Hi Lilly,
What I want in terms of psychic abilities is to be able to communicate with animals. That is what is near and dear to my heart. Kinda like Sonja Fitzpatrick...the pet psychic. I would love to be able to tell pet owners what their pets are thinking and if anything is wrong with them. If they are lost, pick up on where they are etc.
I did not offer my gifts to others as I don't believe I even have any gifts. I certainly would never just pretend to tell someone I know something. Everyone keeps telling me I have gifts but I have never felt any, seen any or sensed any so there is no way in the world would think to share with others something I don't feel I have. For instance, when that dog was missing and I had that disturbing dream that he was hurt and laying in a ditch....that wasn't the case at all. Someone had picked him up and taken him to the pound. So that proved to me that I don't know anything and to keep my mouth shut cause in all likely hood it's not even close to being accurate.
I've tried to meditate for years. I cannot do it. My brain never seems to shut off long enough for me to pick up on anything and I usually fall asleep before anything remotely happens. I would/could definately spend hours trying to figure out my dreams or what the numbers I'm always dreaming mean but I don't bother cause I know I'll never really know what they mean...it would probably just be my imagination running wild.
TTFN - Mary