Beginning Psychic Training ~Getting Started Being Psychic~ By Lilly In your line of work or in everyday life you meet all types of people and basically there is really not much difference in being in contact with the Spirit Realm People as you are with those whom you work with, your co-workers, those who come into your life with their various issues, and whom we talk with as friends and relatives. So in other words, don't attach any kind of strangeness or oddity to Spirit People who would set them apart from anyone else you may meet in your Earthly existence. They are people just like us. Let me put it this way: You were a Spirit Person before you came down to Earth as an infant, and after you leave this life, you will return to being a Spirit Person. If you aren't afraid of yourself, then there's no reason to now be afraid of a Spirit Person, see what I'm saying? Meet them with Love, never fear or anger. Know your rights and stick by them no matter what, as you will be supported by the Lord's holy men who come to aid you whenever there is a altercation between you and a Spirit. Your emotions are a normal part of who you are, and don't worry about it, just try to realize that you can get a handle on it, and be easily able to do psychic contact If you wish it. It won't of course be foisted upon you, that's not how God works. You see, He gives you "golden opportunities" whereby you are shown something wonderful and blessed, and then given the gift to use and He oversees HOW you use the gift. That's important to remember here, so if someone uses the ability solely for themselves they might see a lessening of the ability. The better path here with psychic abilities is when you notice an opportunity to share your psychic abilities with someone in need, then by all means share it, so that they, too, can have the blessings of the Gifts of the Spirit as well. It's just that simple. The more you use it, the stronger it is, (similar to a muscle in reference here). I would suggest at this point to read the articles about Spirit Guides and the article about Mediumship Ethics, both are helpful to you, along with the other subjects on the side-bar column in order to gain a "background reference here". If you build a foundation that is based upon solid information and practical training, you can easily excel with being psychic, and that's where to start. If you use education and knowledge about the subject of psychic abilities and train yourself like you would with any new attempt, there is no reason why you shouldn't do well. You can actually come a long way psychically in a relatively short time, if you take those golden opportunities that come along and share your psychic abilities wisely and well. You can aid others a great deal over time with your blending of your knowledge base and sharing with each other, as well as sharing elsewhere in your circle of family and friends. If you look at the Gifts of the Holy Spirit as in the idea of "how can I help others with using these Gifts", then your growth level psychically will accelerate. You don't need to fear with this whole experience. Why? You see, they (Spirit Guides), test every once in a while with the theme of that age-old issue: "Fear of the Unknown". Now some people just slough it off quite easily and laugh when they sense something shown them that is supposed to be frightening, yet others freak out. Actually they are doing it to test your level of understanding of "The All That Is". You see, if you realize right off that God is The All That Is, and we all dwell in His "Isness" --then we are all living in God's Universe, where God has deliberately created this whole Earth Plane for us to be living in and experiencing life in, and everything is either created directly by the Hand of God or through His Children that manifested here on Earth all these material objects, etc. Then you realize that with the Spirit Realm --EVERYTHING is all of God's Direct Involvement. So Now if EVERYTHING in the Spirit Realm, God's "Many Mansions" as stated in the Bible, --why would you fear? "In my Father's House are many mansions, and I go to prepared a place for you." Jesus said. Father's House is this whole Entire Universe. Many Mansions are the Levels, Planes or still another word "Dimensions" that God created. See where this is leading? He created everything, EVERYTHING! Why would you fear what God has created in the Spirit Realm, even if you are not able to view it as clearly as you would this here on Earth? Okay now, what is fear? It is a feeling, it is a deliberate reaction, and by that I mean an action you yourself Choose to Take as a RE-Action to whatever is happening around you. Fear actually is a hampering of whatever is necessary for you to do, as it can make you waste valuable time in any given instance HERE ON EARTH. It can lead to panic and that is an escalation of the whole reactionary path you're taking. But back to Fear: People tend to fear anything that they don't 1). Know or Recognize, 2. Understand. That's why I'm suggesting here to read up on all this psychic stuff, and learn as much as you can. That should dispel about 75% of your concerns. The remaining 25% you just need to realize that You Are A Child Of The Living God, Your Holy Father, AND That He Loves You Dearly. He doesn't want you to be fearful, so that is why He trains you through one of His Spirit Guides (who are Teachers/Counselors by the way, so that you will never be frightened by anything in the Spirit Realm ever again.     © Copyright 2007 - All Rights Reserved |