Q: I have been regularly hearing spirit trying to talk to me. I hear the muffled tone and I know they are trying to talk to me. I stretch my spirit ears and really concentrate on what is being said but, I cannot hear it. I know it is getting better with each time I hear it... is this a process that takes time or is there something I am missing here?
A: Yes, it is a process that does take time in some cases, yet for the majority with what you are experiencing why you can't hear their words clearly isn't anything to do with your own "equipment" so to speak. It has to do with the technique the Spirit Guides commonly do which is to deliberately muffle their words or cover their mouth with their hand while they speak, or even stand too far away from you physically so that all you hear are muffled words. Now why would they do that? The reason why is that they want you deliberately trying harder to focus in hearing them. The more effort you put out, the better your abilities are strengthened much like a "muscle" so to speak. I hear similar experiences all the time with my correspondence, and I myself had that same training given me. They seem to think that the easier they make it for us, the less effort we will put out to hear them, so they want us going through a kind of strengthening "boot camp" exercises to train us initially to be more keenly attune to their wavelength frequency, and better equipped to hear even those Spirits who are less in volume and strength capacity to transfer their voice telepathically. The higher the Spirit the much more clear their words are heard. Now don't assume that you won't be wanting to now practice just because you only want to hear High Spirits, because say for example someone who is newly crossed over to the Other Side will not have as much strength to project their voices into our minds telepathically as would someone who has been there a while. Also someone who has been upset prior to their passing, or is sad will also have less strength to transmit their thoughts, too. If you are well trained, you will be able to hear clearly just about everyone.
Q. What is the Second Coming of Christ?
A: The Second Coming of Christ is now upon us with the Spiritual Awakening, thus our being now able to see our Lord Jesus whenever we wish to if we JUST ASK. He is now there for those who love Him. That is why this is called the Second Coming, and not something like "He is now physically here time". He will not be coming fully here in the flesh, yet He will be viewed by all those who love Him sometime in the near future in a cloud in our skies.
Q: What is judgment?
A: As to judgment, the Lord told me many years ago "The lack of motivation is the single-most problem in the Universe." Trying to keep us motivated with wanting to improve has been the foundation of many laws and rules that the Lord has imposed upon us. I know in the last chapter of the Book of Revelation it is written "Behold, I am coming soon, bringing my recompense, to repay everyone for what he has done. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.
Each time we come back Home to the Spirit Realm we have a Past Life Review and therefore are judged as to what goals we reached and what goals we failed at. We should not fear judgment, yet consider it an evaluation necessary to help keep us motivated, and remember that with Eternity in Heaven there is no death, which makes it clear that without something to help us stay motivated we could have the possibility of lethargy and stagnation upon us with our will to keep going on a path of self improvement. Responsibility and accountability are two other aspects of judgment, too. We need to have some sort of foundation there to keep us as a society moral and upright. The lack of good morals has been a major factor in the downfall of all the past major civilizations of our ancient world. I feel we need some sort of system there to help us stay the course. I know there truly isn't a "perfect system" that works 100% well, yet this is what the Lord has worked out and for me I am at peace with it. I've asked Him about this and He has agreed that the system does work, yet not totally to the agreement of all. Earth isn't perfect, Heaven isn't perfect, people are not perfect, so having a system that compensates for the imperfections in our existence and works fairly well is the best we have till we can figure out an even better one that works in the long run. You see with the Heavenly Realm knowing the extent of extremely long periods of time, Eons, and that historical record has been able to be evaluated and studied, we can use this knowledge to consider in retrospect where we could have improved upon. The "pendulum" swings to the left and then swings to the right, back and forth from good to evil in our society, era upon era, yet over time those in a "Think Tank" workshop in the Spirit Realm's Angelic Level can review what is working and what isn't. This is the job of the Elders, as mentioned in the Book of Revelation. These 24 Elders do much scrutinizing work and have access to High Souls whose job it is to evaluate and consider other options. They are always hard at work trying to find ways to improve Earth, and it's good to know they are there trying to help.