Psychic Attack - Psychic Draining Part II By Lilly  Trouble is, is that when the Bible was compiled and published so long ago, little else was written about demon possession afterwards. To assume that demons or dark spirits were not still out there causing trouble with humans down here just isn't true. The Dark Ages had a great deal of issues with that and many people suffered because of authority's way of dealing with the problem. We in our modern times especially in the new millennium don't think about it, but look at all the Gothic influences out there amongst the teenagers who dress entirely in black, girls painting their lips black, black eyeshadow, and dying their hair black etc.? We roll our eyes when we see them at the malls and wonder about what type of parents they have that allow their kids to dress like that. But what draws them into that way of dressing, attitude, and lifestyle? Fascination with the dark is one reason, another is to attract attention, a third reason is to rebel against established society, but what if they go further and get involved in doing negative acts, negative curses, even witchcraft? Like attracts like, and even Harry Potter has it's good side and bad side with the attractiveness that the books and movies creates. I know that Harry is a good kid, but the point is that all those kids at Hogwarts are being trained to do witchcraft and wizardry with some of then getting into sorcery with all their movie special effects can make the dark quite exciting to young minds. It is dangerous to those who are wiling to emulate them and go further within their own lives with it. I often receive e-mails from all sorts of other groups wanting me to join them or endorse their products in some respect. Sometimes the e-mails are from "psychic military" type groups wanting me to join their group to fight demons with them. I declined them of course, but I checked them out and was astounded to see what lengths they have gone to at their site to train people in how to fight negative beings in scheduled Astral Realm warfare. I can only assume that they think a psychic who is dedicated to the Lord would be an asset to their group in case they "get into trouble". I want to mention here about the results when someone gets involved in this type of negative "entertainment":
Astral Realm Warfare and Second Dimension Astral fights with demonic beings: If you have invited something/someone in, then there might be a problem there. So many times I get letters by worried people who have gotten involved in the dark and now are having problems because of it. They want out, as it's "not fun anymore", and the negative beings won't go away. They can't "turn it off". Hallucinations and sleep deprivation amongst other negative side affects becomes a problem. Being fascinated by the dark is an open invitation to get trouble coming into your life. I've given many readings whereby the persons were doing negative acts in the Spirit Realm when Astral traveling, or causing some sort of negative activities whereby they were directly involving themselves in fighting demons for "fun". Later though, they are having trouble sleeping, as they are not being allowed to sleep with the demons continuously harassing them to make sure they don't sleep. Like attracts like, and with the dark anything can happen, even though sometimes these people think they know all the ins and outs of "astral warfare". Believe me this is the worst thing to do with getting involved with psychic warfare. You see, they people think they are "killing" the demons, but nothing can be killed in the Spirit Realm, so they just re-materialize moments later. With these people thinking that by manifesting in their minds all sorts of negative weaponry, nothing will actually make the demons leave. The demons might pretend to leave just to give the people the false thought there that they have "won" a victory, but they have ulterior motives. It seems to be an attraction by the youth these days, with even forum groups formed just for that reason. The majority of the youth are males, however, there are also a smaller number of teenage girls getting involved. This invokes negative Karma for these people. To give a general assessment here for this type of situation, I have been told by my Guides that "there hasn't been so many young people getting involved in the dark since the days of Ancient Mesopotamia." You can sense that with so many getting involved in the dark, it will cause them trouble for several lifetimes to get rid of that attraction of dark forces, plus the fact that when they return to Spirit after they die here on Earth, they will have Purgatory for their residence. That is something they might not realize, as after a time when they get used to the lower vibrational rate, there also is the confinement of cells whereby they have to dwell in a prison for a time since they used the dark for entertainment. What about a Spirit who is causing you strife? A feeling or a presence there in your home that makes you feel sad, depressed, or any type of feeling that initiates a negative sensation? Those types of energies coming from a Spirit can cause the human being on Earth to feel sorrow, depression, anything similar to a “flu-like feeling�?which is all of the dark. Why is that allowed by God? I know there are those of the dark who are released systematically so that there is a balance of Good and Evil in the Universe, and there are times when the dark spirit shows progress and has earned a type of reward by being allowed to visit the Earth to travel. Why doesn't’t that visit get supervised? It might, but there again having the manpower it takes to monitor all the negative spirits in the realm would be a huge undertaking, and although some do get away with causing trouble, sooner or later they get noticed and thereby causes trouble both for themselves, plus the ones who are supposed to report on their activities. There are also entities that truly are not of sound mind, and they, too, have earned visiting rights to Earth. There have been books written about such types of spiritual attacks, and as such does take time to remove the situation. What are demons and where did they originate? There are various types of demons, but for the most part they originated from being former Angelic beings who fell from grace when the Lord banished them to Hell for following Lucifer. They changed in attitude, looks, and became one with the dark. That is why their energy is so negative. Why are they allowed to roam free on the Earth, even in modern times then when they were banished to a place totally away? Gradually as time passed, and those who wished to elevate themselves back into society and become more of the light did eventually gain access to higher levels within the dark Purgatorial planes, but still they didn't want to leave entirely the dark energy as it felt "akin" to them, meaning that they were still vibrating at the same frequency or just a bit higher then they formerly were. There seems to be a need for balance within the whole energy of the Universe, so the Lord granted those of the dark more freedom to do what they will when they wish. This was done in order to keep frequency energy more harmonized. With the issue of totally being of the Light made the Angelic Realm less capable of handling trouble when it did arrive, which when you have people of all types of energies contained within the realm of the Spirit, it made them more and more lethargic and less willing to just handle issues of a harder nature with spunk, fortitude, and willing to go the distance with making sure that nothing harms those of the Light when they were confronted with negativity. They always say "in peacetime prepare for war". But if that isn't done, and all you have is peace without any thought to keeping strong with your minds alert and your mind and body strong to thwart negativity, then you are leaving yourself vulnerable. That would mean that they needed to cope better overall with handling problems, too, so that when you combine the negative with the positive in the right format, the positive strengthened, becoming increased in Holy Spirit Energy. All that brought about the change-over with having the darkness involved in getting more out of their existence just so that energy could be made to clearly vanquish those of the dark. What those of the dark, the demons were doing is to get organized and combine their vibrations into one huge energy band and attack. You see, they could combine their vibrations, much like having a séance of negativity, or like a "witches coven" whereby several or even numerous negative beings would attack one certain individual with their thoughts using telepathy to do cursing. It happened, and it caused those of the Angelic Realm to wish to strengthen their own Light Force Energy to thwart those of the dark wishing to use "combined energy combat". So there is some freedom there being given those of the dark in the Spirit Realm and protection efforts should be in place with anyone's Auric Field in order to make certain that nothing will ever come near to harm.        © Copyright 2005 - All Rights Reserved |