The Facts About The Ouija Board  BY LILLY How can you tell for sure that you have truly contacted the one person you wanted to using the Ouija Board? You can't for certain. When the comments given by the spirits are frivolous, silly, and/or deliberately intended to pretend to be someone whom you know right away you can see that if you put this all into perspective, the whole issue here is that you are accessing a level in the Universe which is involving Thought. Thought travels out and is quickly heard. It is a level of energy that makes for instant recognition of the words and the meaning. You might think that the spirit is indeed a deceased relative or loved one, but your thoughts are instantly heard by the spirits as they can hear telepathically. So if you ask if it is "so and so" and then you wait for them to confirm the name, the chance that it is truly the relative you are hoping to hear from is rare as they also can hear what you are thinking. If it is another spirit, a prankster, they tell you what you want to hear, as they know your thoughts just before you verbally say it. You see, if you also ask a question inside your mind not speaking it orally, they will answer that question, too, so if you think the name of the person, then they also will hear that and can easily point to the letters of the name, and thus deceive the person using the Ouija board.
Thinking that by having a group of people all trying out the Ouija Board at the same time that it will be safe for them to do it isn't always the case, you see, as it can cause trouble for all involved. Those who use the Ouija Board solely as a "game" hoping for some exciting entertainment, thinking that something scary or unusual will happen, such as lights going on or off, objects floating etc. usually finds themselves having more than they bargained for. Like attracts like in the Cosmos, so if the persons trying to use the Ouija Board are doing it for silliness, then they will attract negative Spirits. It's just that simple. It will draw that which is free-roaming spirits to you, and if you are doing it unwisely, then you will start to see a darkness develop around your Auric Field, causing you to have a wider opening in your Third Eye, but to also have the blocking energy of the Christ Energy subside, which will in turn force the Third Eye to accept another form of energy, that which is called the dark. Your Third Eye which is clairvoyance energy will be seeing things that don't exist in our realm, but will be having the negative vibration involved, thus causing the lowering of your own Auric Energy and that is dangerous. It will be like an open invitation to have troubled, and mentally-ill spirits who are in the Spirit Realm be allowed to visit you. You will then be having vibrations come and go throughout your body, which is in fact their Auric Fields touching and coming into contact with your chakras and you will then have trouble going into a deeper sleep at night. You will start to have sleep deprivation and then be seeing and experiencing negative-type dreams where you feel vulnerable and even violated. That will cause even worse conditions to develop, as it is a chain-like reaction there. You can see just how bad it could get eventually if there is not divine intervention. Their frivolous answers they give will change into more negative answers, eventually having them telling you what to do and how to do it. Control is their way of getting back into our Earth life, if they can take over someone who is foolish enough to be fascinated with the "occult".
If you are seeing dark Spirits later even though you are not at the Ouija Board, then you will realize that you invited someone to come to your house involved with this "board game" and they are not leaving. Believe me, you will not be glad to have this unwanted guest. They are dark to view, but this darkness also envelops their Auric Field. Ever notice that the pictures painted depicting Saints show them with a halo of white light surrounding their heads? When you see Angels appear, they, too, have a huge white light surrounding them, as it is their holy energy. All Ascended Masters, Saints, and holy Spirits of the light do have this, as it shows their purity. Even Spirits who have good intentions will also show this to a degree, but any Spirit who has negative intentions will show darkness, as intentions show instantly with a Spirit's Auric Field. When you feel fear, that, too, is an energy that is emitted from you. Negative spirits feed off this fear energy, drawing strength from it.
Spirit contact is a very serious undertaking and should be studied first, and followed with the prayer and meditation effort along with the commitment needed to achieve a clear connection without the fear of anything negative. Remember intent is so very important here, as intent is instantly seen in the Spirit Realm, showing in the person's Auric Field. So doing it for the right reasons is the first part, knowledge of the procedure is also important. First you pray and meditate, second you contact those "most highest and most on purpose to guide you", thus causing the Lord to send one of His Guides, then the Guide decides who is allowed to be coming through in a contact, then there isn't trouble. The Angelic Realm is involved in this way, thereby not allowing any negative beings to come near. Doing Automatic Writing or Spirit Writing as it is called with just you yourself quietly doing it after you followed the right procedures usually takes several attempts for you to achieve a clear legibly discernible writing. Never use an Ouija Board.
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