Spiritual Molestation By Lilly  Spiritual attacks of a sexual nature are happening a lot these days, since the attitude of those who are in charge of Purgatory are allowing more to happen via "Release Passes" for those Purgatory inmates who show "improved behavior". Now not all those who are showing "improved behavior" do rapes, but they do travel the earth and find it easier nowadays to communicate with those humans who have ESP, and this is happening more and more with the veils thinning. I don't think those who are in charge of Purgatory are regulating it wisely nor do they have enough manpower to monitor those who have these traveling passes. What to do: Right away as soon as you sense a type of sexual encounter happening and I don't care if you think or assume from the appearance you are sensing that it is your former boyfriend, your husband somehow in the Spirit Realm, your boss, the next-door neighbor, friend, whomever, ---99.9% of the time it is NOT. It is a Traveler Spirit who is doing a post-hypnotic suggestion action by manifesting an image of said person. They are capable of listening to your conversations or have heard from others about you in Spirit, and they can mentally project an image of a person you know, picking this up from your thoughts and knowing some of what your life is like. It is their way of disguising who they really are, and having you act like you're in a light trance state is what they prefer, so they are able to do certain things that make the sleeping person assume something just so that there won't be disbelief and non-cooperation. These images of someone we might know and recognize is super-imposed over these Traveler's own faces so as to dupe you. It is just a trick, so the sooner you can wake up while you are asleep in this light trance state while sleeping, the better. The next thing to do as soon as you sense you are now in the Spirit Realm and something is happening to you to quickly WAKE UP, --force yourself to wake up and get in control over the intrusion. Refuse to participate and call up God our Holy Father to summon the Arch Angels to protect you, shield you, and remove the Spirit from your presence. It is only a matter of a few seconds once you summon aid for aid to arrive. In my opinion the leniency of those in charge of Purgatory has resulted in this travesty of negative activities by these deliberately attacking Purgatory inmates now granted a roaming pass up on the Earth's surface. Governmental systems and corrections efforts are not very successful in the Spirit world I've noticed. I have been told they are literally overwhelmed with Purgatory inmates now in the Spirit Realm, and Purgatory is filled to the max currently. They have even had to remove some of the worse offenders in the Spirit Realm returning them into their original state of the animal kingdom for a time. Most of them are from that original state I am told, so it makes sense that they are reverting more and more due to their negative wavelength and their own desires to do harm to others. Keep strong in your own way and have the courage to stand up for whatever you know to be right and true in the Spirit Realm. Be skeptical whenever you are just presented with something quickly and you are feeling that it isn't right, or something doesn't look/feel/sound/sense as right. Don't just believe blankly whatever you are told there, as there is always a reason why someone is presenting you with some sort of image or idea, and you have to quickly sense if there is some sort of gain or benefit to be had by these Spirits for themselves. As soon as you are wide awake and conscious, ask God to protect you in your future. He will acknowledge that you tried your best to protect yourself and will assist you in the future. At no time should you cooperate with these Travelers, as once it is listed on your Akashic Record that you were cooperating and sexually involved with these Travelers, cooperating with them, then it will not be granted you to have further aid via the Angelic Beings, since they do not come to aid those who are at first having sex with these dark souls then later when it gets worse with violence that the Earth Person now realizes that they made a huge mistake and want out of these nightly encounters. Angels aren't wishy-washy about this at all, so there is a time after the person asks for aid by the Angels that the Angels come and review the Earth Person's actions and thereby determines if the human being is really wanting to not participate. They will allow some time to pass in a form of disciplinary punishment attitude before they will come and aid the human in trouble in this case. That is why it is imperative to NOT participate in any type of sexual dream encounter whatsoever no matter who you think it is in this dream.     © Copyright 2008 - All Rights Reserved |