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 | | From: Lilly (Original Message) | Sent: 9/16/2004 5:32 PM |
I found this meditation technique online by Sylvia Browne and it sounded like a calming relaxation, so I thought I'd share it with you all. (www.sylvia.org) It seems like a very healing meditation. Lilly Sylvia Browne's Meditation : The Purple Flame Put your hands upwards on your thighs, rather than downward. I want you mentally to relax yourself, and start breathing in and out very regularly, simulating the rhythm of how you breathe when you sleep. Feel yourself becoming very relaxed. All the negativity is being released, almost like a spiritual baptism emanating throughout every single part of your body to create healing, to create the burning out of guilt, negativity and fear - especially healing the mind, body and spirit. Let this surge of relaxation go right through the very bottoms of your feet, cleansing out any illness. Through the calves, knees, thighs, buttocks area and spinal column. Up through the whole trunk of the body, down through the shoulders, the upper arms, the lower arms, the hands, the fingertips. Up through the neck, the face, and behind the eyes. Demand that all the negativity, anything that you have brought over from past lives that is causing phobias and illnesses, be rinsed clean. From this moment on, I guarantee that you are going to notice a difference. Spirituality is probably the most beautiful euphoria you will ever know. While you are sitting in this relaxed position, I want you to surround yourself or just ask for the bubble of Light to surround you. Just visualize or ask for it. People say, 'I cannot see it.' Yes, you can. Now, a purple flame engulfs you, almost like a lotus blossom. Put yourself in the middle of this purple flame. Purple is the color that really, really is a partner of spirituality. The color purple is the greatest emanation of spirituality. Once our mind and spirit are together, our body follows suit. Feel this purple flame rinsing out any past-life overlays, any of the negativity we have carried with us, any of the hurts, the vengeance - all the little secret pockets that we have felt left out, not wanted, persecuted, victimized, laboring through, lonely, isolated. Feel it vibrating, emanating, cleansing out sickness in mind, body and spirit. Say to yourself, 'My spirit can never be sick. What I am carrying around as an overlay may be sick and heavy, but I am going to drop that right now with the power of the Holy Spirit and the Christ-Consciousness.' Feel energy coursing right up through the very bottoms of your feet, up through your ankles, your calves, your knees, your thighs. All through the trunk of your body, curing and healing every organ therein. Down through the shoulders, the upper arms, the lower arms, the hands, the fingertips. Up through the throat area, back and front, the face, around the mouth, the nose, the eyes. Demand again that the last vestiges of any illness or phobic-causing, fear-causing overlay will be released right now through the power of the Holy Spirit. Bring yourself back to yourself. One, two, three. | |
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 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 9/16/2004 5:46 PM |
Here's one of my own favorites: ALIGNING TO GOD WITHIN This is an exercise in the technique of aligning yourself to the God Force Within You. It especially works when you first do meditation, then practice this.
I make a large sign of the cross with my hand vertical (thumb facing me), like the priests do. I really feel the Energy when I start right above and close to my head then make the sign of the cross with my hand, saying when my hand is at the top of my head "In the name of the Father", going down to my First Chakra with my hand, then saying at that point "and of the Son", next bringing my hand back up to my Heart Chakra, so that my hand stays in the verticle line of the cross and then gently over to my left side with my hand still verticle, saying "and of the Holy Spirit", as that is the Yin Holy Spirit Vibration. Then I bring my hand crossing back over my Heart Chakra and over to the right side.
Sometimes I do this couple of times when I start to get weary and need to refocus, and it always works! It helps to become "Aligned With God" as Father God is always mentioned first, then the Son, and then the Holy Spirit and this has helped me all these years to do multiple readings online.
