The Four "Clairs" Clairvoyance, Clairsentience, Clairaudience, & Claircognizance By Lilly  During the past 150 years there has been many names for this, however, the average person knows them as this, clairsentience meaning clear sensing or emotional layer sensing, clairvoyance meaning clear seeing as with the Third Eye, clairaudience meaning clear hearing, and claircognizance meaning clear knowingness.
Below is a description of each of the four "clairs":
Clairsentience is often called being empathic, meaning that their level of sensing another’s personal feelings, and/or situation goes beyond just sympathy for that person, as they can actually feel the other person’s feelings, picking up on their emotional state quite easily. This includes when the person you are picking up on is in tears, it is very easy to have tears suddenly well up in your own eyes, making you feel the exact emotional state that the person you are in tune with is feeling. Clairsentience is a warm feeling when you are in tune properly, as the Holy Spirit Vibration resounds quite well within your Heart Chakra and that is where the link to the emotional layer is, so keep that in mind when accessing through your Heart Chakra--not to overload it with “deep tuning in�? By that I mean don’t allow yourself to go deeply into the other person’s Auric Field, as if becoming “one with the Spirit�?that will cost you plenty in terms of growth, too, as the Guide senses this as a kind of lack of self esteem on your part as well as a lack of emotional security and maturity and will not allow further higher levels for you to access, until you learn to balance the overall “linking to Spirit�?skill. Clairvoyance, which is the usage of the Third Eye and that, has been used in throughout written and unwritten history. Ancient names and biblical references for clairvoyance was called “Seer�?or having Second Sight, seeing visions, “discernment of Spirits�? (See article on Biblical Proof of Psychic Gifts for verses). Nowadays the loose term “psychic�?can apply to the word clairvoyance, however, if you realize that the word “psychic�?just means literally “of the Soul�?then anything “of the Soul�?is applicable to the term psychic. Clairvoyance is using the ability of the Third Eye directly so that you can visually witness what is shown you, and notice that I use the term "witness'? You are watching a visual event, and it is not your mind making it all up. You are seeing something happening, with your Third Eye, the majority of it being through your Spirit inside your body's two eyes watching. You see, you have your Spirit Body inside your Physical Body, and when the two are working in conjunction with each other, then the Third Eye is also doing it's job. It is the mind's eye. When you open up your Third Eye, and it does feel much like a view widening out in all directions, (even behind you) with a full 360 degree vision, and you are then able to see what you are supposed to see in the Spirit world. Clairvoyance is wonderful in terms of the average person, as so many nowadays are clairvoyant and need to address this particular issue with each vibration rate increase. Many who didn't see them prior are now seeing, as well as easily sensing when there is a Spirit nearby. Tickling-Energy feeling, a cool rush going past you, even though there is no window open and you don’t feel the air move, is how to describe the sensation. Also a kind of secondary level Energy which is sensing the touch of a Spirit person’s hand, or feel like your head was touched in some way, as the Spirit can swirl their hands up above the person’s Crown of Life Chakra. Spirit Chills are when a darker and more negative-type Spirit comes by you and causes you to feel this instant chill surrounding your own body and it feels like the inside temperature of your own body has dropped much. That is when the Spirit tries to come next to your own physical body and you feel this drop of temperature inside. It usually makes your shoulders “clutch�?or you suddenly raise your shoulders as a natural reaction to this. This should be noted when this happens as that is not right, and should be immediately blessed and released with this Spirit and sent out into the Light, asking for God’s instant Angelic protection. Clairvoyance also includes actually witnessing the Spirit, first usually just through the peripheral vision of a new psychic--you know the feeling of seeing someone out of the corner of your eye, but then when you look straight on, the person just isn’t there. Clairvoyance I feel is one of the least understood of the Chakra-related sensing abilities. Least understood in terms of realizing just how possible it is for a person to be psychic and not realizing it. So often people have Spirit contact yet dismiss those subtle fluctuations of their bodies' sensing capabilities. You can get into a habit of dismissing these lesser sensory feelings, as they are often subtle, and then bypass the ability of psychic sensing. It helps much to keep that in mind when you are trying to increase your psychic capabilities. Try to sense everything, every little fluctuation, every little nuance there with all the basic senses when you are linking to Spirit. In the last decade there has been much more written about clairvoyance which is wonderful. It makes it so much easier for those of a skeptical mind to cross-reference and compare reputable author's accounts of first-hand experience, so you can justify and verify all this. So many newly awakened psychics have had to learn through trial and error of how to use this ability wisely. If you can take advantage of the local library or bookstore's wonderful variety of books out there now, you, too, will have a strong advantage through study first, and then practice second.
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