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 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 1 of 6 in Discussion |
Guess it's my turn ^_^ My full real name is Madeleine Joika Olivia Hemphill. I am almost 22 years old. I live in Sweet Home Alabama. Originally I came to HFB to look for answers about my ability with automatic writing, but have found much more. I found a new caring family which I love very much. Not going to say that things are great in my life but it's getting there, thanks to the help from everyone here. Things I like to do are; bowling, fishing, hunting, sleeping, reading, cooking, sleeping, working, gardening, sleeping, being with friends when they get a chance to come around, going for walks in the country, going to the country, bbq'ing, playing pool, watching some sports, and even things I don't get to do, oh yea did I mention sleeping? lol. I have two blue parakeets Blue & Belle, two guinea pigs Rosco & Suki, some guppies, a betta named Aubry II (first Aubry died), and the newest addition is my mom's cat Oreo which she got from her supervisor, cause his fiance doesn't like cats. Uhm currently I work in a Chinese resteraunt on base as a cook. The people there are very nice but gonna have to find a new job soon so I can start saving up money. My goals for 2007 is to; straighten up with God, start going to church, get my driver's license, get a car, move out to somewhere in the country, start college again, and try to get along with my father. Currently I have no love life so gonna do my best to avoid that until I get my feet on the ground. Places I've been: Guthrie, Oklahoma (1 time), Arlington, Texas(1 time), parts of Mississippi(dunno how many times), parts of Georgia(2 times), and Florida(3times). That is throughout my whole life, might not be quite accurate but that's all I can remember. well lastly this is my picture be prepared it's scary lol. Anything else you wawnna know, just ask. Wellllllll there ya have it now may you have many Blessings and lots of Love God Bless Maddie |
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You are so beautiful!!!! It must be the sleeping that is adding to such a radiant looking girl...lol..!!! Luv ya doll, Orchid |
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Hello again, Maddie. Got to learn a little about you. You are pretty and your eyes are so clear and sparkly(course their only 22 years old)  Myine are 60 years old.  . Do either of your parakeets talk or do tricks? it sounds like we share the same high respect for sleeping.  Lol During my waitresssing career, I worked at about 10 Chinese restuarants JUST FOR THE FOOD.It's good you're thinking about school.Because of an on-the-job- accident in 1999, I was forced to go back to school or loose a whole bunch of money. I graduated from Idaho State university, Class of 2005. I was older than most of my professors.What course are you planning to take? Don't worry about forgetting something. We all can come back to "our" thread and add stuff and update all we want.let's have some fun with this. This would be a good places for our jokes, as well. |
 | | From: Keiko | Sent: 3/24/2007 10:01 PM |
Madeleine, I've never heard the name Joika before, it's a beautiful name! The girls are right, you are beautiful. I didn't realize I wasn't the youngest here, lol, I never would have thought through your posts that you were so young. It's hard to find ppl our age that are "into" this sort of thing, and I think it's great! My goodness you have a lot of goals for this year, wow! Good for you for reaching so high! I also want to get my licence this year too, I'm crossing my fingers for that one, lol. Silly me let my last one expire, oops. Mandi  |
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Well just an update on what is going on. Today/tomorrow April 5 is a friend's B-day... Have been busy making a present for her but it is going to be a very late one, I'm not very good at stitching lol. Had to learn all over again how to do it, and it takes a whole hour just to finish one line. Well hopefully she will like it. It has three butterflies and it says "Yesterday is history, Tomorrow is a mystery, Today is a gift thats why they call it the present" Hehe I love the saying on it cuz it reminds me so much of her. We were co-workers at a plant. She moved up here from Miami with a guy that promised to marry her and so on.... well at first I thought she was a stuck up seeing as she never talked to anyone. Come to find out she was being mistreated by this guy and I befriended her. We became really good friends since she came here alone and didn't know anyone here. Well she got pregnant by him and she tried so hard to hold on to him but people finally convinced her that he was a threat to her and the baby. She is now happily engaged to our ex-supervisor, and has a beautiful baby boy. He has turned that girl's life around. Haven't talked to her much since she had the baby, but I still try to catch her every now and then. Anyway, I'm just happy that she is happy. Oh yea! My sister has finally came by to visit! She's having a hard time with one of her children's father and his mom. They won't allow her to come see us and is telling my neices that we are bad people. It hurt my mom to hear my neice tell her not to touch her cause she'll hurt her. Mom tries to hide the fact that she cries everyday because of what they do to my sister and two neices. Sorry for going on like this hehe, need to come up with good things to tell not bad. Uhm... finally got some hours in at work. Yea it was nice to go back but this just aint gonna cut it. Gonna have to find another job soon. Hmmmmm..... I got invited to a rock concert this Saturday by one of the bandmembers on myspace. He personally wrote the letter which I thought was pretty awesome, considering most bands don't usually do that. We've been talking back and forth for a little while about books and music. He seems like a nice person to hang out with. No worries I'm not looking to sleep with him or date, just hang out like friends. Besides I'm avoiding relationships at the moment until I get out on my own. Yea don't get upset at me for saying this but almost all men are jerks. Not saying all of them just a majority.....lol the song that just came on my radio is Don't by Shania Twain, aint that funny. My animals are doing well. I think Rosco and Suki are getting upset at me for not cleaning their cage... really can't do it because I don't have any money to get more bedding. It's stinking up my room too. Any solutions for bedding that I can use at home? Tried newspaper, it's difficult to clean off of plastic. Might have to get rid of my animals to a better home.  I can't afford to take care of them, I love them alot but just can't afford it on this budget. Gah sorry here I go again, trying to think of good thoughts but keep coming back to the negative. Guess it's just been a while since I got to have a regular conversation with anyone. aaahhh better stop here before yall's eyes start falling out from reading so much junk lol. Sorry for rambling on. Love ya Lots~*big hugs*~ Maddie |
 | | From: Keiko | Sent: 4/11/2007 12:45 AM |
I dont know if you have any friends or know anyone who works with wood but what you need is sawdust! That's what I use for my babies (two dwarf hammies I have). It has to be Pine tho! Whatever you do, DO NOT use cedar! It will kill them. k? It's cheap, smells wonderbar and biodegradable! I love it. I purchased a 20 pound bag over 8 months ago, and haven't used a quarter of it yet. And it was only 5 bucks! Give it a shot! Never just get rid of your babies b/c of things like that, plz. I used to have an issue with taking care of my furries, but I tell ya, once I got my life on track I started caring for them. I now have my own place, straight A full-time student, have two part-time jobs, and six pets. I am by far the most busiest person I know, but everything that has/should be done, is! Try out the pine, it honestly freshens up your room too. I love it! Mandi  |
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