Suggestions for Meditation Using Audio CD's and DVD's My first recommended author would be Doreen Virtue, PhD. I have attended to three of her lectures/workshop classes over the years and found her genuinly helpful with what she offers. I would also like to add that when I attended her lectures, the whole time she spoke, she appeared to me to be standing in this shaft of white light. When she would slowly walk around on the stage during her lecture. the shaft of light surrounding her would go along with her. I looked up at the highest point of the light, and saw that it reached directly into the Higher Realms. This continued the whole time she spoke on stage, so I would state unequivocally that she was being divinely blessed during her lecture. When she gave readings afterwards to the spectators, there was several Angelic Beings standing beside her. I would recommend the following Audio CD's by her: Chakra Clearing, Awakening Your Spiritual Power to Know and Heal, - an Audio CD: On this meditative compact disc, Dr. Virtue, a metaphysical healer who works with the angelic realm, guides you through spirit releasement and angelic healing therapy, which clears your energy chakra centers and activates your inborn healing and psychic power. On this meditative compact disc, Dr. Virtue, a metaphysical healer who works with the angelic realm, guides you through spirit releasement and angelic healing therapy, which clears your energy chakra centers and activates your inborn healing and psychic power. Connecting With Your Angels - Learn How to See, Talk, and Work with the Angelic Realm Karma Releasing - Clearing Away Painful Patterns From Your Past: On this audio CD, Dr. Virtue discusses methods to release the effects of trauma. Manifesting With The Angels, - Allowing Heaven to Help You While You Fulfill Your Life's Purpose - Allow heaven to help you while you fulfill your life’s purpose. This powerful meditation guides you through a “progression�?(similar to a regression, except that you see your future instead of your past). Dr. Virtue explains how your life's purpose is fulfilled in your highest reality, and shows how the angels seek to support you while you manifest your mission. In addition, she takes you through the steps of purposeful manifestation, and discusses four common pitfalls that can block manifestations and how to avoid them. Healing With The Angels: Discover various ways that angels can assist you in healing all areas of your life. Doreen leads you through a powerful meditation that invites archangels-an your own guardian angels-to heal every area of your life. Here's a Link to her full list of books and audio cd's: http://www.hayhouse.com/adv_results.php?author=doreen+virtue&format=1&ref=84 Next I would recommend Andrew Weil, M.D. He is a leading physician who is fully into the Mind, Body, And Spirit medical practice and has written numerous books and CD's. I have listened to his VHS video cassette lecture and found him very helpful. I also have several of his audio CD's. He was featured on the "Today Show" for a week this past fall, 2005. Self Healing With Guided Imagery - by Dr. Andrew Weil and Dr. Martin Rossman: Discover various ways that angels can assist you in healing all areas of your life. Doreen leads you through a powerful meditation that invites archangels-an your own guardian angels-to heal every area of your life. 8 Meditations for Optium Health - by Dr. Andrew Weil Sound Body, Sound Mind - By Dr. Andrew Weil 8 Weeks to Optium Health - By Dr. Andrew Weil Spontaneous Healing: How to Discover And Enhance Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain And Heal Itself - By Dr. Andrew Weil Here's a link to his site: www.drweil.com The Illuminated Chakras, A Visionary Voyage Into Your Inner World, By Anodea Judith: A DVD that I've found helpful for chakra meditation and clearing is one that I found at my local library and checked out. It's only 27 minutes long and I found that it was nice to see a visual meditation as well to watch, and just closed my eyes when I wanted to. Chakra Balancing, a Guide to Healing and Awakening Your EnergyBody, Audio CD, by Anodea Judith. Two CD's: Disc 1. Guided exploration through the chakras -- Disc 2. Morning and evening practices. The Beginners Guide to the Chakras by Anodea Judith - "How to heal yourself through your body's energy centers. The Chakra System - by Anodea Judith: A Complete Course in Self-diagnoses and Healing: 6 Audio CD's, 7.5 hours, plus 29 page study guide. Anodea Judith, Ph.D. is one of the country’s foremost experts on the therapeutic use of the chakra system. She holds a M.A. in clinical psychology and a doctorate in health and human services, specializing in mind/body healing. She is a popular workshop presenter and the author of Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System, The Sevenfold Journey (with Selene Vega), and Eastern Body, Western Mind: Psychology and the Chakra System as a Path to the Self. For more information about Anodea Judith, visit her Web site at www.SacredCenters.com. If you would like to add a favorite meditation CD, just email me at the address below: Email: [email protected] |