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 | | From:  acoya4 (Original Message) | Sent: 12/16/2008 1:44 AM |
When a spirit contacts you and they are from a lower realm and you arent sure what to do about it. Does your soul speak to God about them or him in this case and can you hear the prayer your soul is praying and then hear your soul thanking God for the learning experience over and over and loudly so that it drowns out the voice from the lower level trying to make contact? Does anyone know or have they experienced wwhat I am asking about? This is what happened to me night before last. Peace, Day |
2 of 2
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 12/21/2008 1:57 AM |
Dear Dayna, What you are asking is if your own Soul is taking charge of a circumstance and no that is not how it happens. If you are hearing someone else's voice in Spirit come and take charge and say something to off-set another Spirit's hampering of your way of life in such a way as to make you upset, then those beings who are aiding you are Spirits of the Light of God. You are teetering on a this or that side of the whole spirit realm right now, Dayna and those of the dark also witness your Auric Field which is reflecting a type of either-or way of thinking. I know that you are saying in other posts that you are of the Light and wish to be, yet with your welcoming in someone such as Horus and anyone else who has a kind of empowerment ability, it makes it difficult for those of the Light as well as those of the lower realm to figure out what your own representation of which way you follow. That is why those of the dark are also making a type of claim there with their coming directly to you. Because of what you are saying here with having someone of the lower level trying to make contact with you, and what I wrote on the other thread to you earlier, I hope you can sense that I am indeed trying to aid you, Dayna, so as to not cause you any further complications, and I apologize here if what I have said thus far may have upset you in any way, yet the whole idea here is to help you get through this psychic experience with gaining ground not losing it, so please bear with me here with how I am trying to explain things. I know you are asking about what it all means with this lower realm spirit trying to contact you. It does clearly show that this lower realm being, (a male as you said) is having a plan of his own, a strategy to cause you to become a part of an energy source for him. Lower Realm spirits only have the intention to help themselves in some way, not anyone here on Earth. They are here for themselves, not for yours or anyone else's benefit. So you have to ask yourself why is this spirit now trying to contact you? What would give them any idea that you would be even the slightest bit open to their visit? What do you have that they would want? That is the key question, and answering that yourself would be where you could put two and two together, Dayna. If you have any questions about what I'm saying here, just post. Peace and Blessings, Lilly |