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 Mediumship Ethics - Part III 4. Becoming One with the Creator which includes being strong in your own right, and knowing right from wrong: In this level you are tested through trials that will reveal to the Angels if you are willing to withstand the pressures of becoming involved with negative forces if you accept dark energies. It is a kind of level whereby you sense there is even an attack of Spirit and that attack in itself is where you either succumb to the wearing down of forces or you fight back with Love and Light Energies to withstand this very challenging testing. In this category you do have Strength of Character and you blend with the Angelic Realm in a kind of warfare element, yet there are those of the Light who will come and end this if there is too much done. You will find out if you have the Inner Strength and Fortitude needed to go up even higher within the Angelic Realm. You are also tested to see if you are easily influenced and swayed to do something wrong by someone who appears to be of the Light, yet is trying to influence you to do something negative. These are major challenges and most of the psychics involved directly in doing psychic work do not have this high level of challenges, yet there are those who are able to go further into this much higher range of energy and do well. It could be compared to "post graduate school" in this category of training.
Even though you are eager and motivated to aid others through this wonderful Gift, not everyone you are related to or in love with feels exactly the way you do. As with so many things, the Golden Rule applies greatly to mediumship ethics. Do unto others in your mediumship reading, as you yourself would like have done for you in a reading. Enthusiasm is wonderful especially when you are exuberant with the joy of linking two people in different dimension in a helpful way, but having that the main subject you talk about with someone else can be a bit overwhelming to another person. I have had that happen on more than one occasion early on with this psychic ability, and it can result their irritation, your hurt feelings, not to mention the distancing of a friendship a possibility, etc. So trying to assess your overall life picture with how all this ability affects both you and ones close to you is important, and to keep balance the key here. Ethics apply here, too, as being involved with someone closely means that they, too, are influenced by your being a psychic medium. If they are having coping problems with it, try to regulate the issue by keeping the subject lightly touched upon.
I've tried to address the finer points of mediumship in this article and hope if there are further questions you have, please write to me about them at [email protected]
Most of us will agree that we have chosen to do mediumship to help ease the pain of those who have been left behind, as well as those who passed on, by being a "bridge" between the two worlds. Keeping in mind the application of ethics in mediumship will connect you with Spirit greater than you ever thought, as "what goes around, comes back around", in a very good way! Being consistent in your code of ethics in mediumship gets noticed by Guides, and of course God, and He will bless you with growth potential even beyond your own expectations, rewarding you with increased knowingness that is well worth the effort! BACK © Copyright 2003, 2005 - All Rights Reserved     
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