By Lilly  Freedom of choice is a wonderful gift, but choosing wisely is where the goal should be, not choosing to be allowed to do any type of negativity without repercussion. This is how life is down here on Earth with having free will. So prayer is a hoped-for wishfulfillment that we express, but must also remember that the circumstances being as they are, it is ultimately God's choice, God's will that will be done, not ours.
When the person who is prayed for is lost to this world and passed into Spirit, then those prayers add to their comfort with the Love of God giving them hope and assurance that they will continue. Often is the case with violent murders that the Spirit needs to be cocooned with the Love of God surrounding them and that is why this prayer aids them, as the Angels direct those wonderful prayers to those certain now deceased persons so that benefit does aid them. Why can't they stop someone who plans to do evil to another before they attempt this? Because of the free will issue. You see with free will, that leaves open the whole issue of control. Do we want God to intervene when someone is going to be murdered? Should the Angels just materialize right in front of the evildoer and hold up there hands and stop them? That has happened on several occasions and often the perpretrator is so possessed with their intent to do harm and most of them don't stop. They just continue to do their evil without even thinking about what their mind is seeing. They dismiss the vision of seeing an Angel as a "hallucination". They can and do dismiss seeing the Angel, but then what if the Angel blocked their hands and totally made it impossible to harm the intended victim? Then that would again alter outcome and the free will situation here on Earth. Understand that with free will there is a "give and take situation".
How much do we as people on Earth are willing to give up in terms of freedom of choice to have the benefit of divine intervention? Scholars have debated that for centuries, theologians as well, up in Spirit and they, too, wish for more control of the evil perpetrators down here. With the many past-life readings I have given, so often I have been told that the person getting the life reading has not been willing to come down here to have another lifetime with the serious threat of physical violence. So often our history has been filled with violence to others, that many seem to regard this Earth existence as another type of "Pergatory" and don't want to be coming down here if at all. I once had an out-of-body experience being taken to a building where there were people hugging with tears and sadness, and was told that this place is where the last good-byes are said before the Spirit person is about to be born to someone on the Earth, so you see, it is like the reverse up there.
But with the gift of free will, and it is indeed a gift, we could make it so much more like heaven if we would only trust God and give to God what belongs to God. That is why prayer in the future is going to be more interconnected with the divine link of two-way communication. Talking to God, having a conversation with God and it be just like any casual conversation you would have with your closest friend, as He is truly your Heavenly Father and loves you deeply. He, too, wants prayer to be more. More everything. That is why this Second Coming of Christ is so important, as God knows that we are in need of aid more than we have ever been before, with the threat of a possible future world war erupting to the point of serious damage to the whole of the Earth should something like that occur. This God doesn't want above all, as it would destroy our chance of having future lives down here with atomic neuclear holocaust causing serious physical damage to life. So the Second Coming is happening, and will be such that many will have this wonderful direct link with God and can be welcomed with open hearts.
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