Mediumship Ethics By Lilly  The two most important areas concerning psychics are accuracy and ethics, as most people judge you instantly by these two factors. Understanding the basic principals of ethics truly help if you want the challenging commitment of mediumship to go smoothly. After some experience with giving readings, most mediums sense that they are not only a psychic reader, but also a grief counselor to some degree. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to grow spiritually and to minister to those in need, both here and in Spirit. As God brings people together through us, we do our best in making Love the Purpose for our contacting Spirit.
Medium ethics involves several concepts: common sense, responsibility, accountability and The Golden Rule. Most of the time if you listen to your heart, you will do fine. We as psychics all hope for a joyous reunion with those people we read for and it is wonderfully rewarding when that is the case, but sometimes hard issues come out during readings that can really set you off balance, if you are not prepared. What I would like to address here are the difficult readings, the ones that need your expertise in diplomacy and tact.
As we all live real lives, Spirit people whom you contact may have had such problems in their past such as abuse, drug addiction, crime, suicide, death by accident and other serious issues that bring with it further complications when we are asked to give a reading. If you as a medium can smoothly handle a difficult reading where there are problems without draining down your energy dramatically as well as clouding your accuracy, plus giving grief counseling , then you are achieving a higher goal. If it sounds like you are performing several tasks here at once, you are right! Those types of readings definitely are worth the extra effort it takes, it’s just that you want to be calm and peaceful afterwards without it taking a major toll on you with your stamina.
Take the time during a reading to sense just where the conversation is going. If there is some negativity coming through, use your discernment, so that with your counseling skills involved you will be able to make difficult readings more therapeutic and beneficial to everyone involved. Love and compassion are important, but it is also good to stay somewhat neutral in our role as a “relay�?between the two. It is wise to keep a “professional attitude�? Energy-wise, it takes more out of you trying to calm down a readee when they are crying or upset. On the Spirit level, the Spirit person you contact can also connect to you emotionally if you are clairsentient. Don’t let their emotions connect with yours to the point that you start feeling a drain on you. Our Heart Chakra can bring us further increasement in Force Energy with Love coming through the Chakra during a reading; however, if we connect too deeply with the Spirit’s or readee’s emotional level, then we will start sensing a draining Energy coming out from our Heart chakra instead, thwarting the quality of the reading. Those of you who are clairsentient know about this, as their emotions can blend in with your emotional state and the two combined can mean that you, too, become upset. I suggest a “distancing�?or “backing off a ways�?helps there.
I would like to suggest to those who are just starting out with giving readings, to take the time to read a good book on grief counseling. They will have specifics on the skills needed to help you with your confidence level. You see, with experience you gain that much-needed confidence, but if you have some background knowledge of grief counseling, you’re just that much better off starting out.
Notice when a reading for someone changes from a “general contact�?reading of a relative to their asking the relative for guidance. For example, a readee asking their deceased relative about how they should handle a personal problem, like should they marry someone, breakup with someone, etc. As this is highly up to the readee with this inquiry, you can adjust your thoughts to become aware of the ethical aspect so that you will retain your Highest and Best Good perspective. Just because Spirits are up in Heaven doesn't mean that they are omniscient. So if the old saying “If you really don’t want to know the truth, don’t ask�?isn't in the readee’s mind and they ask a very awkward question, remember that choosing the right ethical words as an answer is important. (If they had thought about it a little, they probably would realize that it should not have been mentioned.) Don’t hesitate to respond politely declining to relay that question, such as “it wouldn't be in the best interests of the Spirit to be asking that�? or “that is something that I don’t feel I should be asking them.�?Whatever tactful phrase you come up with, try to have it memorized, just so you don’t forget it when you most need it. You could really get into a negative situation with questions that shouldn’t be asked of Spirits.
Sometimes it is the Spirit who says something to you that you feel best not to pass on to the readee, so keep in the back of your mind that this can happen, too. People are people whether they are Spirits or living in the flesh or here on Earth. If you can use your mediumship much like a “filter�?passing on what you feel is Highest and Best Good for all concerned, using a code of ethics as the filter, then your readings will always be the best you can give. Also, if there is any kind of doubt there as to how the readee is interpreting the message, take the time to clarify the issue, so that they won’t get the wrong impression.
Sensing with your Heart Chakra is always the best way to go. You tire less and you get the best reading that way. Plus when you tune into your Heart as well as your Third Eye, it literally opens up the Divine Guidance “channel�?for you so that you are able to sense much better those issues previously mentioned and you don’t drain down in vibrations as quickly. Oftentimes, mediums give frequent readings online and when they get through a number of them consecutively they are very worn out. Draining the Hope Chakra is what goes first, followed by the Heart Chakra, and then if they continue when tiring, the drain results in a burning sensation inside the Heart Chakra. That causes the whole Chakra system to feel depleted. It is best to end the reading when you just start to feel worn and your concentration ebbs. This is mentioned, as your Highest and Best Good perspective needs to be always on a high level with ethics the key; and when a medium tires, that also can be when they could make an error of judgement and accuracy. My recommendation is to keep ethics rules in the most simplistic form so they can be easily remembered. Why? Because if you are giving a person an “in-person�?reading, you are:
1. Linking to Spirit, which means you have your Heart Chakra wide open and sensing. 2. You are focusing now with your Third Eye so that you can see those people in the Spirit world, noticing their physical appearance, trying to listen to their words to you. 3. Sensing anything else you are picking up, too, such as their feelings, or even scents they create for you to sense, and noticing what they are manifesting (creating) to show you to have you understand the symbolism linked with it. 4. Conversing with the Subject or Readee.
Now if you are doing an Internet readings, add to that list: 5. Reading the monitor screen. 6. Trying to type out what you are sensing accurately and hopefully without typos. 7. Ethically putting out the information so that you are keeping their Highest and Best Good important.
You can see here from this list that you are definitely multitasking! You can see the need to have simple rules of ethics to follow and to keep them in the back of your mind. Training yourself as a medium to use words and phrases that will create a higher level of aid to the Readee, as well as help the Spirit also. You see, so often Spirits bring with them issues that they would like to explain to the Readee to bring closure to relationship problems and even to ask forgiveness for. Many have “unfinished business�?in this respect, and the contact is a wonderful opportunity for closure to personal problems they have had with the person. Now I understand that when you are giving a group reading here on the Internet there isn’t so much of this happening, what with other people involved making it public, but when you are doing private readings, this can and does occur. And as you never know what is going to come out in reading ahead of time, it is always best to have that therapeutic professionalism attitude in your mind, much as a professional counselor or therapist would have, so that you will be easily able to handle all situations easily and not be taken off guard.
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