Depression And Your Spirit Part II - By Lilly  How depression affects our Spirit, our Chakras and Auric Field :
When depression first sets in, it's into the Heart Chakra, followed by encompassing the energies of the Throat Chakra along with the Mind Chakras of the 6th, the 7th, and up above into the higher consciousness. There is the issue now of that basic "fight or flight" reflex action of our personality, and if we choose the "flight" option, that fleeing part would be us just not dealing with it but in effect running away from the issue(s) that caused us the trouble in the first place. There is always something wrong that happens first with depression. We are either upset at a circumstance, ourselves, our life, someone else, but something triggers the change-over in how we deal with something. If there is something inside us that first causes the depression, such as a type of "unfixable" illness, then that resignation of it getting the better of us causes the onset of depression in some. If the person chooses the "fight" option, then that places their fate back somewhat in their own hands, but still the outcome is not guaranteed to be fixed just because we opted for the fight method. Ultimately the end realization is that all is in God's Hands, and acceptance of that which we cannot change will bring us a better comprehension and understanding of how things are here on Earth, and our coping ability will be therefore improved. Having a will to live is important, and thus in keeping with the Holy Spirit which therefore blesses us with the return gift of the Peace That Passeth All Understanding, whereby blesses us with coping much better with the overall situation. The Chakra System overall is dampened down with vibrational rate fluctuation plus overload, too, so that when one Chakra is hurting the other remaining Chakras inside the body are working even harder, to soothe that one particular Chakra inside the body. So that is why the emotions are affected, plus the issue of coping ability is hampered. So all of the major Chakras are blanketed with the lowering of vibrations. You can see that it does trigger a negative reaction of not tolerating well any of the basic feelings associated with the way a person handles their emotions. The Auric Field also reflects this lowering of vibrations plus the inundated energy reversal. The vibrations that radiate outwardly on the normal person are inverted and drawn in so as to comfort the Spirit, which is why I mentioned that soothing action by the other Chakras. This action is often reflected in the physical reaction of the depressed person to stay in bed for long periods of time and laying in the fetal position in a self-comforting type way. This might be a temporary treatment for some of the symptoms of depression, but it truly doesn't remove the depression which is why when the person finally gets out of bed, they still are not feeling better and whole.
With a chronic depression situation, the person is not dealing properly with it, and gets more into a habit of "accept how things are", but from the standpoint of allowing the sorrow and negative feelings of the depression to take control. It is giving control over your own self to the symptoms of depression and feeling like you have no self-empowerment at all, and the pattern of acceptance stays. Hopefully by this point in time the person has also realized that they cannot go on being like this, and either they or some member of their family has noticed the change in them and makes them see a doctor or a counselor.
We ourselves are in charge of so much of our lives here, but must also realize, too, that in order to keep ourselves in balance, we need to remember that we are Spiritual Beings encased in Physical Bodies here and therefore must blend all parts of ourselves in harmony to have that "wholeness of self". What parts? Our Mind, Body, and Spirit, plus our Heart. Stress to one part of us hampers and taxes the other parts. Our Heart is the one part of the Whole that is inter-related to the other three, and is affected directly much like a "central location" whereby the link to the Lord resides. So if we think in terms of our Heart being "Home Central" within the Wholeness of Self, then you can sense that we are radiating outwardly from our Heart-Mind-Body Combined, and thereby can sense our Spirit Self, too, connecting to our Spirits all as One Unit. If we realize also that we can't do it alone, can't take on all of life's complications and problems major or minor without God in our heart and life, and to give it over to the Lord, He will then take the trouble, the sorrow out of your heart. It is not unusual for people to actually physically feel their Heart Chakra lighten, like a heavy load has been physically removed off their chest, and they can now take deep, clearer breaths, free of that oppression, but you need to stick with it. Just don't think that by doing that alone it will remove all of the issues, as when someone has suffered for a time with depression, their thought pattern has been in a type of habitual "cycle of repetition" with much of their feelings and thoughts. Allow yourself some time to clear yourself of that. It is like an addict of sorts who needs to go through a cleansing period with withdrawal. But in this case, it is like a "withdrawal of self-absorption, self-pity, sorrow, low self-esteem, and thoughts turned inward. Like I said before, you need to redirect the flow of energy of the Auric Field from curling inward of itself to a sensing of your Heart is the center of who you are and linked directly to the Lord Jesus Christ, the God Within and have your energy of the Aura radiating outward in a healthy way totally linked to God. Remember in the 23rd Psalm it says "He restoreth my Soul? That is so very true, as the Lord will indeed do that if invited to. It is a real event, this restoring of your Soul, not empty words, but an actual nourishing and restoring of your Soul so that you will have that inner peace and balance you truly need.
A good habit to get into is to re-train how you are thinking with your own thoughts. By that I mean getting in touch with your own feelings, your own emotions in a healthy way. Instead of saying "I think I am ________, say I feel I am ____________. That way you are sensing with your own heart there, linking directly to your heart, and not allowing your mind to take over with what comes from your heart thwarting your linking to it. The heart and the mind will blend beautifully if you let your heart lead. It's just that simple. What happens if you don't do that? When you by-pass your emotions re-directing them totally into your mind-- or another pattern I see in people is to draw your emotions into your Third Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, and then swirl it up into the Throat Chakra and then out and that way which makes you feel with your Solar Plexus Chakra, your "intuition" but not accessing the Heart Chakra, then it makes a huge swirling ball of gray darkened energy surrounding your Heart Chakra. You see, this is sometimes the case with depression, you don't link to your heart, which is where the God Within is located, your God Connection. Christ resides there and He will afford you the kindness of being there for you during your problems, if you allow Him. I am not trying to preach here about the Lord Jesus, but to clearly say that this is where people have the problems with depression when they don't allow the Lord to guide them. There are real energy links inside us, and you can't disallow that part of the Whole You. It just makes it so much harder and the recovery much longer if you don't consider this aspect of the Whole You. That is why some people who are linked strongly to the Lord and have life problems and grief as this is a normal part of life down here on Earth, but they don't crumble and collapse over it. They continue on and deal with their grief and sorrows, and let God lead them. They have that Inner Strength that comes directly from God, and they know and honor where it comes from. God will help if you allow Him. He will not force Himself on your life, but He will come to your aid if you wish it.
I want to stress here that going to a doctor and being evaluated is definitely important to do, as there are times when there is a chemical imbalance causing the depression. It does happen, but this is not always the reason for all cases of depression. Simple blood tests can analyze and determine if this is the case.