SPIRIT WRITING  By Lilly    |   Automatic Writing Procedure:
1. Plan ahead with this, so that you will notify the Lord and He can thereby notify your Guides to start the procedure. Doing this ahead of time, say like a day ahead of when you plan to do the Spirit Writing is enough, just so that the Guide can be there alongside you to aid you. They have usually several others that they are assigned to Guide here on Earth, and they have schedules, so realize that doing this can't be just a spur of the moment idea and have it be successful. What I suggest is to pray, asking God to be involved directly with this effort, as well as your Guide and whom you wish to speak to with your Spirit Writing. (Usually with the first attempts having your Guide being the one to do the Spirit Writing is best). Later when you develop it better, you may request a certain person, however, there are no guarantees it will be happening with that certain person appearing to write, as they also have schedules and activities in their active life up in Spirit, with jobs, plans, etc. So that giving them at least a day or more advance notice of your attempt is important.
2. Meditate for a while, sitting quietly and asking God to be directly involved with this whole event. You can do this in a comfortable chair and I recommend at least 15 minutes to quiet the mind. In the Bible it states: "be still and know that I am God". You need to first "still the mind". As a visual technique imagine that you are about to use a CB radio and that you are holding the microphone, and speak to God and your Guide that you are wanting to contact them, and then when you lift off your finger on the microphone and you wait for the message to come back through the CB radio, that is much like how it is with doing Spirit Contact. You need to realize that this is a real event. You just need to open up the link, and that is much like turning on the CB. Meditation is very helpful that way. So doing this at a time where your home is quiet and you won't be disturbed is essential for a good contact. If you are feeling nervous or have any doubts about it, then just don't go to the next step here until you do, as doubt blocks very quickly. You need to be very much at peace with this, and calm.
3. Sit at a table and using a pad and pen is one way, and the second way if you are comfortable at using the computer, is to allow Spirit to guide your fingers with the keyboard and type. Typing is indeed the best way to do this as you can write so much more through the computer versus writing by hand. I personally can only hand write about seven pages of notebook paper, college ruled before I am tired, but with typing have written as much as 30 pages of channeled text at one time. Of course just getting started, you need to keep in mind your Heart Chakra and your overall energy level, so you won't tire yourself out and get drained. Do this Automatic Writing for about 20 minutes and no longer. If you notice you are feeling drained, tired, or that your attention is fading with this, stop. If your Heart Chakra is burning, then you have gone way too long. Always notice how you are feeling with this, and the energy you are sensing. If it feels positive, then it is good, but if it feels heavy and oppressive, then you have not linked through the Chakra of the Holy Spirit Energy within your Heart and should stop. Prayer makes the Holy Spirit come forth always.
Hand Automatic Writing: 4. If you chose to hand write the channeled information, then you would lightly place your pen on the paper and allow the Spirit to guide your hand. They do not come inside your physical body, yet they approach your Auric Field and lightly touch your arm and allow their own hand to come in contact with your hand and then write through your hand holding the pen. So they in effect guide your hand so that you will sense the feeling of an energy and movement, and thereby allow the hand to be guided so that words appear. Often the words are at first all strung together inter-linked as the pen doesn't lift off the paper at the end of the word, but the line runs into the next word, but you can see a gap there between each word and it is legible to read. Your "t's" and "i's" might not be dotted right at first, as they are trying to just get used to using your hand this way, and much like "fine-tuning" with a older style broadband radio, you have to adjust the dial to get the energy link correct. That is why aligning first to God is important. At first you might just have circles and loops happening just until the Spirit Guide can focus and align with your effort there and coordinate the two, so don't expect too much right at first. Keep your questions simply stated, even starting out with inquiries that would only need a "yes" or a "no" written in response. So you won't be confused about the answers, write a corresponding number to the left of each response, linking it to the question list. Make the questions about you yourself and not about someone else, as the Guide will work through your Auric Field and know more about you personally than someone else. Having a list of questions you wish to ask ahead of time and then just reading them works well. Keep in mind that you don't want to ask too many questions in one given session. You need to also realize that they don't like to do too much in the way of giving you more than you should know, so don't think that they know all of your life's answers. They will only tell you that which you need to know. Stay calm and peaceful with the contact, and not allow negative emotions to come into this, as anything in terms of emotions can either escalate or dampen the energy with how you are feeling. Tears drain, and peaceful happy feelings improve, --that's what I am saying.
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