in maturity than what is showing inside their physical Thought Form Spirit Bodies. 5. Having privileges that would make them feel like an adult. All these incentives do help much to get the Spirit motivated to return back to their former adult form and behavior. Other times it may not work for about six months to return to the adult state, or they just decide to "grow up normally" but do it in the natural way as a child would. Then they do live in a "foster home" with someone hopefully they remember and could relate to. It all takes determination by the Adjusters who are Spirit Counselors who help newly-returned Spirits adjust back to the Spirit Dimension. It can be rough sometimes if the Spirit passed away from a traumatic event, so it all depends upon the individual situation as I explained before, but hopefully they will eventually return back to the adult age of maturity, and can therefore get back on track with their Life Goals and perhaps plan out a return to the Earth Plane if they have unfinished business, (Life Chart goals that were unfinished).
The Awakening is happening to the whole of the children of God, whether or not we ourselves acknowledge that we are a creation of God. So in the future, hopefully there will be fewer and fewer Ghosts on the Earth plane, and more visits by Spirit family and friends stopping by to see us for a wonderfully happy chat!
If I haven't answered a question you may have, please feel free to write me at [email protected] and I will be happy to add the question and answer here in this article.    © Copyright 2005 - All Rights Reserved |