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 | | From: Keiko (Original Message) | Sent: 1/6/2009 7:23 PM |
I have been wanting to ask these questions for a long time and I hope they make sense to everyone here. Any thoughts would be appreciated! I was just wondering about what has been going on for the last little bit, ok maybe a few months to be honest. I have always, we're talking my entire life, been able to speak to animals. It's not always perfect by any means, it's still a work in progress but I am able to connect with them. Well, lately I haven't been able to connect with my pets at home as much. When I'm out and about and come across someone elses pet I can still speak with them though, so this is confusing me. Once I started to figure out that this was happening I got thinking. Is this the same for others? When we first start to realize our gifts and try to help them along can we read others that live with us, or at least close with us with whatever our gift is? Then once we get to a comfort zone do we loose that so we can expand our gifts? I don't know, maybe I'm just looking into this too much as usual. It could very well just be another test, or just that I can just no longer speak with my "kids" as much so I will expand my gifts in other ways. Should I be trying to connect in another way or am I doing something wrong? This is just all so very odd to me, I've never not been able to know what my pets are thinking or wanting to say. I guess I'm just fearful that I'll lose it all together. I'd hate for that to happen. Anyone have any ideas or experience the same thing? Thanks a bunch! Hope you are all having a great day! L&L, ~Mandi~ |
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Dear Mandi, I think I know what you mean. In my own life I have noticed that sometimes, even though I adore children, my affections draw towards animals, then after a while it changes again. Perhaps this is happening to you? Are you connecting well to another defenseless section of society, to the elderly for example? I know you to be a very caring person and once you have that type of energy it never goes, it just changes direction. Much Love, Carole x |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 1/8/2009 5:11 AM |
Dear Mandi, I would think that stress in ones life could be a blockage if there is that happening. Otherwise I would think connecting to your own pets wouldn't really dampen down all that much. Pets have their own feelings, too, so they maybe feeling a little off, too. Overall, they still want to communicate to you in their own ways, so I would let them do the leading somewhat there and see if they let you know what's the glitch if any. I really doubt if you've lost anything there though. Winter has a way of affecting animals, too, so I would wait till a few months pass and see if in the Spring this is still happening. Love & Light, Lilly |
 | | From: Keiko | Sent: 1/8/2009 3:41 PM |
Thank you for looking into it for me Lilly! Shortly after I wrote the post I was putting Moe out for a pee and was just talking to him like I would have normally and he was talking back to me. I felt kind of dumb posting after that, lol. It very well could be me, my heads felt kind of fuzzy lately. Lots of thoughts going thru my mind and the stress of the holidays too. Hopefully now that they've come to an end I'll feel a little more like me. I think it was really bugging me too b/c I couldn't get answers from my manx Precious. Moe and I had gone away for 5 days and I had a friend baby sit everyone else while we were gone. When I came home Monday I found out that Precious had something wrong with her left eye. I couldn't get an answer from her as to what happend, which scared me a bit. Then again, she gets upset with me from time to time b/c I can hear what they're thinking. She's the only one that gives me "the look", lol. Kind of like a teenager with a psychic mom I guess. I get a "geez, stop it!" a lot from her. So without knowing what had happend I just brought her to the vet even after her eye looked normal, just in case b/c she sure wasn't telling me anything. We found out she has pink eye, which is a relief that is all that it was. I never even for a second thought that the winter could be affecting them too. They're all indoors animals. But, they're just like ppl in many ways, so it doesn't surprise me at all. I will give everyone time and let it happen when it's meant to happen. I think too, the winter bothers me, I definately get SADs so that also could be a part of it for me right now. It's nice to know I'm not loosing anything and not doing something wrong. I'm definately too hard on myself. Here's hoping for spring to make a quick come back! Thank you so much! It's lovely to be able to talk about this. ~Mandi~ |
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