Ghosts Versus Spirits  By Lilly       What's the difference? Plenty! Much has been written about Ghosts and it often instills the thought of chills going down your back in just hearing the phrase "Ghost". Why is that? What is there to be worried about when you think about Ghosts? Are they just ordinary people like us but that they are deceased or are they something different? Why when we say the term "Spirits" we are not all that concerned, but when we say the term "Ghosts" we feel differently? I hope to answer those questions and more in this article, but first let me say this: I don't often feel inclined to even use the term Ghosts as it feels like an old term, and something that feels negative to me. But the difference is that a Ghost is someone who has stayed on down here, and that surprises most people as you would naturally think that they would travel up to the Light and have more lifetimes, even if the one that they had that left them like this caused trauma to their Souls, but there is one more issue: the Etheric Level. That is where the "Ghost" is staying. He is more than just an individual, but also an Etheric Energy Being, staying there to dwell on that particular level. When we use the word "Spirit" we realize that they are someone who has gone into the Spirit Realm and is continuing on. So the difference is that the Ghost has stayed on the Earth to dwell, and the Spirit has gone up to the Heavenly Realm.
What about those Scottish Castles where there are Ghosts of people who died 800 years ago and more? Why are they not having more lifetimes? Why are they allowed to just hang on at that castle or mansion and not go further? Isn't growth what life is all about? How can they do that? Why don't they think about what is happening all around them, even traveling outside the castle, onto the streets outside, seeing the modern cars, trucks, etc. which are truly not of their ancient environment they once dwelled. Don't they see these vehicles? Don't they notice that the visitors to the castles wear different clothing? But enough of these questions. Answers are what you want.
Ghosts are those who are "left behind", those who do not wish to go into the Light. They want to stay in that state called "Limbo". It's not a happy place and most ghosts are truly not happy beings. I would have to say that many if not all of them are truly suffering from some type of mental illness. They are reliving their past life experience to the point that they just don't even see those around them, unless they are up to something, and that mostly is of an irritating nature. So they just stay on, living on day after day, going on as if they are not even aware of us. But they do have lives, so to speak, and they dwell on this locality of Earth, and mostly have those whom they are associated with visiting with them on occasion, hence the usual nature of several ghosts at one place. Not always is that the case, but it is often seen. Even those who are separated by several hundred years are involved with each other. By that I mean that someone from the 15th century could be also staying at an old place where someone else from the 17th century is residing, too. Each knows of the other's existence, but it is much like a kind of "fellowship" there and each respecting each other's space, etc. The Lord allows this type of existence just so that there is an example of such for those of us down here, but it still doesn't set well with Him. He doesn't approve of it, but it is that which is called "Free Will" and with His wish to have us experience all that we want, the good and the bad, then it is allowed with this in mind.
There are those of the Spirit Realm who do try to make an effort to aid them, and often several high souls will go down all at once to a particular haunted place where it is known that some Spirits stay, and they do try their effort to help them to escape this Limbo-state, but unfortunately, most of the Spirits are well encumbered with this type of life and will absolutely not leave. There is the hope of the Lord that when He returns for the Second Coming, that they, too, will want to dwell up with Him and continue on with their lives, but that is still at this point a "hope".
When they ask to have their lives brought forth to the current times, it does shock them a bit, as they haven't watched the time passing. It makes them feel chagrined, too, as they don't feel like they "belong" anywhere. They sometimes even have to be "cocooned", as that in itself of their shock makes them start crying to the point of not wanting to go on. The cocooning event is a Holy Spirit enveloping effect that causes them to go into a semi-conscious state and become One with the Lord and thus making their energy levels expand and grow and become high. It does take time, as it is a gentle process, so about several weeks is the length of this.
When you sense the importance of getting further in life, the effect of being a Ghost drains down your whole vibration. That makes you realize that the reason why the Ghost does not take on a life of normalcy is also a part of the low energy vibration, which causes the Ghost person to become more involved in their own feelings of their private life rather than being close to God. Thus it makes it hard for the Ghost person to want to grow. Like being in a rut, so to speak.
If you encounter a Ghost what do you do? You just stay calm and relaxed. If the Ghost is trying to inhibit you, make you feel unwelcome, or cause you to feel his or her energy (that heaviness that feels negative also), try to be peaceful and say that you belong to God and that you will ask God for assistance if they keep doing what they are doing. You then pause to see if they let up on their negative energy they are bothering you with. If they don't, then immediately call upon the Lord to aid you with His help. Trust that it will come and believe that it has already come, showing this with your demeanor and level of confidence. All this is important, as Ghosts feel your energy, your emotional vibration. They can instantly sense when there is another Spirit present, also, so they will be on the defense there. They will be removed by the Lord's Angels if there is a problem, so don't ever feel like you are going to be harmed by them. They are not allowed to do so, or it will make them even worse with their existence. They know that, so they will not want to have further problems. I know there has been hauntings happening in various places all over the globe, but that is a part of the "allowing". Not anyone is to be harmed by it, though.
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