Hello Angels
Just letting you all know my Mom has graduated and passed on Monday evening. I held her one hand and dad held her other hand. She went very peacefully with the family all together at her side in the palliative room. Tomorrow is the viewing and Friday she will be buried.
May I please ask for prayers for my father. He is so lost ( 55 yrs of marriage). But what amazed me and I am so proud that he did this was he told Mom he and all of us will be okay and it was okay for her to go into the light. My cousin, aunt and myself helped her make her transition of passing over. My husband saw her leave her physical body. Also my two brothers who passed were also there is spirit along with so many others. There was purple lights all over the room that I could see and so did others.
It was a bittersweet day as I phoned my son who I havn't seen in seven years, his father took him and he is now 19. Shane was so sweet and told me how much he loved me and I told him how much I loved him.
He lives 400 miles one way from here but his father did bring him to see grandma for the last time. I was very grateful that Mom got to see her grandson before moving on. Miracles truly DO happen.
Sending Love , Hugs and Many Blessings to the beautiful souls here who have helped me so much or just been patient cause I havn't been online and just didn't feel like talking to anybody.
But this is a celebration of her beautiful life and how she was always there for us, not with money but plain unconditional love.
Which is all we have ever needed and wanted. I can honestly say Another Angel has earned her wings.
Heaven has Another Angel
The winds are at play
The birds are singing a lullaby
Love is on its way
Heaven has Another Angel
The Soul of Nature is Blessed
The Earth Sings a song of Hope
That we may Dance in Happiness
Heaven has Another Angel
Nourish yourself with Love
For Angels are with us always
In our hearts and up above
Heaven has Another Angel
Let your Spirit roam free
Encourage your Soul to Blossom
Embrace your Divinity
Heaven has Another Angel
Let the World not be at odds
For every Soul that reaches the celestial gates
Touches the face of God
Heaven has Another Angel
Let us all Celebrate
The Beauty that was her Life
Heaven has Another Angel
Be at Peace Sweet Angel
For You Are Loved