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 | | From:  thirdEYEpg (Original Message) | Sent: 1/30/2009 1:43 AM |
Hello everyone, I've been doing some thinking about the group for the past few months or so and I just thought that I'd post a message to share some thoughts and see how others are feeling. I can't remember exactly when it was but a few months back there was that Lisa incident. After the incident I felt a mixture of many different things but felt that I needed to step away for a while and re-evalute the situation. I know that many people who hadn't been active in HFB for a long while came out to share their thoughts and displeasure about the incident. For some reason unknown to me I felt repelled by it and withdrew I guess. Is this something that's no longer discussed? If not, I'd like to know how everyone else feels about it currently or how they've dealt with the issues within themselves. As I stepped away, occasionally checking back on the group, I felt a sort of distancing from my spirituality. I am not quite sure what caused it but it may also have something to do with other events occurring in my life right now. I've felt a significant lowering in my vibrational frequency and it has me worried. I don't know whether the change is to have me pay more attention to other events in my life or the result of something that I've done wrong. I feel a need to reconnect back to myself and others but I don't know exactly where to begin. So I just thought I'd share my thoughts... I guess I'll be talking to everyone around HFB. Thanks everyone |
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Thank you Lilly. I guess as things in my life got hectic I started to distance myself from my faith a little bit. Not necessarily falling out of practice or belief. I've just been caught up in things and haven't taken the time to slow down and re-balance my energies. I noticed something was wrong when I began to feel like I didn't have as much activity around me. I think I will begin meditating again and taking the time to slow down and tune back into that higher frequency in everything I do. My ultimate desire is still to help people through psychic ability and psychotherapy. I guess I just haven't been paying enough attention to my spirituality. I'd hate to see these abilities fade as I see them as a part of my long-term life plan. Is anyone coming to chat Sunday? Maybe I'll drop in and see what everyone is up to. I see many sad things on the board right now... talk to you soon, Seth |
 | | From:  zengurl | Sent: 2/3/2009 11:45 PM |
Seth. It is so nice to see you post. I know a lot of us were very upset about what happened. I feel and know that person is back. Many of us have taken a step back. I decided that nobody has the right to take this away from me or ruin it either. I am still learning but just decided to have more of a life too. I am glad that you are here Seth  Lynn |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 2/4/2009 10:05 PM |
Hi Lynn, I just read your post here and may I ask are you referring to Leekell102? I am confused about why you would say that, as this is news to me, or am I misinterpreting this. Could you elaborate? Thanks, Lilly |
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