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Hi Angels May I please ask for prayers for my Mom. She has been taken to Hamilton General on Friday. Actually 3 different hospitals. She has been falling quite a bit. She has Addisons Disease, diabetic, and a anurism . This last fall she cracked a vertebrae in her neck. During the tests the drs also found three tumors on side of her neck. Got told yesterday there is also a lump in her breast. She is 77 yrs young. The dr mentioned chemo and radiation but at her age not a good move. right now she is immobilized with a neck brace so she cannot move head or neck to mininize the damage. Mom and Dad have already buried a son last year and another 8 yrs ago. Both with cancer. Please find it in your heart to say a prayer for her. She is the gentlest woman you could ever meet. She falls asleep while praying for so many others. I thankyou so much. Sending Love, Hugs and Many Blessings Jan  |
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Hi Jan, Sorry to hear about your mom! I will say a prayer for her and your family Claddaugh Mary |
 | | From: Keiko | Sent: 12/15/2008 7:11 PM |
Oh Jan, I'm sorry to hear that. I will definately pray for her! Love ya girl, ~Mandi~ |
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Dear Jan, Prayers have been sent and will continur for your mom and your family. She has certainly gone through a lor of heartbreak over the past few years, and now this. Leave it in the hands our Father, who always knows the best thing for us. . . . Paul |
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Hi Jan, can I ask your mum's name? Love Carole x |
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Hi Jan ,your mum and your family are in my thoughts and prayers love and hugs sandy xx |
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Dear Jan, I'll be praying for your mom and for you too. Love and light, Vivian |
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Sorry to hear that Jan  Much love, light & prayers sent for you and your Mom. Amber |
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Thankyou so much for your prayers. I will be going up to Hamilton tomorrow to see her. Another MRI will be done today. I believe the surgeons have not come up with what to do yet. I will keep you posted as I find out. I hope all is well with all of you. Treasure every day and tell family how much you love them no matter what. Because you never know what tomorrow will bring. A song keeps popping into my head " In the arms of Angels " by Melissa M. It brings so much comfort. Sending you all Love, Hugs and Many Blessings Jan  |
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Precious Carol I am so sorry my Mothers name is Margaret and she comes from Brighton England. I love you Jan  |
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Love you too Jan. I'll be praying for her. Keep us ionformed of her progress. Love Carole x |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 12/19/2008 5:29 AM |
Dear Jan,
I am praying for her, too, and ask the Lord to grant her special aid in her hospitalization. May God grant her also additional strength and stamina to combat these illnesses.
Love and Prayers,
Lilly |
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Praying for Margret and Jans family too. I feel Margret has alot of spirit helping her xxx Jacci x |
 | | From:  Haile58 | Sent: 12/21/2008 11:44 PM |
Dear Jan, I will say a prayer for your Mom and for your family. Ann |
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