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 | | From:  zengurl (Original Message) | Sent: 1/4/2009 12:28 AM |
I had two interesting dreams this am. The first one was yet another dream about my ex boyfriend. He had the very very big fancy house and pool, even two dishwashers. I think we were a item. I walked in as if it was my house and there was a very nice large room that was for myself and my clients. He had many friends over so I went down stairs and explained that I had 5 clients and to keep it down. Then some other weird things happened. There was a pool and I think some drugs were involved. Of course I was the goodie goodie and was inside... Strange that hes been in my dreams so much lately. 2nd dream I was younger than I am now. I was at my moms and we were making pizza in the kitchen (like we used to), I was with my brothers and my one brother kept teasing me (like he always does), then my mom was standing by the door and I saw her aunt (who is still alive) appear in spirit form behind her. My youngest brother said "I can see her. I can see her!" and I could too. I could also feel a spirit touch my face this morning, I asked for protection like usual, maybe just a Guide. Just wanted to share. Lynn |
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 | | From:  zengurl | Sent: 1/4/2009 5:32 PM |
ok so I just had another dream that had my ex boyfriend in it. There was many people in this room, it looked like there was a play or something going on. I had a Reflexology client in that same room...yes pretty stupid. Anyway he was there with some girl. He kept looking at me, like he had feelings for me and not her. Maybe this is what its all about ?? I have no idea. The reminders are starting to drive me crazy though. Lynn |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 1/6/2009 4:59 PM |
I inquired about the reason why so many dreams of late about your ex-boyfriend and am given that "with all that has occurred in your life, you are needing closure. That is why your Spirit Guide is sending these dreams so as to keep you close to your own innermost feelings, and to close that "chapter" in your life. Keep on thinking that "it is time to let this guy go now". If you are willing, you could also pray to the Lord to not allow dreams of this nature to come back into your nighttime experiences. Lynn, these dreams that are given you by guides are done so via their own personal interpretation of what you are now going through in life, and even sometimes the Spirit Guide can be out of line with their ethics and reasoning. If you are feeling like enough's enough, these dreams are not even close to be suitable for what you now feel, then tell the Lord about it, and include a complaint about what your Spirit Guide's interpretation of your needs are versus what you yourself feel is right and true with your own feelings. All complaints like this are registered and get noticed by the Guidance Guild and dealt with accordingly. Peace and Blessings, Lilly |
 | | From:  zengurl | Sent: 1/7/2009 3:53 AM |
Yet again trouble with my Guide(s). I don't understand why they do these things to me. I have prayed before and asked for our energies to be disconnected. I didn't have any feelings for him until the dreams made me miss him. Thank you Lilly for helping me, I was confused with the WHY. I did have that chapter closed until the dreams and his REALLY flirty comments. I still wonder why he acts that way...........doesn't matter. Blessings Lynn |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 1/13/2009 4:19 PM |
I really don't think the real actual boyfriend in the waking state is still feeling and acting this way, it is the Spirit Guides who are presenting him in your dream as such. I think that old saying "too much of a good thing turns into a bad thing". They are trying to overwhelm you with this similar presentation over and over again to quell any lingering thoughts about that guy in case the "What If's" should come into your conscious mind. Replaying that over and over tends to make a person "fed up" and then will most likely toss out the whole idea of an old flame and What If's and move on with their lives. If you are already at that point, I would just tell your Guides this. Love & Light, Lilly |
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