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 | | From: Shelter (Original Message) | Sent: 9/25/2005 5:32 AM |
Well, this one is definitely off topic! I have been having trouble with my female cat urinating out side of her box. Just now I caught her at it, her box was only a few steps away. I poured some white vinegar on the spot and sopped it all up. Once they start going outside the box, do they ever stop? Is there anything that will take the smell out of the carpet so she won't want to return to that spot? I only ever had one cat before that would do this and I never could break her of it. Any suggestions? I  my  ! Do you think she is doing this because she wants me to let her outside? The lady who gave her to me (she was a "queen" producing litter after litter of himalayan kittens for a few years before I got her) used to let her run around outside- she always lived in a heated garage or else outdoors. But I"m afraid she will get injured, sick or stolen if I let her out. The couple of times she escaped the house, she didn't come home for days and days and that's really very hard on me. She came home skinny and matted- I don't want to let her out  .   Shelter |
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 | | From: W2U | Sent: 9/25/2005 5:19 PM |
You came to a good place for cat advice-- have had cats all my life! The most common reason for urininating outside the box is illness, especially bladder or kidney infection. A check up from the vet would be in order, with urinalysis and complete blood count. If she's older than 6, it would be a good idea, (instead of a regular complete blood count), to instead get what's called a "senior blood panel" which automatically checks them for any signs of metabolic disorders that can happen as cats age. Still get the urinanysis. (Those common disorders include diabetes, hyperthyroidism and others.) Get a printed copy of all her test results and keep it with your other important papers. If she has no major disorders now, it will still serve as a point of reference later, so you and her vet can detect any future changes and treat problems early. Routine senior blood tests have possibly been life-saving for my own cat, who is now doing well at age 18. |
 | | From: Shelter | Sent: 9/27/2005 1:28 PM |
Thanks W2U, My daughter also recommended a vet check-up. I think I want to get her microchipped while we're at it too. Should have the money in the next couple of days  . Shelter...(and Princess-Eat-N-Poop-N-Sleep too!) |
 | 0 recommendations | Message 4 of 11 in Discussion |
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 | | From: Shelter | Sent: 9/28/2005 7:56 AM |
Lisa! That was great! Thanks so much for your research, me and the Princess do appreciate you and thank you :)
Shelter |
 | 0 recommendations | Message 6 of 11 in Discussion |
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 | | From: W2U | Sent: 9/30/2005 2:50 PM |
Great research by Lisa! Another thought on litter trays... ideally they should be 1 1/2 times the body length of the cat. My own beautiful elderly cat often misses the tray and pees over the edge instead because she has arthritis in her spine and some days she can't squat down to pee. She could use a prayer too, as she is just today home from radiation therapy to cure her hyperthyroidism. Pray for her to recover smoothly and quickly and to regain her strength and her lost weight and have only positive effects from the treatment. Thanks from us!   |
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Hi Shelter, xxspiritseeker37xx here...how are you? My opinion, is to try NOT to let them out, I think it is safest for kitty. I now live in the South Pacific islands. I had to leave behind my 5 cats and my dog with my ex. I cry alot...believe me. It killed me!! Still does. That advice from lisa was AMAZING!!! Nothing left really to add. I hope you find/have found a reason/solution. I had a cat that peed on anything that was on the floor. Dirty clothes. Still does. She is very scared of everything...I pray for my animals...and prayed for the kitty here that needed it above my post. Well, gotta go, take care. xxspiritseeker37xx |
 | | From: Shelter | Sent: 10/2/2005 9:19 PM |
My brother had a cat like that a long time ago too. Would pee on whatever was on the floor. That was a great incentive for them to keep the dirty laundry in the hamper or hang up their clothes if they weren't dirty instead of tossing on the bedroom floor - lol! That cat seemed to be just malicious sometiems though. I remember it was mad at them for some reason, can't remember what they told me the reason was, and the cat jumped up and pooped in the middle of their bed! I was actually suprized my brother kept the cat after that, he's just not the type to put up with that, but he did  . I remember her, she was all white and her name was Minew  . |
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two ideas came to mind........1. try switching to urinary tract health cat food....2. also you might try a new litter pan and even changing locations(not far away though) she could be trying to tell you she has a uti or she maybe getting to used to the area it is in and just lazy. a fresh pan would make sure that she wouldn't be smelling the potty instead of just trying to hit it. even a regurally washed pan can carry oder to a cat. also if you change the location slightly she would have to think before going. i had trouble with a fixed male and he would start missing the mark too. then we found out it was cause he had a uti.(frequent problem for fixed males) then he got sloppy about the poopy. we had the box in the back bedroom and i only cleaned it every other day.... so i moved it up to kitchen and kept better eye on it and he didn't make a mess with it then. also maybe put something under and around the pan on the floor like newspaper, so when she flings the litter you can pick it up better. she won't come back and think the litter on the floor is part of the litter box!  liz p.s. let me know how that goes and what if any worked for ya'. |
 | | From: Shelter | Sent: 10/5/2005 2:24 AM |
Thanks Liz, I still need to get her into the vet for a check-up. I bought some urine neutralizer stuff and it really seemed to take the smell out of the carpet where she was going outside the box and I have not caught her at it again....yet! I also am trying some of the new "small spaces" litter that's supposed to be easier to keep cleaner and scoop more often. I think I'm going to take the hood off her pan too, since she never did it before I bought her a new hooded pan. So far, so good. Allie |
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