Kind of reminds me of those prescription drugs that are advertised on television and the side-effects of the medication are much worse than the original problem! Yikes, who would want to be psychic after reading this? I'm soooo glad I didn't read this report before I decided to develop my psychic abilities. LOL
I do have to say though that I recognize many of the symptoms she has listed here and have experienced them. This lady sure did a very thorough report, however, it could really discourage a lot of folks from wanting anything to do with psychic abilities if they even have half these symptoms. Not everyone has all of these of course, and my heart goes out to anyone who does, that's for sure, LOL!
Thank you, Tammy, for sharing this, and all kidding aside, there are those who have a few of these symptoms which would be where I would call "the norm". I think this author was listing all that she has ever heard of reported in one complete statement about the symptoms, so don't feel like any of you are going to have all these happening to you, as that would not be the norm.
Love & Light,