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Hello Dove Angel It sounds like you went to visit the Akachic Records. You should not be afraid to enter such a holy place, although it is adviced to have one of your guides with you. I think the change you feel, is very much on a spiritual level. For one to enter the Akachic Records, one must be of tatal pure intent when visiting there. I hope this helped. The Hawk Woman (a.k.a. Whitelionfury) |
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Wow what a cool dream!! I wished I had dreams like that. Seems my guides just want to scare the crap out of me (Wink, wink) Claddaugh Mary |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 1/13/2009 4:11 PM |
Dear Dove-Angel, You were taken to see the "Hall of Records", which is indeed an ancient massive stone-building. This building houses the Akashic Records, which is our Book of Life for each and everyone of us. Next time when they take you there, it's all right to go with the Spirit Guide to view your Akashic Record, Mary, so don't worry about that. The Guide was wanting you to see for yourself these volumes of your past in order to show you proof of reincarnation and much much more. I know it feels better to do things in "increments" so to speak, so you will be more relaxed next time I feel. I've often been taken on many tours of all sorts of places. For example, in the Spirit Realm they have a duplication of the ancient pyramids of Egypt. They are in much better shape, too, than what ours are here on Earth, as they don't have in the Spirit Realm any damages occurring to them due to the weather. The buildings there in Heaven are very old indeed and the architecture is amazing. Blessings to you, Lilly |
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Thank you for sharing your thoughts,I do agree this place was truly amazing. Since this dream, I notice a change starting with hearing voice and seeing spirits. Unfortunately I have not connected with my spirit guide. I not sure how or where to begin, am I hearing voices or is my imagination is getting the best of me. Whatever has taken place I feel comfortable very relax at peace. I just not sure what to do next. As my dreams have continue. Thank you again, dove-angel |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 1/16/2009 8:51 PM |
Dear Dove-Angel, Take that word "imagination" and just toss it out of your vocabulary and your mind. It's not your imagination, it's really happening. I know personally that each time I have second guessed and thought that what I was hearing was "my imagination" they would actually repeat what they said exactly the same way, just to prove to me that it isn't my "imagination". You're not going nuts, you are just becoming more and more psychic, which is actually becoming your True Self. The Lord describes it to me as "Wholeness of Self" happening within us. We are becoming our True Selves who we are in Spirit yet here on the Earth now. Liken it to being how you consider you would be in Heaven when you have already returned and then regain your veiled and otherwise closed off abilities back again. It's much like that, except that if you are not really going to benefit from remembering all of your past lives, you would have that blocked off still. We all need a fresh start in many instances, just so that we could have the opportunity to improve oneself without any "excess baggage to haul around", so to speak. Other than that, this Ascension/Awakening/Wholeness of Self Event is really happening now. Love & Light, Lilly |
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Lilly, thank you for your reply, it is nice to know I am not imagining all the changes, everyone I have talk to about how I been feeling recently just look at me and roll there eyes. I notice what I am hearing is being repeated. Last night events has left me shaking and in AWE. I wondering if you can suggest how I can learn more about what you share with me here, "Wholeness of Self" Ascension/Awakening/Wholeness of Self Event. For the past week I have notice major changes happening around me. Is there away for one to contact our spirit guides I have tried during meditation, what happens is I am hearing many of voices at once. I get confused to which one is my spirit guide. I not sure what to make of what I am hearing. How does one learn? I hope I am not asking to many questions. Thank you again for your time and knowledge. dove-angel
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 1/17/2009 7:48 PM |
Dear Mary, I am very happy for you and not a bit surprised at your visit by our Lord. You might want to consider keeping a journal of your events to jot down your experiences. We think at the time we will remember them all, yet time does blur our memories a bit. Next step I would think is to just open up your Spirit Eyes and see them. How do you do that is you just first realize that your Spirit Body is directly inside your Physical Body and then sense your Spirit Self, noticing that you are Spiritual Being encased in a physical body. Then you focus with your Spirit, sensing and feeling your True Self, the You who is the Real You. Sense that your "Real Eyes of your Spirit are closed and that you are now consciously opening them. Calmly just easily open them up and then look around, focusing with them FIRST and allowing what all is there to be viewed. There is nothing to be afraid of, as you will see what the Lord wishes for you to see. Don't be surprised if you now are seeing friendly Spirit People standing there before you. Remember that last scene in the movie "Ghost" where there were these people there waiting for Patrick Swayze? You might see a couple of Spirit people standing there. You have a Spirit Guide who is wishing to aid you on to the next stage. Just be sure to ask the Lord's assistance first, and give thanks to Him before you attempt to do anything in the Spirit Realm. When you place God FIRST, then everything else falls naturally into place and then you have that calm and peaceful reassurance that you are doing the right thing. You know then that you are safe and secure always with a strong Inner Peace no matter what. Love and Light, Lilly |
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