When Spirit Guides Go Wrong Part II By Lilly  Unfortunately with having so much lee-way that guides apparently have, their Egos can get overly inflated and out of balance. They are monitored to a degree, and yet unless there is a complaint made, it won't get noticed by the Guidance Guild. It is much like how it is with class rooms at school: once in a while the principal will occasionally stop in the class room and sit in the back of the class and listen to the teacher talking with the students. The principal will stay for a few minutes and then go to the next classroom. That is much like how it is with the Guidance Guild Supervisors, so it is up to us to be discerning and monitoring their teaching skills and their ethics, as well. That's where you come in with it. If you are having complications with your guide(s), you can pray to God about your situation and what you wish done. We as psychics at first tend to think because they are a Spirit Guide and they are telling us something like this, and there is no one else we see in Spirit running over to tell this guide that they are saying or doing something wrong, that what is said to us IS APPROVED OF, and that it has the blessings of the Holy Spirit. Because there is this silence from anyone else in the Spirit Realm, that silence afterwards may make a psychic assume whatever this guide now has told you is correct. That is not necessarily true. There is no one else monitoring the conditions offside, unless there is the Earth person asking for this additional help. If you had called upon say Arch Angel Michael, or Arch Angel Raphael, then there would have been others coming to monitor what was going on. Some guides can cause us to be very upset, and when you think of it, can be considered much like a common terrorist with their "teaching" procedures. Guides are similar to teachers and are people just like us, and not all of them are ethical. Just by reading today's papers and news media with the occasional teacher having done some very serious criminal acts against the children they teach tells us to always monitor any type of teacher-student relationship. It is an uncommon situation, yet it does happen, which is why I am writing this article. What To Do About It: Do not elevate any guide in your esteem to be anything higher than any teacher who has had two years of class time study to be trained. That is all their guidance degree is up in the Spirit Realm, a Two-Year Degree attained. Be discerning now of any kind of approach a guide may use and do not hesitate to firmly state to them anything you disapprove of, including their teaching procedures. Do not make yourself vulnerable like that and know your rights: 1. If you are going through what you feel is immoral, unethical, or against what is clearly known to you in your personal rights, complain right away to God about it. Ask that there be someone come to your defense and to right away register a formal prayer complaint against that individual you are being abused by. 2. Keep at it with the formal prayers, do not allow for anyone telling you in Spirit that it is all right and to cancel out your formal complaint. Stand firm. 3. KNOW strongly and firmly that once you have prayed your formal complaint to God about the improper treatment you've received, that there will be something done to judicially deal with this individual. No prayer like this goes away, gets lost in the paperwork, or anything like that. It starts a formal investigation that will be dealt with and soon, too, often within a day or two. Psalm 46: "God is my refuge and my strength, an ever present help in times of trouble." Calling upon God to judge this situation and to make it right is what is going to happen. Don't doubt that at all. Stand firm knowing this. Just like that guide who appeared to me that one time afterwards tearing his Guidance Guild Robe in half and then leaving, he never returned to that woman, nor to me or to the Guidance Guild. The Guidance Guild is a body of governing High Souls who do not want their reputation damaged, and do have high standards in a very difficult time. They are hard pressed right now to keep those standards in force, yet they will comply with all registered complaints and charges filed. They have worked long and hard to build up their highly respected standards of competency and moral ethics for the membership, and do not want any individual on Earth being harassed or tormented by any member of their Guild. So in being staunch in your attitude of what you are willing to deal with and what not will only be helping you plus helping the Guidance Guild oust those who are not the type they want in their membership. When you bring into this aspect the possibility of you perhaps someday wanting to be a guide after you return to Heaven working for them, would you readily volunteer to be a part of their Guidance Guild if you knew it was run by incompetent and immoral lax individuals? Of course not! The Supervisors of the Guidance Guild want you to be: 1. Treated with respect while being psychically trained; 2. To have respect for them, the Guidance Guild; and 3. Maybe someday be wonderful ethical Spirit Guides for others on the Earth when you've returned Home. With a partnership attitude established and knowing your rights, only good will come of this. BACK    © Copyright 2006 - All Rights Reserved 