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 | (1 recommendation so far) | Message 8 of 13 in Discussion |
Dear Mary, When I first posted on the 20th, from your first dream report I was posting under the assumption that what you were seeing was a general type of informational or teaching display that Spirit Guides and Angels sometimes do to educate us as to what types of events occur in the Spirit Realm. From your subsequent reports of these night-time spirit experiences, there appears to be much more to it than just a mere demonstration, and altogether not a wholesome event. Anything reoccurring like this whether it is a symbolic dream or a real night-time Astral Trip experience there always is a point to it, a theme. With this negative bondage type of subject matter, one must question their motivation and reasoning behind now bringing you into this repeatedly. Clearly in this event there is the theme of enslavement presented and I'm sure you are now wondering why you are being forced to witness this? If you feel that you are able to move about and can actually have freedom of movement in this dream-experience, I would try to see if you yourself could go to her and free her or even check to see if you in Spirit have a robe or coat on and can take it off to give it to her, putting it on her. See if you could try various ways to change this into a positive outcome with your presence there. In other words, if you can physically move, try to help her there in Spirit. Standing by and doing nothing can be where it would be escalating further, since you have had now multiple instances of seeing this same woman in Spirit. I recommend letting them know in Spirit that you are finding this revolting and cruel and you will not stand for such treatment nor will you participate at all in this criminal act against this woman in Spirit. I do sense that she is not a deceased Spirit person herself, but of the Earth Plane and is being victimized at night. With now your being taken against your own will and exposed to witnessing this cruelty, I would think that there could be their attempt to draw you into this in a negative way. Praying before going to bed tonight is what I recommend, and to ask for the Arch Angels to thwart any further attempt of you being taken and exposed to this criminal behavior in the Spirit Realm. I also ask those members here to offer prayers for this woman who is clearly being victimized at night. If you or anyone is taken anywhere and not seeing anyone in particular try right away to sense the energy of the place you are at. Make a strong effort to notice the frequency of the vibrations you sense. Do you feel like the energy where you are at feels heavy, sluggish, and dark? Does it feel like you are in a place that makes you feel foreboding? Any plane that feels like that is vibrating at a much lower frequency rate than your own Spirit body. That should instantly tip you off next time and to try to not wait to leave, but to do all you can to will yourself back to your physical body and to quickly ask God for His help. Don't wait to see what they are all showing you if you can possibly help it. Don't stay there. If you or anyone has any questions on this subject, just post. Peace and Blessings, Lilly |