Categories Of Spiritual Growth Part I By Lilly I've been hearing about these various categories over the years with the readings, and since so many do write me with guidance readings, these categories come up quite often. We have what we call Life Charts that we all work on, and that is where we come down with our plans, our goals. We have basic categories that we work on and they are the following: 1. Growth for the Soul 2. Ways and Means 3. Coping Skills 4. Relationships Growth for the Soul Category: When we get together with our Planners who are trained Counselors up in the Spirit Realm, they sit down and work with us on our Life Chart. We discuss our future incarnation with them after we have filled out our Goals Sheet Questionnaire which is a four-page form containing a full listing of various options and choices we can request and plan for. You have to start somewhere and this guideline form helps us outline our plans. Some people may not even have plans at this point, just have a general idea of wanting to try Earth life once again. We have already done at this point in time a contacting of our family members, friends, loved ones, colleagues and others whom we are asking to see who is going down and where, with whom, etc. In this Growth for the Soul Category what is included to learn and master is: 1. Our Spirit Selves and how they relate to others. 2. How we conduct ourselves on the Earth Plane and what Karma we have incurred. 3. What we need to grow inside our own level of attainment . 4. What we desire to achieve with our own ideas and thoughts. 5. What God has planned for us with strife. Number 5 one is one of the hardest categories involved, as with any such growth for the Soul there is always the issue of trouble to create in us a feeling and better understanding of how life is like and how we can deal with whatever comes along. This will prove to God that we are strong with our faith in Him and ourselves, as well. We struggle often when we have this category in our lives. Frequently we will choose to have a lifetime in a Third World country rather than a First World one. We choose poverty and hardships of lifestyles. We choose to deal with adversity to the point of making sure that we learn Something from it, whether it is to lead a better life, or to make sure that our own family gets better over time by our actions. It is all meant to create a path of strife so that we learn how to be better. This Category is listed first here as it is meant to be one of the Primary Category Levels. When one has achieved this "benchmark level" then they will often go onto a higher level of dimension in the Spirit Realm. The person will often have as a reward of going up two planes or dimensions, such as going from the 8th to the 10th Dimension once this category is fulfilled, so you can see just how important it is for one to master this category. On the average many are at or near the 8th Plane when they have achieved the fulfillment of this category. It is rare for the Growth for the Soul Category to be completed in one lifetime. This is why there are return visits to Earth for those who are struggling to complete this particular category. They do try to work it through as much as possible in one entire lifetime though, so the Spirit doesn't need to come back and re-do it. When there is no growth showing after a lifetime completed, that is where some people find themselves struggling even more the next incarnation due to the "incomplete status" of their last Life Chart work. With this category there is the hardest part at the end rather than at the beginning usually, as the demise of anyone working on this category can be much harder on them. The major life illnesses such as TB, MS, Heart Problems, Cancer and other major illnesses incorporated into the physical body is charted into their lives so that they can have a "struggling death". That shocks people when they come back to Heaven to read that their lifetime illness or other major illness impacting their lives was "planned so that they could work through the Growth For the Soul Category". With having a struggle with leaving the Earth, it affords the person to go through the various stages of understanding of what Life is all about here on Earth, and how to make the best of a very hard situation. All that brings forth the knowledge and understanding of being peaceful, knowing that we will all meet up with each other again in the Afterlife. A deeper broader understanding develops within the Soul of the seriously ill person. Growth therefore comes with a high price tag so to speak. This explains why some people have some very serious medical problems they deal with in their lives. There also is the issue, too, that if they are totally free of any Karmic indebtedness or worse, retribution, they will have what is called an Interim Period in their lives within this Growth for the Soul Category of dealing with financial problems or other woes relating to problematic issues, and then not have a serious serious illness involved. I know it might sound strange at this point to say, but the Growth for the Soul is something that is welcomed by many people, too, as it affords them quite often this huge increasement in levels afterwards, so all in all it places the person much higher in vibrations thus making them stronger.
You can see that with all this said, it does make it clear that we do come down with specific plans and sometimes those plans can make it really hard on us while we are here. Please click below to continue on with the other categories.     © Copyright 2007 - All Rights Reserved |