Mediumship Ethics - Part II Realize, too, that with the responsibility and accountability issue with mediumship, there comes with it the same kind of Karmic situation of “what goes around, comes back around�? You see, if there is a negative outcome with your presentation of mediumship and the Subject or the Spirit is personally hurt emotionally with the way you handled the contact, then as with any other kind of inter-relationship with other people, it goes against you. If that negative outcome is continued, then the medium will notice a decrease in the level of energy that the medium makes connection with, and then further and further decreasements are given to the point of being in contact with the lowest level of Energy beings and then trouble.
So you see, it is for your best interests to be always in the highest level. The accuracy is there, as well as the love. Always love is the highest level, even higher than the light level which is second. So if you meet all this with love, then the ethics will easily come through, and then you “just know�?what is right and what is not right to say.
Most of us will agree that we have chosen to do mediumship to help ease the pain of those who have been left behind, as well as those who passed on, by being a “bridge�?between the two worlds. With that in mind, you can see that it does no good to give too much information about how a person passed, in terms of graphic detail, as this negative information that would upset the Subject. Consider the cause-of-death information carefully, as the accuracy is indeed important, but once the confirmation is established, the medium needs to go onto the messages, etc.
You as a medium have the right to explain to the Spirit telepathically that they need to go into the message part of the reading, too, if the Spirit is dwelling on his passing too much, and needs a nudge that way. Try to sense the “over-all gist�?of the reading, to have the confirmation and validation of the Spirit shown, followed by the message information.
You see, ethics apply not only to what certain information is given out to the Subject individually, but also the “Overall Theme�?of the reading. The whole message of the contact reading should be done in such a way as to assure the Subject as well as the Spirit that this contact was positive and hopefully beneficial. Try to imagine both parties walking away from this reading with your intention being that they felt good in their hearts that this contact occurred.
Healing relationships, creating a positive link between two realms so that people here can sense that their Loved Ones are knowing that they are aware of their daily life is after all what connecting to Spirit is all about, and establishing the fact that life continues. Don’t feel pressured to give out a quick answer either as that, too, can cause you to say something that shouldn’t be told, due to you feeling pressed for time. If you are charging for your mediumship services and have this bothering you, just allow yourself additional time for this drawback as it will cause you trouble with the ethics issue.
There is also a need to mention that whenever there is money received: Due to the nature of cause and effect there will be a lessening of the psychic gift when there is remuneration paid to a psychic. Psychics use the Holy Spirit Energy when they are doing Spirit Contact, so when there is the money paid to the psychic, that lessens or dampens the link when it is known that the psychic is doing this for payment. With any type of Spirit Contact, there is the instant evaluation done by the individual's guide and they assess whether it is for personal profit and along with that is the client doing this out of a form of amusement or entertainment, so intent of the psychic Reader and intent of the Readee is evaluated. The issues are: 1.) ethics, 2.) reason for contact, plus 3.) remuneration. All those three elements are assessed before even the first bit of information is passed on through to the psychic Reader. That is why the misinformation is given along with accurate facts. Even the degree of intentions is assessed and the amount of fee charged and the accuracy rate is based on that. That is the rule of Heaven.
Also if scruples are not kept high, the psychic can involve themselves in lot of problems karmically if they are given unethical questions by the Readee and then complying. For example, if someone goes to a psychic to find out personal negative information about another person and then the psychic tries to do that, then there will be always negative things told, inaccurate negative things, along with other things that will be coming back to the Subject, as well as the psychic. Like attracts like. Maybe the first intention of the Subject wasn’t to find that out, but later in the reading they just blurt it out asking this, try to phrase your refusal in such a way that will not be condemning of the Subject, but just the same firmly and politely stating your refusal to do this.
Sentences such as “I’m sorry, but ethically I cannot do that�?works.
Now a word about Testing:
What I have been finding over the years is that while the psychic is given the level of Spirit Contact first, the next level is attainable if the psychic wants to go further. Often this is given psychics who are able to go into a higher frequency level which is the Intuitive Stage. I've been asked many times "how can I be accessing the Akashic Record like you do?". I started out years ago doing only Spirit contact readings. I didn’t start out doing guidance readings and being able to access the Book of Life in order to give past-life information. All that came eventually, with the classroom-like situation of lessons, followed by testing.
In that level there are Guides involved with the psychic and often tests are given the psychic while giving a reading. There sometimes are choices out there given the psychic to choose the right phrasing so that the Readee will gain from the experience. That is the intuition level, and then guidance often comes from this situation.
So notice when the reading sometimes goes from the Spirit contact to guidance. That is when you are growing in your Auric Field and will show this also inside your whole Chakra System. Notice, too, if there are little “tests�?that seem to be happening, even though right at first you are not quite feeling “tested�? You are, believe me, and it will be noticed if you stick with your ideals, your scruples, even though you seem to be clearly getting access to something that shouldn’t be given you either visually or through information said. If you don’t feel right about anything given you through your Third Eye, don’t do it.
Often Guides will show you “hints of tests�? too, like in a kind of “forewarning�? Sense with your Heart Chakra the switch of energy feeling. Keep alert to the idea of testing possible, even while you are giving a reading as that is often when tests are given. If you can pass these tests, then you will have a broader choice of offerings you can share with others.
That, too, will also aid you also with your how you want your Life Plan to go. Keep in mind that Gifts of the Spirit are solely for the benefit of others, not just for yourself. Psychics who have been at this for a length of time notice that their ability seems to apply mostly to the aid of others, and rarely to their own benefit with precognition. If you have read any of Sylvia Browne’s books, you will have read her comments about that, too. If you want to grow, please try to work being a psychic medium into a good working plan with those you are close to either in a romantic relationship or family relationship, as you are also influencing another person(s) whom you are directly involved with.
Enthusiasm is wonderful especially when you are exuberant with the joy of linking two people in different dimension in a helpful way, but having that the main subject you talk about with someone else can be a bit overwhelming to another person.
I have had that happen on more than one occasion early on with this psychic ability, and it can result their irritation, your hurt feelings, not to mention the distancing of a friendship a possibility, etc. So trying to assess your overall life picture with how all this ability affects both you and ones close to you is important, and to keep balance the key here. Ethics apply here, too, as being involved with someone closely means that they, too, are influenced by your being a psychic medium. If they are having coping problems with it, try to regulate the issue by keeping the subject lightly touched upon.
Even though you are eager and motivated to aid others through this wonderful Gift, not everyone you are related to or in love with feels exactly the way you do. As with so many things, the Golden Rule applies greatly to mediumship ethics. Do unto others in your mediumship reading, as you yourself would like have done for you in a reading.
I've tried to address the finer points of mediumship in this article and hope if there are further questions you have, please write to me about them at [email protected]
Most of us will agree that we have chosen to do mediumship to help ease the pain of those who have been left behind, as well as those who passed on, by being a “bridge�?between the two worlds. Keeping in mind the application of ethics in mediumship will connect you with Spirit greater than you ever thought, as “what goes around, comes back around�? in a very good way! Being consistent in your code of ethics in mediumship gets noticed by Guides, and of course God, and He will bless you with growth potential even beyond your own expectations, rewarding you with increased knowingness that is well worth the effort! Next © Copyright 2003, 2005 - All Rights Reserved     