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 | | From:  zengurl | Sent: 1/6/2009 5:41 AM |
I dunno Mary. My little dog Molly the Jack Russel does some strange things too. She will be in a deep sleep on the couch and then she will just leap off the couch and lay on the floor. It is really bizarre. Seem not right and happens a lot. She also stares at "nothing" behind the couch and thats CREEPY. I would like to know whats going on also. Blessings  Lynn |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 1/6/2009 5:12 PM |
Well, dogs and cats are very psychic, including the issue of their recognizing Spirits who are frequently coming and speaking to them psychically/telepathically. Often they will interact with a Spirit who is willingly coming and conversing with them. In Mary's case there are two Spirit People who are asking CocoPups how he is feeling, and giving him words of a friendly nature. He is thinking that they are oddly strange with their appearing in locations that are "unusual for what he is considering normal", and he just stares at them. The Spirits are Spirit Guides and just what are considered "average folks" there. They are of the Light, yet not of the Angelic Realm. I would just take it in stride and either ask the dog who is there, and see what he does, or in some way acknowledge that he is seeing someone else here in the house. That way, CocoPups won't be feeling adverse feelings about the new strangers there in Spirit. You see, if you react in a negative way and tell the dog to be barking at them or acting like they are total trouble to you, then the dog will be upset at these Spirits, so interpreting these visitors in a positive way will not stir up the dog to be upset. Often these people in Spirit appear so solid to the dog that the animal can't tell if they are another human on the Earth appearing to them. That's why it can be detrimental if you are wanting your dog to be also a "watch-dog". Lynn, with Molly and looking at the area behind your couch, I am given that there is a small portal there (gateway), and you might want to ask the Lord and Angels to come and anoint that area now. That "not right" feeling is where it can be your sensing the darker wavelength, and the portal needs to be blocked. A Spirit Guide named "Julie" is the lady that gave me the following information: Both of you are having visitors from the Spirit Realm, however Lynn is not having the same type of visitors. Just remember that if there is the viewing of the Spirit from an upper level, then that is better. Having the location be on the same level of the house tells one that it is either of the same wavelength or even lower with a portal opened, so that's a good Rule of Thumb". Peace and Blessings, Lilly |
 | | From: Keiko | Sent: 1/6/2009 6:59 PM |
I get that a lot too. Mojo has witnessed angels healing him on a few occations, as well as other spirits too. However, I find my cats are much more intuitive and can almost always find a spirit or two to play with or watch, lol. I find most times that we go into chat Keiko, my oldest cat, will lay down on his back like he is getting his belly rubbed and then all of a sudden run around the apt like he is playing with someone. He quite enjoys it when angels come to play and rub his belly. I find the most activity we get at my place is during the night right after we go to bed. Most of the time I don't get a bad feeling from any visitors but on the very few occations that I have, I have never told them to be afraid, that they can't hurt them in any way, and then ask God to please remove whomever is there. I know the pets can feel my emotions but at the same time if I act like it's not a big deal and take care of it, they won't react in a negative way. I've found since I have been reacting that way they don't get as worked up when someone is there that shouldn't be and if a spirit that is of the light is there they know it's okay to enjoy their presence. I agree with Lilly, Mary. Next time you see CocoPups looking at your visitor ask him questions. "Who are you looking at" is always what I ask my pets. Then from their reaction to my question I can tell how they are feeling from the visitor. Obviously Coco really enjoys the spirit that frequents your house, lol, if he gets all excited like that. Now that Lilly has explained to you that it is a good spirit you know it's okay for him to have fun with it. Let him play! Lynn I've experienced the same feeling. Precious (my Manx) used to look at the same spot all the time to the point where it freaked me right out. If it makes you uneasy there is a reason for it. Now that you know what that is, it can be taken care of and chances are Molly won't even look at the spot again. I know after I asked to have that spot looked into, it must have been taken care of b/c Precious doesn't even look at the spot anymore and I can't even remember where it was now! LOL Very cool, thank you for sharing your experiences ladies! Thank you to Lilly for explaining them too! L&L, ~Mandi~ |
 | | From:  zengurl | Sent: 1/7/2009 3:58 AM |
Thank you Lilly. I have done a prayer. I am so glad that I do my prayers every night and ask for Archangel Ariel to come to me and watch over me when I feel uneasy. I am also glad that you came to chat that evening when I received my symbols in my Aura. Having a portal might explain some of my Haunting dreams that I was having about ghosts haunting me....maybe not. My husband also knows how to protect himself. Blessings Lynn |
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See.....I knew CocoPups was a little love magnet when I got him. Everyone who sees him just goes gaagaa over him and now he's got Spirit Friends too!!! I didn't act all freaked out when he was acting all weird. I think I knew he was seeing someone cause he was looking up at the Ceiling and whining...then he'd bouce off the bed go get a toy and come back to show them. I tried to get him to cuddle and go back night-night and he'd settle down for a minute then he was up and all excited again. I think I just said what in the world is your problem...who do you see? Mandi, I don't mind him playing with the Spirits but can they do it at a decent hour...like when I'm not trying to sleep : ) I knew for day one when I fell in love with him in a matter of minutes that he was a special precious baby but to know that he has "Spirit" buddies who are coming to play with him too is just amazing. Makes me wonder what is so facinating and special about my CocoPups that even those in the Spirit World need to come and play with him! I wonder if my cat Blackie is also seeing and sensing them. She will sit in the hallway and holler and holler and holler for no apparent reason at all. I'll ask her what is she crying about and she stops for a bit then starts up again. Sometimes too, she will act as if she wants to climb up the walls...very odd indeed. Thanks Lilly for the info. I'll tell CocoPups that when his friends come to play they need to go into the living room so mama can go back to sleep  Oh well, I'm glad they have friends but those friends really do need to come at a decent hour  Claddaugh Mary |
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