Another exercise in meditation and calming techniques is to do again as stated above, but with some changes. Make the sign of the cross with your right hand, but this time do it repeatedly for several times, but with the change being that you make a elongated, (or flattened oval) figure 8 both vertically as well as horizontally in a continuous gentle way with your hand. Along with this, repeat the phrase like before "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." I always end the exercice by making a small heart shape with my hand in front of my Heart Chakra bringing my hand up making the left side of the heart then the right side of the heart, ending it at the bottom of the heart. I would say it feels like there is already this "Energy of the Holy Cross" inside our body,--like in Spirit there is the Energy pattern existing that the Father God Energy travels straight down from God into the top of our head through our Crown of Life Chakra and straight through all seven chakras being that it is the Yang (Masculine Energy)-God Vibration. Then when I make the horizontal crossing at my Heart, that is where the Yin Vibration-(Feminine Energy)-God Vibration is, so when I do this it pulls me into alignment totally with the Holy Father and the Holy Christ Consciousness plus the Holy Spirit completely, and then I receive what I receive for the person's highest and best good. (Endurance-wise the more you stay in tune like this throughout the reading(s) the less draining it is on you.)
Another thing I can mention, too, is to pray from your heart when you say a prayer just before channeling or reading, saying it in the most sincere words from your heart. I've noticed that sometimes when it gets hectic and I just start out saying a routine prayer, I right away sense that I am not tuning in well, as sometimes saying an often-used prayer makes you start to feel mechanical more and that's when you need to just "say what you feel" right from your heart,--that more than anything is where God knows where you are coming from, and will aid you even further if you are earnest in your attempt to give guidance for another's benefit, or to connect with God Within. Whether you do this to give readings for others or just to feel closer to God in meditation, it works well. Trust that it will work, too, as that brings with it even higher vibrations to cleanse and bring forth the Energy of Oneness with Holy Christ Jesus, as well as the Yin Vibration of Holy Mother which is also named the Holy Spirit. You see, it works either way, for giving a clearing for yourself or to keep focused with mediumship. |
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Hi Lilly, Thank you so much for sharing the two meditations. I briefly did both of them today and could feel the wonderful effects. I especially felt a lot of strong pressure sensations on my crown when I did the violet flame one. Also both of them bring a lot of lightness and love into the heart. If you or anyone is interested, I would like to suggest a meditation that I do called "Meditation on Twin Hearts." It is a guided meditation by a Master Choa Kok Sui who is also the modern founder of pranic healing. There are a few that he does, but this one is a favorite of mine. I will email a link to the site in my next post. When you go to the site, if you look over to the left and scroll down, you will see where it says "free meditation audio stream." I hope you enjoy! Take good care. Roxanne |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 9/17/2004 5:04 AM |
I'm glad those meditations were helpful, and thank you for your link, Roxanne. The whole site is very interesting! It would be great if we could have a large list of wonderful meditations to share, so hope to see some more here. Meanwhile I will do some more checking, too. Blessings, Lilly |
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Hi Lilly, You're welcome for the site info. Yes, the Pranic Healing site is a very interesting one. I bought and use a few meditation CD's from them. The one is "Meditation on Twin Hearts with psychological health and well-being" and the other is the same title, but says with self pranic healing. Both are really powerfully clearing when done regularly. There is another one that is meditation on The Lord's prayer which I have the book for, but not the guided CD, and this one is amazing!!! The book that I have teaches you to focus your awareness on different chakras while you are saying the Lord's prayer outloud. When you do this you can feel Kundalini rising on up. Sometime in the future, I will buy the CD because just doing it on my own a few times it was really incredible!!! I think it would be really nice too to have a full list of meditations listed on the site. I hope others will share too their experiences. God bless, Roxanne |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 9/20/2004 12:37 AM |
For those who like to view Flash Movies and do some meditation here at the computer at the same time there's wonderful website called www.interviewwithgod.com Here's what they have in the form of Flash Movies (these aren't links, so just go to the main page up above which will have links to the following:) |
 | | From: Lilly | Sent: 9/20/2004 2:39 AM |
LOL! Sorry, they are links! I couldn't get them to work when I was posting so assumed wrong They're very relaxing to listen to.
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