HopeFromBeyond Rules As with most groups we have to have standards in order to maintain the highest quality of aid, and a positive atmosphere for continued growth to offer our members here at HopeFromBeyond. In order to do this we do have to have regulations. Please read this before you join: 1. Application must have a reason for joining applicable to our group. We realize you might not have a specific reason for joining, but we do want to have something written that shows us you are a legitimate applicant interested in the Psychic Development or Psychic-Spiritual subject. We've recently received generalized, non-specific comments for a reason to join from Spammers and "Email Harvesters" (those solely joining to snoop into our members profiles to copy their email addresses), so we must take added precautions in this respect. We automatically deny all blank applications. 2. A Valid E-Mail Address, and a Member Profile. We can only see your Member Profile after you are admitted into the group. We highly recommend you do NOT disclose your Email address on your Profile Page. If the profile lists "undisclosed" under name and/or there's nothing about you listed, then we reserve the right to cancel your membership. Please state on the application if you are a Manager or Assistant Manager of another psychic group. As is common with most groups we also must state to have no wish to have conflict of interests with other similarly listed groups and reserve the right to terminate memberships of those who are a Manager or Assistant Manager of another psychic forum. 3. We are totally of the Light and all positive energy. We are not involved with anything of the dark here and that includes witchcraft, black magic, psychic warfare, sorcery, evil supernatural power, or any negativity involvement which would disrupt our group. We require you to post in our group once within two weeks after joining, otherwise it is to be assumed you are lurking, and we therefore will cancel your membership. We reserve the right to cancel a membership due to prolonged inactivity. E-mail "harvesters" are what causes us to be concerned that way with protecting those members who have posted their E-mail address on the Members list. It is wise not to post any E-mail address publicly. 4. Information about Nicknames and E-mail addresses: We do not allow negative, witchcraft related, or offensive nicknames or e-mail addresses. Our group is rated "G" (General, for all ages) and is English speaking. In being considerate to other members, having symbols or foreign lettering (i.e. ®★†®ÇF§¡A§§�?FONT color=#ffffff>¤±i¥d¤¬¤ù±Hµ¹�?FONT color=#ffffff>åäà֬ݳá¡I®Éª±¦ñ ¦©¼ ¯¶¥" ) throughout the nickname making the reading of nickname difficult to read is also unacceptable. Having an adult-oriented, negative, or deviate personal profile or photos posted of this nature is not allowed, and the membership will be banned. 5. We wish to help those learning how to develop their psychic abilities and to be an aid and support to those who are on a path of better understanding of what psychic abilities are all about. In this effort we must state that we are totally non-commercial with our psychic endeavors, and that we do not charge for readings nor do we allow promotion of those psychics and their websites who are commercial. Joining us to "harvest" members E-Mail addresses or placing of ads for promotion of own psychic commercial business, Forum Group or website, commercial or otherwise on our Forum Board or Links Page is prohibited. Advertisement will be immediately deleted and membership will be banned. NO advertisements for any type of links to commercial busineses on our Message Board. We also will not allow members to use the Membership Profile Email directory as a source to solicit funds. The result will be immediate banning. 6. Please reply to posts via the HFB Forum rather than through your private email account, as it always lists the entire thread of the original post, plus your response in a lengthy narrow column and is very difficult to read. It's fine of course to read the posts this way, but please if you wish to respond go to the Forum and post that way to avoid these cumbersome displayed replies. 7. All articles written by Lilly are copyrighted and no copying or reprinting of said material is allowed without the expressed written consent by Lilly. All rights reserved. 8. We are a group with a "workshop teaching atmosphere" focused with the aim to help those who are wishing to learn about the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how to develop them, and to be adept with these psychic abilities in order to share them with others. We welcome questions on these subjects, give readings and insight into psychic situations all of the Light. Please consider this when you post., so we can stay on topic discussing psychic subjects. We also share our psychic and spiritual experiences, and discuss positive psychic and spiritual topics. We work directly with the Angelic Realm and we are involved with God, the Lord Jesus Christ, and those of the Holy Christ Consciousness. Therefore, the postings will be viewed with these factors in mind. Our Forum Board is closely monitored and will delete the post and ban anyone who has joined with a deliberate posting promoting any of the above mentioned subjects that we oppose. Peace and Blessings, HopeFromBeyond Group © Copyright 2003 